Guestbook Entries

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No. Date Name
Love you bunny...

BAbe - the site was hacked by some horrible people...

only just fixed it - sorry.


Love you loads and miss you more than its possible to express.

Hey Gorg Girl,
Just a quick note to say Hi....think about you every day..... Broken Heart

Abbie & I keep coming on here - even more than before - just to look at all your pics again and to talk about you.

Love you, Lisa (& Simon Luke Abbie) xxxx
Still missing you my bubba.


The service was nice today, and thankyou for the invite. I will never forget the times i spent with Marcie when we were younger, playing in the Barbie electric car, and in the summer on the water slide :). I will miss her a lot and she will never me forgotten. She was a great neighbour just the same as you all are. Love you all lots, Eleanor,  xxxx

13/10/2009lilian okview
13/10/2009LILIAN okview
13/10/2009Ali & Tim Williamsview
Justine, James, Millie & Zac. We were so sorry to hear this tragic news. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this dreadful time. Sleep tight Marcie.
12/10/2009Daisy Cassidyview

I remember Marcie when she was at hospital. I will miss her lots.

11/10/2009Janny Peppiattview
Just to say my thoughts are with you all. It is clear that Marcie was a remarkable, brave girl and I hope that wonderful memories of her will  sustain you. Love rom Janny Peppiatt
10/10/2009Nathalie Ripponview
To our darling Marcie Moo

So many memories of you and Poppy!


This one is great, it's my favourite, because it made us all laugh sooooo much.....


You came over to our house one Saturday and we decided to walk into town to do what girlies do best ... shopping!  Mummy and daddy had given you £15 to spend so I gave Pops £15.


You both chatted en route about which shops you would go to, New Look, Topshop etc.  On arrival we decided we would meet in an hours time infront of the Post Office.  I told you both to be sensible, not to be later than an hour, not to lose your mobile phones and not to buy anything silly with your £15!!!!!!! 


An hour passes and I went to the Post Office to meet you and next thing I hear squeals of laughter, hysterical uncontrollable laughter and a bizarre clink clinking sound.  I turned around and there you both were propping each other up wearing exactly the same pair of ghastly navy blue, cream rimmed 2.5 inch stilettoes that you had just bought from Priceless Shoes with your £15!!!


I could not stop laughing to see you two approach me up the high street desperately trying to walk in those awful shoes. 


We all 3 proceeded to walk home, me up front and you two lagging behind trying to keep up and be very cool as we walked through Kidwells Park and yes you had sore feet by the time you got home.


We miss you so much Marcie it hurts.  Rest in peace beautiful girl  xxxxxxxxxxx




I guess you just got tired of waiting for me to return your pink jumper! xxx
I'll miss you marcie RIP
I'll love you always
Paddy xx
09/10/2009angy kingview
Justine, James, Millie and Zac
How hard this must be for you after all those years of ups and downs. She will leave a huge gap in your lives but I am sure you will have many happy memories of the time you spent together as well as painful ones. I am pleased to have been part of her life at St Piran's. You are all in my thoughts and prayers.

With much love, Angy
09/10/2009The Stacksview

I didn't know you very much but every time I saw you, you wore a lovely smile that spread across your face and you were always a very pretty girl. I also remember your sister in a queue behind me crying and arguing, sticking up for you to another girl. You will be missed and loved by many and you will always be in everyone who knew you's prayers. Millie xxx

When Josh and Millie joined St Piran's you sent out a newsletter to all of year five; we kept it on our board because it was funny, inspirational and a a tribute to what a brave little girl you were. No-one could be more loved or missed, you are all in our thoughts.
Mel and Greg Stack

i didn't get to know you as well as i would have liked as you weren't at school a lot of the time and i wasn't there before you fell ill the first time. but what i did know and see in you was that you were a happy person and how you saw the best in everything. i will always remember you as a brave and cheerful girl. i felt so sad when i found out that we have lost you and you and your family are in my thoughts.
joshua xxxxxx
09/10/2009Lucel-Melody Wingsview
Dearest Family,
   I'm soooo sorry to learn your Precious Marcie has earned-her-wings. Bless you.
   I'm a friend of Viks, and she's had oodles of folks lifting all of you assured that unseen, loving support will continue, as you grapple with how on earth you can deal with the grand-canyon size hole that burns where your heart once was.
   Heart-Hugs & Prayer-Songs,
Ms Lu

Dear James, Justine, Millie and Zac,

So very sad to hear the news.
Marcie was a brilliant, sharp, brave and funny girl; it was a pleasure to know her and we will miss her lots.

Our thoughts are with you all.

All our love,

Ax, Jen, Holly, Amber + Max

08/10/2009The Haddonsview

Dearest James and Justine - we are so very sorry to hear the very sad news. Our thoughts are with you and the family.
Love Steve, Geraldine, Sarah and Charlie

08/10/2009Neil Croucherview
Dearest James and Justine. What can we say - such a delightful girl when we met her here at Marlborough College. We will remember you all in our Chapel this weekend, but she lives on in our thoughts as a lovely gutsy girl full of life and fight.

Our love

Neil, Martin Anne and Terry
08/10/2009Eliza McCreeryview
Marcie was always incredibly kind and supportive to me. It really helped me to have someone who knew exactly what I was going through at the time. I was very grateful to her. I am really sad to hear the news.
Hello, I am very sorry to hear Marcie has passed away. All of you are in my thoughts,

With love,




"Its not how long a star shines, what is remembered is the brightness of the light"
08/10/2009Fran Donaghyview
James, so sorry to hear the news.  Your family are in my thoughts and prayers.

08/10/2009Duncan Humeview
Justin, James, Mille and Zac

Lori and the girls are with me in Washington DC this week. I've not told them about dear Marcie yet. I will wait until we get home on Saturday. My heart goes out to you all. You should be SO proud of Marcie. What a remarkable child. I know you will greatly mourn her passing as we all do but celebrate her life too. She touched so many people with her courage and strength and her sense of fun.

I know the girls will be SO sad to hear the news. Megan loved Marcie and I know will treasure their memories together in her heart forever.

I send you my love and prayers......words don't seem enough at this point.

08/10/2009pauline tyldesleyview
Have logged on many times ...but felt I was due to circumstances didn't get to know the Amazing Marcie...or the Loader family too well. Heard a lot about  Marcie and you guys from Hannah.
From what I know she was an inspiration but you all inspired each other and you should be proud of each other. Nobody will know how hard it has been for you all. You  do have memories both good and bad..... that will be with you forever. Rest assured  Marcie will always be with you... you just need to look for the signs.... You are in my thoughts and prayers.  Pauline T.
08/10/2009Emma Donaldview
So really sorry to read the news in the Advertiser today; our thoughts are with you all.  love from the Donalds
08/10/2009Auntie Leahview
After living in Hong Kong for 5 years we had to decide when to return home.
On the list of pros was ' To spend time with my two nieces and get to know them'.
We came home soon after and I can honestly say it was, and will always be, the single best decision I have ever made.
I was honoured to be a part of Marcie's life and will miss her terribly. Nobody but you could possibly be as enthusiastic about art and food in equal measures (how can anyone make a good salad without you Marce?)
I will only remember the good thing. The hours spent in the sea with Maddi until your lips turned blue and we dished you both out, the visits to Alice in Wonderland (how many times you went on that awful pirate ship ride!). The sheer joy of a day on Karen and Pete's boat.
Everyday we had with you was a gift and every memory we have is precious.
Much love, Leah XX

07/10/2009Abby Roelsview


so sad to here the news. just wish i had spent more time with you miss you lots.


i will never forget how kind hearted you were and how brave you were right till the end.


love you always


abbie xxx
07/10/2009Catherne Prentisview
Dear James, Justine, Millie and Zac, 
You are all in our thoughts at this very sad time.  I will always remember Marcie as a fun, confirdent and cheeky school girl at St P's.  She will be missed always. Catherine xxx

07/10/2009Pam and Georgina Carrollview

hey, so sad to here the news. it is such a shock and after all her family had to go through :(

although i didnt no marcie at all that well, the bit i did no of her was that she was friendly, bubbly and a true pleasure to meet.

R.I.P marcie

i will be thinking about youx

lots of love x.

