Guestbook Entries

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Love you bunny...

BAbe - the site was hacked by some horrible people...

only just fixed it - sorry.


Love you loads and miss you more than its possible to express.

Hey Gorg Girl,
Just a quick note to say Hi....think about you every day..... Broken Heart

Abbie & I keep coming on here - even more than before - just to look at all your pics again and to talk about you.

Love you, Lisa (& Simon Luke Abbie) xxxx
Still missing you my bubba.


The service was nice today, and thankyou for the invite. I will never forget the times i spent with Marcie when we were younger, playing in the Barbie electric car, and in the summer on the water slide :). I will miss her a lot and she will never me forgotten. She was a great neighbour just the same as you all are. Love you all lots, Eleanor,  xxxx

13/10/2009lilian okview
13/10/2009LILIAN okview
13/10/2009Ali & Tim Williamsview
Justine, James, Millie & Zac. We were so sorry to hear this tragic news. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this dreadful time. Sleep tight Marcie.
12/10/2009Daisy Cassidyview

I remember Marcie when she was at hospital. I will miss her lots.

11/10/2009Janny Peppiattview
Just to say my thoughts are with you all. It is clear that Marcie was a remarkable, brave girl and I hope that wonderful memories of her will  sustain you. Love rom Janny Peppiatt
10/10/2009Nathalie Ripponview
To our darling Marcie Moo

So many memories of you and Poppy!


This one is great, it's my favourite, because it made us all laugh sooooo much.....


You came over to our house one Saturday and we decided to walk into town to do what girlies do best ... shopping!  Mummy and daddy had given you £15 to spend so I gave Pops £15.


You both chatted en route about which shops you would go to, New Look, Topshop etc.  On arrival we decided we would meet in an hours time infront of the Post Office.  I told you both to be sensible, not to be later than an hour, not to lose your mobile phones and not to buy anything silly with your £15!!!!!!! 


An hour passes and I went to the Post Office to meet you and next thing I hear squeals of laughter, hysterical uncontrollable laughter and a bizarre clink clinking sound.  I turned around and there you both were propping each other up wearing exactly the same pair of ghastly navy blue, cream rimmed 2.5 inch stilettoes that you had just bought from Priceless Shoes with your £15!!!


I could not stop laughing to see you two approach me up the high street desperately trying to walk in those awful shoes. 


We all 3 proceeded to walk home, me up front and you two lagging behind trying to keep up and be very cool as we walked through Kidwells Park and yes you had sore feet by the time you got home.


We miss you so much Marcie it hurts.  Rest in peace beautiful girl  xxxxxxxxxxx




I guess you just got tired of waiting for me to return your pink jumper! xxx
I'll miss you marcie RIP
I'll love you always
Paddy xx
09/10/2009angy kingview
Justine, James, Millie and Zac
How hard this must be for you after all those years of ups and downs. She will leave a huge gap in your lives but I am sure you will have many happy memories of the time you spent together as well as painful ones. I am pleased to have been part of her life at St Piran's. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

With much love, Angy
09/10/2009The Stacksview

I didn't know you very much but every time I saw you, you wore a lovely smile that spread across your face and you were always a very pretty girl. I also remember your sister in a queue behind me crying and arguing, sticking up for you to another girl. You will be missed and loved by many and you will always be in everyone who knew you's prayers. Millie xxx

When Josh and Millie joined St Piran's you sent out a newsletter to all of year five; we kept it on our board because it was funny, inspirational and a a tribute to what a brave little girl you were. No-one could be more loved or missed, you are all in our thoughts.
Mel and Greg Stack

i didn't get to know you as well as i would have liked as you weren't at school a lot of the time and i wasn't there before you fell ill the first time. but what i did know and see in you was that you were a happy person and how you saw the best in everything. i will always remember you as a brave and cheerful girl. i felt so sad when i found out that we have lost you and you and your family are in my thoughts.
joshua xxxxxx
09/10/2009Lucel-Melody Wingsview
Dearest Family,
   I'm soooo sorry to learn your Precious Marcie has earned-her-wings. Bless you.
   I'm a friend of Viks, and she's had oodles of folks lifting all of you assured that unseen, loving support will continue, as you grapple with how on earth you can deal with the grand-canyon size hole that burns where your heart once was.
   Heart-Hugs & Prayer-Songs,
Ms Lu

Dear James, Justine, Millie and Zac,

So very sad to hear the news.
Marcie was a brilliant, sharp, brave and funny girl; it was a pleasure to know her and we will miss her lots.

Our thoughts are with you all.

All our love,

Ax, Jen, Holly, Amber + Max

08/10/2009The Haddonsview

Dearest James and Justine - we are so very sorry to hear the very sad news. Our thoughts are with you and the family.
Love Steve, Geraldine, Sarah and Charlie

08/10/2009Neil Croucherview
Dearest James and Justine. What can we say - such a delightful girl when we met her here at Marlborough College. We will remember you all in our Chapel this weekend, but she lives on in our thoughts as a lovely gutsy girl full of life and fight.

Our love

Neil, Martin Anne and Terry
08/10/2009Eliza McCreeryview
Marcie was always incredibly kind and supportive to me. It really helped me to have someone who knew exactly what I was going through at the time. I was very grateful to her. I am really sad to hear the news.
Hello, I am very sorry to hear Marcie has passed away. All of you are in my thoughts,

With love,




"Its not how long a star shines, what is remembered is the brightness of the light"
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