07/10/2009The Levell Familyview
So sad for you all.  Marcie left a lasting impression on us all as a family, particularly to Becky. We have followed your site seeking news on Marcies illness, you have been the most amazing family with all that you have had to go through.  We are thinking of you all at this horrible, sad time.  With Love, The Levell Family xxxx
I rememeber Marcie from St Pirans... I didn't know her but my heart goes out to the family. She was so, so brave. Lots and lots of love.. xxxxxxxx


Marcie was a fabulous, fabulous young lady. Over the years knowing her grandmother Eileen (through my parents) I know how terribly proud Eileen was of Marcie, and James and Justine's strength over the years.  Marcie fought so hard, and couldn't have done it without the love and strength of her family.  Last time I saw Marcie was at little Zac's christening, and what a lovely occasion that was, Marcie was an absolute bubbly teenager.  We will miss you Marcie, you were a very brave young lady, and an inspiration to us all.  Lots of Love Lins x

06/10/2009poppyy Pooview

Marciee Moo !

baby. im going ot miss you so much. you were the best thing that ever happened to me. you were liek the sister i never had. im going to miss you so much its unreal. :(

i knoww your in a better place now and i knowww you will happier up there.


i still remember meetin you... for the firt time. its the first memoryy of us too :L we were taking the register back form transition on your first day... and i have loved you ever since... :)  we were soo cheeky together. i still have scruffy :) that little teddy yo gave me :) and everyitime i look at timmy. i see you starig back at me... as i remmeber first seeing him at your house!


you mean the world to me. and when u fell ill... i was always there for you... right up till the evry end babe.

i love you so muchh and i am going to miss youu so much. your always in my heart. and i hope you never forgett that i love you and always have !

love you so muchh.

Rest in peace babe.

Love you

best friends forever and ever !  and one day more :)

Lots of love

Poppyy Poo ! xxx
06/10/2009Sally Cassidyview

Sam and I are very sad to hear the news...I am at a loss for words,...I will always remember Marcie as the happy smiling girl I had the privilege to meet and will live on in our hearts...

Do not stand by my grave and weep.
I am not there, I do not sleep.
I am a thousand winds that blow,
I am the diamond glints upon the snow.
I am the sunlight on ripened grain and
I am the gentle autumn rain.
When you awaken in the morning’s hush,
I am that swift uplifting rush,
Of quiet birds in circled flight.
I am the soft star that shines at night.
Do not stand by my grave and cry,
I am not there, I did not die.


06/10/2009Becky Levellview
RIP marcie, she was such a lively, bubbly and funny girl, she made everyone around her happy and i know that she had an enormous impact on my life aswell as many others. i had quite a few conversations with her on msn including a rather odd one when we watched the jeremy kyle show together. i cannot even begin to imagine how her family must feel, i am absolutely devastated. my heart goes out to all of you.
love you Marcie

06/10/2009The Overallsview
So sorry to hear the sad news. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Love Julie, Robert, James and Zoe Overall.
06/10/2009The Calder clanview
Such Sad news ...We were very very lucky to have met such a wonderful and brave girl. Our thoughts are with you all. Love James, Michelle, Emily and Lilly x x x x
06/10/2009The Binsleysview
very sorry to hear the sad news. we are all thinking of you, and send our love to all the family. lots of love, Adam, Jake, Linda and Chris.       
06/10/2009Hannah Tyldesleyview
Not like you haven't heard enough from me, so why i thought why not leave a note on here.

Not just the bravest little fighter i know, but also the bravest family.

Cannot even imagine what you are going through.

Keep being strong guys.



06/10/2009Annabel Carrollview

An inspirational, very special girl, I feel so lucky to have known her. Will be so missed. Thinking of you all so much. Lots of love xxxx

06/10/2009Sally Cassidyview
Thinking of you all lots, cannot imagine what you are all going through. She was a very special little girl and will be greatly missed by all. Big hugs x

Our love to you all at this time -We feel so very very sad - No words can express how we feel - Marcie was such a brave girl and she will always be remembered by us

Caroline,Richard & Gabbi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
06/10/2009The Patchingsview
Such very sad news, you are all in our thoughts and prayers. She certainly was a special little girl and will never be forgotten.
Love from all the Patchings X
06/10/2009nicky snoweview
Dear James, Justine, Millie and Zac,
We are all so sad about Marcie. She was so brave and we will miss her. All our thoughts are with you all and your whole family. All our love, Bernard, Nicky, Molly, Brooke and Izzie
We are all so heartbroken, our love and thoughts are with you all James, Justine, Millie & Zach..... Marcie was such a special girl and we are all blessed to have known her. She was so brave and beautiful. Be proud. Love you, Lisa Simon Luke & Abbie xxxx
06/10/2009The Wilkinsonsview
Sweet dreams Marcie.  We love you.
06/10/2009Becky Levellview
RIP marcie, i shall miss her tons. i had quite a few conversations with her over msn including a very funny situation watching the jeremy kyle show, she brought happiness into the lives of everyone she met and i know that she had a huge impact on mine. my heart goes out to all her friends and especially her family. i'm so sorry for your loss but i know she will remain in all of our minds forever.
love you Marcie

06/10/2009Brittany Williamsview
RIP Marice. My heart goes out to everyone who knew you and loved you, especially your family.
You will be truely missed forever.
Lots of love,

Britt (Blondie) xxxx
25/09/2009Andrea Ivoryview
Hi Marcie,


I hear you are feeling very poorly at the moment. Im sure the Drs will help you feel better very soon so you can be out and about again! :-)


Sophia, James & I are looking after a very small dog for the next three weeks that has to wear

nappies and sleep with us Oh and he only understans Russian !!!! Its like having a baby all over again.


Remember if you need anything I can always pop out and get it just e-mail or call me or Sophia.


Thinking of you lots


Andrea x  Sophia x & James x
23/09/2009Tom Harrisview
Hi Marcie,
I gather you are not feeling well today so I just wanted to say hi and to tell you that the Harrises are thinking of you and wish you all the best.  With love and a big hug from all of us.
Tom, Elaine, Oliver, Charlie and Lucy. xxx
20/09/2009Emma-Louise Hydeview
Hello Marcie,

If you ask your Dad or your Aunt Emma, they can tell you who I am. They were friends of mine when we were young and your Dad was like a brother to me.

My Mother died last year at the end of April but she was keeping me abreast of what was happening with you via her best friend - your nan Eileen!  I really loved it when those two got together 'cos despite their ages, they were like a couple of school girls!! It was lovely to watch them and it never failed to make me smile. Good times.


I send you all my love, a big hug and I have everything crossed for you (as I have for a few years now so yes, I do walk in a funny way. Have you ever tried to walk with your legs crossed - it does look a bit stupid!!)


Take care and lots, and lots, and lots of love



19/09/2009Megan, Maggie, Lori and Duncanview
We all send you a big transatlantic HUG Marcie...Megan is having a birthday sleepover tonight. Mum and Dad are looking forward to having 10 girls stay the night....LOL

Yo! Hey marcie looking forward to seeing you tomorrow I just saw the picture of me at the park with you and zac my face is all like blaeehflug if that's word to discribe my face! Anyhoo... I just played the fat dad game and I think it was my highest score yet...can't remember it exactly...definately got over 1 point though!

Love Ya!!!

Henny xxx

Hi Gorg Girl! Just a quick note to say 'Hello'!! Thinking of you huni, send me a message when you're feeling up to having a chat..... Love you loads, Lisa (and Simon Luke & Abbie) xxxx
your brother is ssssooooo cute! see u at school tomorow

28/06/2009Anna Daviesview
hey marcie,
havent spoken to you in ages, hope your feeling slightly better!!!
hope you enjoyed the really warm days that we've had!!! they are
so hot espically when you still have to wear a thick blazer.....
hope i can see you soon and catch up soon!!!
lots of love

25/06/20096h guess whoview
not telling u
21/06/2009Poppyy Pooview
Heloooo , havent been on here for YONKS.
so i thought i might just leave a little messagee :P

Hope your feeling okayy and would love to see you soon (:

as i didnt see you on sports day :( lol

Love youu marciee moo

lots of loveee

poppy poo

Hi Marci,

Just to say Hi and I hope you will feel better soon.  James also says hi. He is revising in school today which he doesn't like .... apparently it is boring!.  He wants to come home at lunch time as the Lions are playing in South Arfica.  Tell your Dad we have the matches recorded if he misses any!

Big Chris the superhero is home soon and he doesn't have Sky at his house in Loughborough so we have to save everything for him.

Take Care and get well soon.

Karen xx
16/06/2009Molly, Brooke and Isabel Snoweview

Hiya Marci, we're soo sorry to hear that it's back. we just want to wish you well, and say that we hope very much that you become better soon.

all our love and best wishes

Molly, Brooke, Isabel, Nicky and Bernard

Bonjour Marcie
I hope you are feeling better - I am sure you will be fit again soon to come and spend some time in Paris. The weather is miserable at the moment but we have had some beautiful hot days.
Take care
Plenty of bisous

Hello, sorry to hear its back. As always if there is anything we can do, cheerful cards, letters and gifts and things like quilts then please just shout. We have helped 13 families who have a child/teen with leukemia, and over 100 families in all.

Best Wishes,



07/06/2009Karen Pview
Hi Marcie,

Sorry to hear you are not well again....I hope this is just a temporary set back and you will soon be feeling better


The Parrott house is in the midst of GCSE fever..... James so far has lost his phone (on Twyford station), put his new replacement phone (Everything of James' is insured!!) in someone elses blazer..... (luckily he got it back), turned up to his MAths GCSE without his calculator..... We are over half way through and we all can't wait for it to end.


His friend forgot to turn up for an we are not the worst. 

We went to a birthday party last night and James went round to his friend Alex as his mum was also invited to the party..... The boys decided to carry the electric keyboard upstairs to where Alex has his drum set and guitars.... for an evening of band practise.


Jackie, Alexs mum stumbled in around 2.00am and in the morning noticed the boys had left the patio doors open and the 'piano' was gone..... She phoned the police to say it had been stolen....then she went back upstairs and noticed the piano stool in the music room..... along with the piano..... another hurried phone call to the police....

The boys and the police thought it was funny anyway....

Never a dull moment!

Take Care

Hello, I hadnt read here for a while but am very pleased to see the word "remission" :)
Love Vikki

22/04/2009Megan xxxview
Hia Marcie!
I didn't know you were going to Paris! I hope you had fun!
I was just visiting your site and saw that you are in remission. Thumbs Up I'm so relieved and i'm sure you are too! Approve I'm missing you so much and think about you every day. we will be visiting England this June or July and we HAVE TO get together some time!
Miss you loads,
Lots of love,

Heya Hun x

1. How Old Are Yhuu?

2. Is It True That Oli InsalJones Is Yhuur Cousin?

And 3. Holla` Back Hun...

Ohhhh nd 4. What Is Yhuur Real Name?

Now About Me..

Im 12 Years Old I Go To The Misbourne School x

I live In Woobourne Green x

And I Kno Oli And He Is An Idiot!!

And For Yhuur Info Purple Is A peng Colour x

Get Used To It Alie x

Yeah Blad!!

06/04/2009Caroline Cruseview
So pleased to hear that Marcie is well - fab news for you all!  Have a lovely time in Paris and ENJOY yourselves!!

Caroline, Simon, Izzy & Lydia

Hi Marci
Hope you are doing okay.

Not too much happening in the Parrott household.  I am looking for a job and so will Ed be at the end of March. We are trying to avoid spending money (I'm not very good at that!!) Also Iwas 50 this month Arghhhh!! The boys kindly bought me tickets to the Millennium stadium for England versus Wales!!  I may take them to the ballet for theirs! We had a good day though. Ed comes from a village near Cardiff called Dinas Powys so we had lunch there with his old schoolfriends and then went into Cardiff for the game. James was wearing his England shirt but wimped out and left it in the boot of the car in the pub car park.  He bravely wore it after the match though. Dinas Powys is like Dibley (as in the vicar of Dibley) and the boys couldn't quite believe there is this idyllic village next to Cardiff ...Wales best kept secret.

James managed to forget to finish his ICT coursework so was up until 3.00am on Tuesday night ready to hand in on Wednesday...He hates ICT  He has been wandering around like a zombie since then. He has an important rugby match on Sunday so needs to get rested for that.

That's our news to date... Oh except Ed fell down some steps at St. Ps and hurt his knee; a bit bell off the car and it had to be towed away..... we are waiting for the 3rd thing.......

Hope Zac and Millie are okay. Give your mad Dad and lovely mum our love.

See you all soon.


Heya marcie, i am glad to here that you had fun in boscastle, have been throwing any snow balls recently? i have, i love the snow, it is a bit cold when you leave your gloves in your room though!! and your scarf, and your hat!!! as you can see my organisation skills have not getting any better!! :-) we were going to go to devon but the icy roads stopped us, that was a bit annoying!! Hows your mum and dad, and what about Zack, last time i saw him he had grown soo much i could hardly believe it was him!!
lots of love, hope i can see you soon,
Anna xxx

Hello!! How you doing?!

Hope that line is behaving for you....!!


We love Boscastle, it has very special memories for us....

Every time we go to stay with Poppy we always make a trip down the road to Boscastle!

Can't beat The Cobweb pub!! Next time you're going let us know and we'll stay with Pops at the same time and meet up.....


Nothing much to report here - I'm sad the snow has gone and Luke & Abbie are even sadder cos they have to go to school now! ha ha!! 


We've got Sheilas kitten Maisie here while she's away on her cruise - don't think Elvis and Jazzy are very impressed tho!


Anyway, take care honey.

See you soon.

Loads of love & kisses

Hi you! it was very lovely to see you and your mum in Windsor a week or two ago. sorry to surprise you by popping out of nowhere, got to keep you on your toes though. sounds like you might have had a relaxing week or two without your lines and all that goes with them. we have not been up to much, david is teaching/singing & the girls have all had colds & coughs so we have been wrapped up warm at home. they have chosen the middle of winter to replace the central heating in our houses & whilst they haven't actually started ours yet, the hot water keeps disappearing and the radiators go off, extra jumpers & blankets are needed. we are off to my mum's when they do start  as it will be noisy and very dusty especially in ther kitchen & I can't manage with no kitchen. We can't live on sandwiches & apples for long.  - do you remember there was a girl in 4M who always stole my apples? I've had my apples to myself since then but my daughters have started stealing the food off my plate now. Did you tell them to? I had a few thoughts for your mum about amelia, wondered if you were in Windsor sometime if you & she might like to meet at the playground...07909616046 is still my number.
more soon, love Emily M
Lucky you I love Boscastle one of my fav places in the world. Off on my cruise tomorrow so behave yourself til I get back. Hope your line also behaves and doesn't cause any more infections oodles love sheila xxxx
just a note to say be good for the next two weeks as I'm going on holiday this sunday. I'm going on a cruise to the caribbean flying out of Bournemouth to the Dominican Republic where my friend jean and I pick up the ship!! Can't wait. Hope you have all enjoyed the snow and built a snowman. Hope to see you when I get back hugs and xxx to you all  

Hiya!! Wink

Great to hear that everything went well & you're home.... Thumbs Up


Luke & Abbie have had two days off school cos of the snow - it was great fun!!! Clown 

We had a couple of their friends round too as their mums & dads had to work -

the more the merrier!! (Pics are on FB)

They were both sad when we heard that school was open again today -

but the weatherman said there's more on the way....yippee!!


Uncle Simon & I sat in the hot tub on Monday night in the snow!

First time in the snow - it was fantastic! Cool


Stay well Gorgeous Girl,

Give our love to everyone.

Hope to see you real soon....


24/01/2009megan view
Hia Marcie!
How are you? You must be glad to be home.

Sorry your not feeling too good. Unhappy We were just looking through your pictures and saw some of you and Beckham. I didn't know you met him! Shocked That's sooooo cool! We were also looking at how much Zac has grown up! Is he walking yet?

Talk to you  soon,

Megan xxx

Big smile Hi Gorg Girl! So happy to hear you're home and feeling brighter! Big smile

Luke & Abbie are both home with horrible colds - they send you lots of hugs & kisses! Heart

Abbie had 2 parties last weekend -

one was in a Limo around Bournemouth (I went too!)

and the other was a Princess Party! Cool


Star Luke was happy to stay home and beat his Dad on Wii Mario Karts! Evil Smile


Keep in touch and stay well!


Loads of love n stuff


Hurrah glad you are home and feeling more perky!!!!!!!! Keep well over next two weeks til the line goes back in sweetie. Darren and Sam have named the day for their wedding which is April 16th 2010 so a year to go gives me time to loose weight and get fit ha ha xxx to you all
20/01/2009Karen Pview
Hi Marci,

Glad you are home and feeling better - good!!


We all went to twickenham on Saturday to watch Wasps beat Leinster. Chris (super-hero) came down from Loughborough University and Jamesy took a friend. 

James has just finished his mock GCSC examinations and despite a revising technique of laying on the sofa playing NFL or watching 'Scrubs', he has done okay.


We are off to see Phantom of the Opera tonight with all the neighbours. Our Neighbours ( Chris and Carol's),  son Simon Bailey is playing the part of Raoul who steals the leading lady Christine from the phantom.....

We have seen Phantom before but not with Simon in it. Should be very exciting.


Keep up this good progress - at this rate you will be raring to party by the time the summer comes.


Lots of love,

Karen and the Parrott's xx
18/01/2009Ilka Salisburyview

Hi Marcie,

I just tried to see your facebook site but it is down right now.  Anyway, just wanted to touch base to say I am thinking of you darling.  We are back in Oz again and it is lovely to be home.  Issy has been in a pool for a whole day already.  We stayed with my parents for the first 2 nights and have been at a friends since lunchtime yesterday.  It is only 6am and she is back in the pool right now with Ed (before he gets ready to go to work!) - the mermaid and the beach whale!!  Issy and I will go to our house today to settle back in and I can't wait.  The plane journey was foul -as only it could be.  We hardly slept, but I think for me it was because I was also so excited.  Issy whinged as she does, but wasn't as bad as she could be.....and we all know how BAD she can be hey???  He iPOD was a hit.  But her parents are such numb-skulls that we had to ask a young girl on the plane how to turn it off - how funny is that??!!

I don't know who is there today with you - Mum or Dad?? I emailed dad just ten mins ago so let him know if he is there with you.  What about Mum ringing us in the middle of the night the other night??  I have done that before, - poor thing.  It was great to hear her voice though, and she continues to be so thoughtful with all of us.  Love you all so much. 

I hope you are ok today darling.  You are in my thoughts sweet girl.  Oh, I just looked up and saw that you are home...., and not feeling  great.  Oh Marcie, I am sorry. In any case, know I am giving you a big kiss over the miles and can you now pass it through to Zach and Millie too.  I won't have a computer for a few days now I don't think, so you may not hear back from me too quickly. 

Lots of love to you,

Ilka xoxoxoxo
18/01/2009ilka salisburyview

Tell dad I have emailed him but got another failure notice....don't know why it does that to me all the time???? I will try to forward it another time to him.

16/01/2009Karen Parrottview
Hi Marci,

Just heard you were back in hospital but it sounds like they know what is up and you will soon be feeling better so keep that great positive attitude that you have going...:)


The Wasps boys are all waiting to meet you again ....


James is playing for Henley tomorrow against Oxford Harlequins..... He has new boots and is raring to try them out.... He has been doing mock GCSCs these last 2 weeks which you apparently prepare for by watching lots of TV and playing NFL on the PS3!!


We shall see how he has got on.


Love from us all to you.


Karen x
16/01/2009anna daviesview
hey marcie!!

I hope you are feeling better, i heard that you had to go to hospital for a few days!!! did you enjoy your christmas? happy 2009 by the way, made any new years resolution? i made one, to walk Holly more often. Do you remember Lucy collins? i go to school with her now and share a room with her. she is here now and is saying hi to you!!


Lots of love,

Anna xxx 

Hi Marcie! How you doing hun?

Heard you're back in hosi for a quick visit - bummer!!

Hope you'll sort it out real soon and get back home....

I went on a school trip today with Abbies class to another local school that is having an archaeological dig on its grounds at the mo - Julian Richards from BBC 'Meet The Ancestors' is leading the dig. It was great fun and the kids got to do a bit of digging and then to help make a reconstruction of one of the houses that they would've lived in 3 or 4,000 years ago - even older than your Dad!!!

Anyway, let me know when you're home and we'll sort out a visit....

Lots of love hunny! Kisses to you all......


how you doing? Maisie (the kitten) is really being a monkey this last couple of weeks She's bitten thru the wire of my stick lights, has found out she can jump up onto the window sill in the lounge nearly knocking over the vase of flowers and chasing my feet when I come down stairs nearly making me fall over!!!! Its only another three weeks until I go to the Caribbean on a cruise for two weeks lovely hot sunshine can't wait. Take care little one love to you all xxxx
Happy New Year to you all.Lucky you with new pc I could do with one that works itself as I get so confused with my computer especially when it tells me there was an error and it wants to shut down when I'm halfway thru something. If you go on facebook to my wall you'll see some pics of Oscar and Maisie together how sweet!! Love to all will try to come up soon for a visit xxx
Hi Marcie


I am so glad you are out of hospital for Christmas. I hope you and all your family have a lovely


Christmas and a Happy New Year


Lots Of Love


The Redmonds

Hello Gorgeous Girl!!

How you feeling now then hun? You just wanted to spread some Christmas cheer in the JR didn't you?!

We're almost ready for Xmas now - I always leave it til the last min (drives Uncle Simon mad! But hey just living with me has driven him mad!!)


Can't wait to see you all over Christmas, get Mum or Dad to give us a call or text.


Big loves to you all.


Lisa Simon Luke Abbie

22/12/2008Caroline Cruseview
Hi Marcie,  Sorry to hear you're in JR again.  I'm sure you'll be out for Xmas Eve!  I hope you and your family have a wonderful christmas and a spectacular New Year.

All our love Caroline, Simon, Isabel & Lydia xxxxx

Hello sweetie
sorry to read you're back in JR if mum and dad need more troops to smuggle you out for xmas just give me  a shout and I'll round up the gang and we'll come and storm the walls and carry you off!!! My new kitten Maisie is now full of mischief and tears round the place like a lunatic knocking things off the table and window sills!!!! Fingers crossed the iv antibiotics are kicking in and you feel better than poo!!

love and xxx to you and the rest of the tribe Sheila xx

19/12/2008jude maundview

Happy Christmas to you all,

love from ,

Jude ,Johnny ,Jason and Jamie.

x x x

17/12/2008Michele Western-Kayeview
Dear Marcie,

Hiya! Saw your dad at the Carol Service and he said you were doing well. Good girl! Am at home at the moment with the flu bug and so I am able to catch up with friends via the network! Wills is home too and I am chasing him to do some work without much joy! Mr Scriven is in at work trying to catch up with all the paperwork he is so hopeless at doing! How is your little bundle of joy ' Zac'? Is he behaving himself? I bet you can't wait to see his face at Christmas when he sees all his pressies! I would love to come and visit you at home when I have got rid of the  bug. We are away for a few days at Christmas but when we get back let's meet up. Please keep in touch.


LoLove Mrs Western, Mr Scriven, Wills, Jimmi, Jo-Jo, Claudia and Chloe x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
HI Marci,
I hope you are feeling better.


We are very busy here.... Chris, the super-Hero, is back.  We drove to Loughborough on Friday evening and arrived back with him at 11.30pm. James had thoughtfully left the key in the door so we could get in easily!!

He has been in big trouble as he 'borrows' all Chris' clothes while he's away and is not clever enough to hide his traces.... e.g. He leaves the lights on in Chris' room, the wardrobe doors open, and a trail of clothes to his bedroom!... Hey Ho.


We went to the St. Ps Carols last week. Your dad was sort of behaving.... We heard Millie sing solo and she did very well. Always hard to get up in front of everyone but your little sis did well.

Chris is practising songs for the party so I hope you can make it if only for a while.


James breaks up from school tomorrow and we are going to the Wasps Christmas party which is fun.  I will take plenty of pictures for you.


Love Karen xx.... and James and Chris and Ed!!
Hiya Marci!
How awful to be throwing up all the time!  I reckon its your Dads poor cooking ability that is making you ill.
It was great to catch up with you guys the other weekend, I hope Abbie wasn't too much trouble for you guys staying over. She loved it sooooo much!
Cant believe it is only a couple of weeks to Christmas, so much to do, so little time, and so much money!!!
I hope you start to feel better soon!
Love and wishes Simon
PS Love n stuff from Lisa, Luke and Abbie too.
Hi Marci
Sorry to read you've been on hosp again.Hopefully you've stopped throwing up by avoiding dairy foods. I had to do that when I was about 9yrs old as I too was sort of allergic to milk and dairy products but I grew out of it in a couple of years!!! Lol xxx
06/12/2008Karen Pview
Hi Marci,
Sorry to hear you are back in hospital again but if they manage to ort you out it will be worth it.

We have had a fairly uneventful week in the Parrott house, James has made the bus each morning but Ed drove back once (he had forgotten his wallet!).

James is chuffed as he has had a free phone upgrade. He is allowed his phone in school to set reminders as he forgets to go to his Music lessons and everything really. The teachers got so frustrated with him he was allowed to use his hone.  He is off plying Rugby at the moment with the 1St 15- I don't know how they got on yet as Ed lways forgets to phone me!!  Hey ho.


I am off to Windsor with my friend Janny who is mad.  She is teaching Millie at the moment so Millie can verify she is mad... she is also very nice and funny so I imagine her lessons are fun. 

I will be sending your mum and dad an invite to Karen & Jackies credit crunch Christmas party.  Clive is the barman (becaue Ed forgets to serve drinks) Chris (the super hero) and his friend Jeremy provide musical entertainment. There is a chocolate fountain and nibbles and champagne and it was fun last year. Everyone brings their kids so even ZAC is allowed to come. The kids end up having some sort of disco and the little ones watch DVDs and eat chocolate!

I hope you will all be able to make it, even if it's only for a little while.

Let's hope your next message brings good news.

We will be thinking of you.... and tell that dad of yours to behave!!

Lots of love, Karen & the Parrotts
Hi Marcie
lovely to see you all at Dereks last w/e. Your little brother is a poppet just like you were when I first met you!!! I've had a horrible cold since the weekend so feel pretty fed up with runny nose and eyes.Love to you all xxxx
02/12/2008James Parrottview
Hey marcie

I would just like to say that my gumshield hasn't been lost for a month now, and there are only 2 spare, not 3.


Are headmaster gave us the day off on friday because... well i think its just tradition, anyway i had a very long weekend, full of going and seeing mates, playing rugby which i have a nice mark around the eye to prove it! It was a tough game esspecially player boys older than me!


Hope your feeling better anyway!


01/12/2008Karen Pview
Hi Marcie,

Hope you are feeling a bit better.


We had a nice weekend but fairly uneenful on the James P front. Ed and I went to Bruges to visit the Christmas markets and stayed with a friend who owns backpacker hostels all over europe.  James P stating with his friend Paul Sayers who live near Pinkneys green. They both play rugby for Bluecoat and Henley RFC so easier for us parents to ship them aound.


We had an eventful journey - the eurotunnel was broke so a 6 hour delay or we culd pop down o Dover and get on a boat.  So off we went.  The others in our group waited for trains and we were the first to arrive so we made the right choice. Bruges is full of chocolate shops!! There is a lovely square where they have made an ice rink. We watched the skaters and drank hot spiced wine. They have lots of ponies and traps giving you tours of the city.There are loads of little market stalls and I got James a chocolate advent calendar - (he's very partial to those!)


James was playing for the 1st IV for school on Saturday. Most of the boys are 17or 18 and he is only 15 so it is hard for him. They won 16-0 and he has the scars to prove it....Haven't quite found his gum shield yet but I have a box with 3 spares in (cos he's always losing them!!) We came back Sunday morning and James was  training at Henley.  I spent the rest of the day trailing round finding his lost clothes.  James went off to Hannah Tyldesleys' who you know... They were in the same class at St. Ps.

Anyway I hope you are feeling better and we have a little something for you and Millie which I will either get sent round or I will pop round when you are feeling better.

I have been credit crunched!! so looking for a job...... which means off to the shops with the girls today.... I'll see what there is for pretty girls (much nicer than these muddy boys)


Lots of love 


(James P is composing a message in his defense..... will write soon!!)


Star Hello again gorg girl! Star

Just wanted to say how great it was to see you this weekend.

Hope you stop being sick very soon!


Love you loads!

Lisa xxxx Heart
I hope you are feeling better.

You are going to think I am making this up ..... but I'm not.


So, yesterday James runs out of the house to catch the school bus - just on time... Next my mobile goes and it's him  " Mum, it's Mufty day at school, everyone is on the bus with cool clothes and I'm a saddo in my school uniform.... I've got off the bus so can you come and get me!!!"" 

So, I had to rescue him from the bus stop, bring him back so he could get into his Abercrombie and Fitch and chase the bus and bung him on it....


When I got on the train, late for work again, I got a text.... "Thanks Mum xx"

I wonder what today will bring.....


My super-hero other son Chris (who is 20 !)  is demanding his chocolate advent calendar be sent to Loughborough so I had better get on with that.

This is why girls are the superior race!


Lots of love to all the mad Loaders

From the increasingly Mad Parrotts


25/11/2008karen Pview
Hi Marcie and all

I see you can't get the fathers,....... fancy losing sme of your messages.... Lucky for you the rest of your family seem fine!!!! :)


Anyway, I think I was telling you about my James...... I told him to clean his rugby boots and in the morning I saw his boots were still in the sink so I had to drive all the way to school with thm and was late for work!!  Do you notice any similarity with your dad?  perhaps it's all in the name.....


We are off to Bruges this weekend so James is staying with a friend. There will be loads of stuff missing when he comes back - he loses everything.  Mrs Western-Kaye can tell you stories of James and lost property at St. Piran's - Chris is a super-hero and never does anything wrong... well apart from the odd car scrape!! Chris went through all of St. Ps and Reading Bluecoat with no detentions or minuses.... James has a pile already..... always for forgetting things...


I am sorry you are feeling sick - I remember when I was pregnant with Chris and James I was sick all the time .. Yuk YUK Yuk as you say...

I'll see if I can find you a little something from Bruges.

Lots of Love  Karen, Ed, Chris and James xxxxx

25/11/2008Glenn Lewisview
Hi Marcie

I got a message from your dad that my older message was not saved properly. Now that is a bit unfortunate as it was a tip for you to pass on to your dad for last Saturday. I see from your photos that you like rugby as well. So my tip was a bit cheeky, but it was to ask you if you could please tell him to wear and mostly Green and a little Gold (so definitely NOT for Australia!!) because then he would not have been all grumpy. Sometimes a dad needs to hear wise words from his lovely daughter. My tip is a bit late now however there is always next time!


I am sorry to hear that you are not feeling too good. Because I am in Amsterdam I cannot drop by to bring your family something nice. So I am sending good vibes to you all the way from South Africa via Holland.



Hello you
gather you were unable to get my last message. I've now got a little kitten called Maisie and she is just adorable. She's silver grey and 9 weeks old. My old dog Oscar just looks at her then me as if to say what the **** is this?? Its really funny as she sits by his feeding bowl whilst he's eating. I think she must have stood in his water bowl as the other day  when I picked her up all four paws were wet ha ha. Take care sweetie I was very envious of you meeting those fit rugby types!!! love to all xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

 Big smile Hiya Marcie! Big smile

How you doing today then hun? Hope you're not still yukkity yuk yuk!! Thumbs Down


LOL So what did you buy in Windsor then? LOADS I hope!! LOL


Luke & Abbie love seeing all your cool photos on here and the pics that Dad texts to us.


Heart Hows that model sister of yours and that gorg little bro -

give them both big sloppy kisses from us! Mwah!! Heart


Wacko Let me know when you're up to a visit from the Mad Morgans! Wacko


We're sending YOU loads of hugs and kisses

Lisa Simon Luke & Abbie

24/11/2008Rob and Sueview

Hi Marcie

I had a look on your website yesterday, you have had a busy week by the sounds of things and there are some really cool pictures. What gorgeous hunks of guys in there. Do you have a favourite? I would find it difficult to choose, they all look great to me!

James is hoping to pop up next weekend with Molly & Max so hope that by then your sickness bug has settled a bit.


We have been down to Swindon quite a lot this last couple of weeks and sometimes they have both been pickles for us. Last week Max wouldn't wear his new shoes & he took them off in a shop in Swindon shouting abuse at me and so I let him walk around in his socks until he calmed down everyone was looking at us!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Then he got hold of my bag for Marks & Sparks with underwear in it & he threw the contents around the shop, very embarrassing.

Molly told me off this week big time for wearing my shoes around the house. I had hurt my ankle & had been told to ear shoes for support, well not according to miss bossy boots. Oh the joys of being grandparents!

If you get any more pictures of dishy guys get them up on the website Marcie so we can all share & have a peek.

How is Toto doing, I saw a film last week & that had a  dog just like yours, also called Toto & it made me think of you.

In the morning, I am off early doors 7.00am to have my appendix out, just a quick overnight stay so I will email you later in the week.

Hope you soon stop feeling quite so sick.

Love to you, Millie, Zac & of course your lovely mum & dad

Love sue & Rob x

hey marcie girl! hope youre doing well.

have you gotten some cool hats to keep your head warm in the winter? ive just bought one with the flaps on the sides like elmer fud, but my ears are nice and warm!

stay warm miss!
and feel better!
im sending you some feel good vibes from the USA! :)))
24/11/2008Karen Parrottview
Hi Marcie,

Sorry to hear you are still feeling sick.   James, Chris and Ed alsow went to the Rugby on Saturday and they were very grumpt wen they got home... I expect your dad was too.


James played rugby in the morning and scored 2 tries and won by 70 points!! Perhaps Bluecoat should turn out for the next game at Twickenham.


Wasps also lost on Sunday BOOO- We had Clive and Paddy  in the box and it was all a bit mad.

Also really cold so the boys enjoyed the Hot chocolate at half time.  We will plan another trip for you all soon.


Take Care

Karen and the Parrotts xx
Hi Marcie,
We have sent your dad all the photos from Sunday so I hope you like them.

I hope Zac liked his present too.


Take Care & we will invite you again very soon (when the fit England players are back!!)


Lots of love

Karen & the rest of Box 9.

01/11/2008James, Michelle, Emily and Lilly Calderview
Hi Marcie

the photos look great! How lovely to meet david beckham. you lloked great in the plane, i bet that was adventure! I have heard that wicked is great! i know that the songs in it are fantastic and we hope to get to go and see it soon too. hope you enjoyed your day, your are an amazing girl!

Love the Calders xxxx
Hey Marcie,

Long time no speak. I have been thinking of you and thought it was about time I let you know! Guess what, I am having chemo too!! So now I know a little more about what it has been like for you, although I know it's been a lot tougher. Shit you are quite a brave girl aren't you. Guess I always knew that. Mark is taking Maya out trick or treating tonight, last year all us three girls went out as vampires, but nobody knew the difference!

Anyway Ella wants to say she has had a letter waiting to send to you for over three months now!! We do things quickly here. We weren't sure whether you guys had moved or not, Mark is not the best at keeping us informed!

Lots and lots of love from Sarah, Ella and Maya xxx

hello! dunno if this works but just usin steve's laptop without him knowin! better dish up our dinner too think i smell it burning ha ha ha he heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!! love to y'all x x x x x x x 

Love the new pic's!!


Hi Sweetie fancy meeting that football player!!!!!!!!!!! He doesn't play for Spurs so why did your Dad allow him in??ha ha We wont talk about Spurs as they are on the bottom of the league table. I have now been discharged by my consultant so can now drive again and go back to work.I expect Zac is getting into all sorts of mischief now. Is he crawling or trying to stand up?Take care thinking of you loads of love and hugsxxxxxxxxxxx
17/10/2008Ruth Rooleyview
Wow what a great week!! Thank you for sharing it with us, the photos are fantastic. With love Ruth xx
Hello Marcie
When are you taking your flying licence ? I am sure you have enjoyed your trip on the small plane - it is great to see the landscape from a small airplane.
I hope you feel better
Je t'envoie des gros gros bisous.

Dear Marcie,

I'am thinking of you


Lots of love big bisous



Hi Marcie


I hope you feel better soon and we can play. Mum says Hi and sends her love too


 Love Rebecca
Hey kiddo. I am praying for you. Keep your chin up, and if you can't, at least have someone hold it up for you Smile

Hey Mills!! How you doing? Saw your pics on-line (Mum text me to let me know) - you look sooo cool & gorgeous, of course! Abbie wants to follow in your footsteps now! Hoping to see you all soon, loads of love n stuff from us all. Lisa Simon Luke & Abbie xxxx
HugHi honey! Sorry not been in touch for a while. We're sending you loads & loads of love n hugs! Email/phone/text me whenever you feel like a chat... Look forward to seeing you soon. All our love as always, Lisa Simon Luke & Abbie (and of course Jazzy, Elvis & Thumper!) xxxx Heart
01/10/2008Mrs Westernview
Dear Marcie,

Sorry I haven't left a message sooner - been busy working!


Hope this message finds you feeling a bit better. How did Monday go? I have to go back up to JR next week and the week after so let me know if you are there or at home. How are Zak and Millie - hope you  have them running around after you! I saw your dad in Maidenhead yesterday in the distance. Was he doing some retail therapy???


I have to go now and supervise prep, how boring!


Speak soon I hope.


LoL Mrs Western x x x x x x x x
Hi ya matey.

Glad to hear your home.


29/09/2008Holly& Axview

Dear Marcie we are happy to hear that you are out of hospital, We all hope that everything goes well. Speak to you soon Holly,Ax,Jenny,Amberand max.

hey marcie! i hope you get to feeling better soon!

20/09/2008Batty Uncle Cliveview
Welcome home!!!! :-)))

About bloody time too! God, you must be fed up! Thank goodness the sun is shining and you can hopefully enjoy a weekend chilling in your own mess for a change.


I have specially interrupted ironing t-shirts to send you this message. I enjoy ironing about as much as you enjoy being in the JR! But I've got a nice day ahead - watching Paddy play rugby for the school, then driving up to London for a couple of hours work. Two sixth formers from his school are coming into the studios to see if they will be any good for work experience in the Christmas holidays, so we will all have some supper together in London.


I was back at Wembley on Thursday night, attending a big football dinner. It was one of those posh dos in dinner jackets and bow-ties. Even old men like me look quite smart in DJ's. Or we THINK we do! Next week is pretty free for me, then I've got a mad October. Hope to get round to see you before all that.


Love to mum, dad, Mille, Zac and especially the dog!!


Great to have you back.


Batty old uncle Clive (and Han and Pads)

Dear Marcie,
Very sorry to hear that you are still in Hospital - hope you go back home soon and that you feel better - the Tour Eiffel is fully enlightened every hour and I am waiting for you to take you round and to go on the big ROUE which is down the Champs Elysees.
I think of you a lot and send you lots of bisous - Annick

Hi Marcie

I am not sure if you remember me from your visit to Amsterdam, but I sure remember you. I am sorry to hear you are back in hospital. That is really not nice to hear. Here is a huge cyber-hug. I have massive arms so it really IS huge  Hug.

Dear Marcie


Big big bisous , I hope to see you soon and all your family when you feel better


Bisous to your family your brother is so sweet in french we say  " un bébé à bisous"


Tatie Domi
13/09/2008Holly& Axview
Sorry to hear you are back in hospital Cry thinking of you all the time. Hope you get well soon.
Lots of love Holly & AxHug
12/09/2008Uncle Clive!view
Hello mischief!

I am told that your website has become a target of an undercover plot by the Russian secret police to seize control of vital information about medical procedures at the JR. Well yah boo sucks to them! Their plan has been foiled by SuperDad (who thankfully did not put on a skin-tight blue and red uniform for his hero work - although a mask might have been an idea!!).


I am nearly ready to start talking to my non-celebrity friends again after shmoozing with McFly and Ant'n'Dec and Draco Malfoy last Sunday! I gather you seduced the McFly boys one by one. Well, I've got Danny Jones's mobile number (tongue out and myairrrrrrrr to you!). Hopefully, I've blagged us some tickets for a gig on their November tour, so get well soon please. You're not leaving before the end this time!


Did you see Paddy and I at Wembley? I was directly opposite you next to the cameras, talking rot as usual. I get paid for it! Pad has got one or two pics on his Facebook site. He says he's invited you to be his friend, but he talks rot too. It runs in the family! Check it out and post some stuff on here about your Wembley visit please. I'm a Facebook friend of SuperDad. We are just so cool for old farts! Not!! You can invite me if you like.


Hannah is 16 on Sunday. Scary! I think that means she can now legally do lots of things she has ALREADY been doing. Daughters are such trouble :-) x 
12/09/2008Caroline Cruseview
Hi Marcie,

Sorry to hear you're back in hospital.  Hopefully it won't be too long before you're out and back at school.

Good luck for everything!

Caroline, Simon, Isabel & Lydia x

09/09/2008Caroline Cruseview
07/09/2008Anna Daviesview
Hi ya Marcie,

This is Mark (I used to live with Rachel).


She tell's me you've not been too well again Unhappy.


Just to let you know I'm keeping all my fingers crossed for your speedy recovery.


All the best Tongue,


Hi Marice, I haven't left a message for ages so thought I would leave one to say "Hello" to you and send my Heart

Lots of Heart



Hello Big Sis


Zach here just sending you my love and big very sloppy kisses as I am off to bed now.I will see you tomorrow after you finish your chemo .Cannot wait.

Love you lots and lots

Yr bro


19/08/2008Sue & Robview
Hi there Marcie,
Just read your notes and we are glad that you all managed a few days away despite the weather. We went away too but came back on Tuesday as the weather was rubbish, we just went down to Christchurch for a few days. 


What a pain for you having to have another round of treatment, but you are quite right get it over & done with, so keep smiling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Smile


I have just spoken to James as he arrived back from Spain today. Rob & I are off down to Swindon tomorrow to look after Molly & Max and then they are coming here on Thursday as we are bringing them up here by train so they are quite excited about that.


Will send another snippet of news soon.


Love to all the familyHug


From Sue & Rob xx

Dear Marcie,

Gros gros bisous pense à toi et t'aime très fort.


hey marcie, i hope your feeling better!!! it must be really annoyin bein in hospital again! i hope you get loads better and i hope i'll see you soon!!

lots of luv


21/07/2008Ruth Rooleyview
No wonder you feel Grrrrrr!! Hope things are looking a bit better now.

I hope to see your Gran Eileen this morning, she left her gloves in my car a week or so ago. I hope she has not been needing them in this wintery summer. But this week is forecast to be warmer so hope will be.


Bye for now


Love Ruth
20/07/2008Anna Daviesview

Hi Marcie, Sorry to hear that you are not feeling too great. Get better soon!!!!! Sorry about Cyprus but at least the weather hasn't been all that bad here!! I have been down in Devon and some days the weather has been awful (force 9 gales!!!!) but in the mean time you guys back at home had sunshine!!! Thankfully we have had some hot days as well!! I went to see my mum’s cousin and her husband today and the were at a Land Rover meeting, they have been off-roading and Andy got stuck in the mud it was very funny!! Julia has just got a new puppy called brook he is 5 months old and I saw him for the first time today he was so cute!!!! Holly has been up to no good and started to roll in horse poo (ekkk) from the field and IIII had to bath her!!!!!!! She smelt soooooooooooo bad!! I hope to-to is well and I hope you get to go home soon and that the anti-biotics start to work!!

Lots of love Anna         Pig

18/07/2008Mr & Mrs D-Sview
Hello Marcie,


Thanks a lot for the lovely present and card. it was so sweet of you to think of us when you were feeling so ropey. Please say thank you to Mum & Dad also for the M&S vouchers they gave us. It was very, very kind of them.


Poor you, having that beastly bug, do hope you're getting over it.


This message is coming to you from way up north in the Lake District! We came up here after term ended and we have enjoyed opening lots of presents & cards!


We are thinking of you with the treatment, and will keep checking your website.


Love from,

Mr & Mrs D-S.
Dear Marcie,
I hope you are back home now and that the anti biotics are helping you.
I am sure that when you are better you will go somewhere in the sun.
Lots lots of bisous from Annick

13/07/2008Vicky Claytonview
Hi, Marcie,
is it o.k. to send you a message as you don't know me ?


I have heard about you from Ruth and Richard Rooley - sounds like you are having a bit of a tough time right now, and what a pain - having to miss out on your holiday.

Maybe you can go later in the year -  Cyprus is a lovely place.  I made the mistake of going in August, and it was so hot, I burned and peeled all over - looked like a lobster - yuk !!


How is your little bro getting on - saw the pic of your granny Eileen with him when he was just born - I've met her a couple of times but she wont remember me.


Anyway, not going to bore you any longer, but thought I'd leave you with a joke, ( have to warn you, I'm rubbish at jokes...).


Why aren't there any aspirin in the jungle ?

Because the paracetamol, ( the parrots ate 'em all ....!!!!) .

Well - I did tell you I'm rubbish at jokes !!!!


Take care, Marcie,



p.s.     I'm not sure if you will get this as I  can see where to  "  Save " , but I can't see where to " Send ".........

07/07/2008Amanda Myersview
Hello Marcie,
We haven't met but I know your Dad.  He used to live with my sister Lalu in Maidenhead with Ed too.  So I've known him for a long time!  I last saw him at a golf tournament I organised at the beginning of May.  I see Ilka and Ed a lot as they live just around the corner from our house now (Gerrards Cross).  So Ilka told me about your website and I've been looking at it and think it's great.  Well done on keeping it so informative and uptodate.  It's awesome.


My husband is Greg and we have three children.  Oli (who is exactly your age 9/5/95), Alicia (almost 10) and Lara (7).  Oli is at Thorpe House and the girls go to Maltmans Green.  Oli's played rugby against your school a few times.  I've been there to watch him play.  It's a nice place.  I guess you must be in year 8 too.  Nearly the end of term!  Oli wasn't able to compete on Saturday at Sports day as he's twisted his knee - otherwise he would have been trying to win every race - he's very competitive!  I might get him to write to you too as he was impressed with your website too.


I had coffee this morning with Ilka and she was telling me about that horrid pain you had in your eyes.  I really hope that's fixed now.  Were you able to watch the tennis match last night on tv?  My girls got out of bed and came back downstairs to join us as were all getting a bit over-excited and shouting a lot!  What an amazing game.


I hope we'll get to meet you really soon.  I've heard so much about you (Ed and Ilka are your biggest fans) and having seen your website feel that I know you!  If you're over visiting them we could pop round to see you and your family.  I'd love to meet your mum, sis and baby bro too.


I tried to upload a couple of photos but it wouldn't work.  I could send you a separate email instead with them?  Then you can see who I'm talking about!  Well done on keeping your site so uptodate and I'll keep checking in to see how you're doing.  I hope you're feeling better today on this beautiful rainy day (I got soaked this morning running back to my car...;).


Love and big best wishes,



hi, its me again!
just wanted to tell u more about my america experience.  well as you know, yesterday was the fourth of july and that is a pretty big date over here...

we started the day off by going to one of my mum's friend's pool party. there were several other families there and we played a bunch of pool games with all of the kids (i only knew a couple of them though).  there was this one boy there (he had downs syndrome) and when this lady (whome i dont know the name of) said "....and this is megan...." he said "i know megan!" (i had never seen him before in my life!). so that was pretty funny! well after that we went home and got ready to meet up with some more family friends to go and watch a firework display.

when we got to the chateaux elon (the place where we were to sit in the field and watch the display) we unpacked our boots and set up for the evening. all the kids (mandy, melony, maggie and me) all went around and caught lightning bugs, played hide and go seek and just entertained ourselves for afew hours tor dark and the fireworks. the display was good, but the one at st.pirans is much better! lol!


get well soon, love megan xxx
05/07/2008The Blumersview

Hello Marcie

So good to see you at St Piran's yesterday when we were saying good-bye to Mr and Mrs D-S - how they will be missed after 32 years.  Kate, my youngest daughter, remarked that they have been at St P's for the whole of her life which she thought was amazing (she is now 33).  We were all treated by Mr Carroll  for a really good meal at the Blue River Cafe near Maidenhead Bridge so we had the opportunity for a happy time, reminiscing and catching up with news.  We liked the new Lower School hall which has been built using the old swimming pool - I imagine Mrs Lewis and her teaching staff will be delighted, especially when all the landscaping is hopefully completed during the holidays.  We have been hoping the weather has been good for Sports Day today - it has been sunny but windy down here, so perhaps you escaped the rain in Maidenhead too.

Lovely to meet you baby brother Zac - I imagine he might get a little spoilt having two older sisters to help look after him - he looked very happy indeed.  We were sorry to see that the treatment you are having has irritated your skin, which must be most uncomfortable for you.  The trouble is you always want to scratch something like that which, of course, is the wrong thing to do.  We always feel a little apprehensive returning to St P's after 7 years, but Mr C made us feel very welcome indeed and it was great to catch up with some of the "old" faces.  I had difficulty in recognizing a lot of the children - you have all changed so much.  Of course, a lot of the parents and children are new into the school since we left so there are less and less people we know when we return.  There seems to be plenty going on and all sorts of things to keep the pupils busy - obviously all the trips to France, Ossy Bay etc have proved to be very popular indeed.

We will keep in touch again and it would be nice if you kept us up to date with how things are going with you.  We obviously hope that your favourite Dr Kate and the other specialists looking after you can help you to keep fighting, which you have done so bravely over the past two years.   Lovely to see you again - enjoy the summer holidays.

LOL Pauline and Andrew Blumer





Ma chère Marcie

CHIC you are at home and you can do a lot of bisous to your family, I hope that you feel

a little bit better.



Bisous bisous bisous bisous bisous bisous


Tatie Domi 
03/07/2008Lori Humeview
Hi Marci

It's Megan and Maggie's Dad here (just stole the laptop when they were out).Smile We are so glad you are back home with the family. I hope the chemo wasn't too badCry and that you will make a bouncing recovery. The girls have gone to a water park today. I suspect Mummy wanted to go as much as Megan and Maggie. It's really hot again here today. They are like little brown berries.


When you are ready you and the crew must come to visit. Tell your Dad he has to wear a hat as his head will burn!!Cool


I know the girls miss St Pirans and you hanging out with you girls. I am always trying to figure out who wants to kiss who! I know Jack Comer was Megan's favourite but I'm not sure I've got that right. Maybe you can fill me in on the scoop...


We send our love and best wishes from across the ocean and wish we were there to give you a hug. I know Megan misses you more than she let's on over the phone. I know she's looking forward to the day you all visit and she can show off driving you around on the jetski!


With lots of love and best for a speedy recovery


Duncan (and Lori because you know she'd get cross if I didn't send her love too) xxx


Thumbs Up Wayhay! You're home! Fantastic! How are you feeling now sweetie? Question What's the plan then?

You must be sooooo happy Smile to be home! Hows Milly & Zac? Give them a hug and a kiss from me... Heart


We're all ok here - thinking of you and sending you loads of love of course! Sheila is still staying with us and is hobbling around with her leg in a bright purple cast!


Let me know when you're up for a visit from us - I can come up on my own or with Sheila or with the whole blooming gang! We go away next Thurs and come back 1/2 Aug so could always pop up for a flying visit beginning of next week....


Keep in touch honey and stay well......


Love ya! xxxxx
03/07/2008Elaine Harrisview
Hi Marcie,
Well it sounds like you have had a dreadful few days. Glad that is over and you are home again. Get lots of rest on that comfy sofa of yours and make sure everyone waits on you.

Lots of love,

Elaine and mob
Dear Marcie
I hope you are feeling better now after this horrible treatment and I am sure you must be very very happy to be back home.  I think of you a lot and send you plenty of french bisous. Lots of love.

02/07/2008annick view
Dear Marcie,
Good to hear that you are back home. I am back home as well after 2 weeks spent in the south of France in the SUN ..
I am sending lots of bisous and hope to see you very soon.

Hi sweetie! How ya doing?


I've been keeping in touch with mum and dad to see how you are. God you're having a rotten time at the mo. Wish there was something we could do to cheer you up - anything you need/want to keep you entertained while you're in hosp and then back home? I can have something delivered for you - or if you're up to it I could make a flying visit to see you? I'm more than happy to whizz up to my old hometown! Let me know what you'd like?


Glad the hallucinations have stopped, that must have been really scary! Luke hallucinates when he gets a high temp and it's really horrid, but that's only with a cold or bug or something. Are you still hurting all over? Hope they can do something to help with that....


Abbie and Luke are fine and send you their love - as do Simon and Sheila of course! I went to watch Abbie in her Country Dancing display yesterday - it was a giggle! Gotta take Luke to the dentist today, he's complaning of toothache and I keep telling him it's his own fault for not brushing properly! Boys!! They're both looking forward to breaking up from school, and to our holiday in Menorca. We've never been there before but apparently it's very nice.


How's Millie and Zac? I couldn't believe how much he'd grown when we came to the christening! He's soooo gorg - but of course he is, he takes after his sisters!


We've got Sheila staying with us at the mo as she's had an operation on her right foot to fuse the bones and has her leg in plaster and is non weight bearing for approx 6 weeks! She's doing really well, but gets very bored not being able to do anything. She hops around the house using a zimmer frame - I must get a photo and send it to you! She also has a bright purple glittery plaster on now - it's quite a picture!!


Right well I've got to go and make Sheila a cup of coffee now, email me so we can chat and keep in touch...I'm logged on nearly all the time!


Take care hun, thinking of you and sending you all our love...


Lisa xxxx
29/06/2008Anna Daviesview
Hey marcie
Sorry to hear that you are in hospital, glad to hear that the hallucinations have gone

and that you are feeling better. Hope the nurses are not being too pesky at night!!! 

I hope you get some sleep now and I will keep in touch!

lots of love and I am thinking of you

Anna XxXx Heart  Thumbs Up
28/06/2008Poppy :)view
Heyy Hallucinations Sound Scary !



Hope Alls Ok .! Embarrassed



Love you ! xxx
Dear Marcie

Lots of bisous bisous bisous bisous bisous bisous from PARIS and the Eiffel tower wish you

a good day



Dear Marcie,

What a terrible day you must have had!
The hallucinations sounded really scary!

I hope you're having a better day today, please let us know how you're getting on?



Dear marcie

                hope you are feeling better soon, I hope you come round soon
                                       Rebecca xxxxxxxxx
27/06/2008megan view

hia marcie!

its megan. i thaught that you might want to know about the kittens my aunt found in her back yard (i also thaught that something warm and fuzzy would cheer you up!).  well the story goes like this...

kayla (my cousin) heard this wierd, high pitched noise and went to see what it was, and discovered a "nest" of kittens.  she knew that the mama was around somewhere, so she left them alone, but they just kept on meowing for hours.  she and my aunt decided to give them a bit of shelter and warmth (there were birds of prey overhead).  so carl (my other cousin) got bailey's (their dog's) cage out, put some blankets in it and placed all five of the little bundles of fluff in it. they made sure they kept the cage door open so that if mama did come, she could take them back into her care.

the morning came and still no mama. the poor kittens were cold, wet (it had rained in the night) and very hungry, so everyone braught the kitties into the basement (where they were to stay according to my aunt's rules!) and fed them a saucepan of cat milk which they lapped up in a flash!  they just  had to have names, so one was called raskel, one billy-ray, one patches, one minnie, one bubba. 

the kitties ended up bieng braught upstairs and became part of the family.  everyone really wanted to keep atleast one of them, but decided that they really shouldn't, seeming as they allready had two cats and a dog. however, kaylas boyfriend took one and so did his cousin, so everyone can go and see them whenever. but my aunt and cousins had to send them to an adoption center last monday. they are all in good hands, so theres no need to worry!

ive sent you this pic, if it doesn't come through, i'm really sorry! (we had some difficulty with it)!

i hope your doing well and i can't wait to talk to you!

get well soon, megan xxx


Hi Milly.

You been swimmin today? Excellent!


If you want to come down and stay soon say Yaaaaa!!

Would love to have you to visit.


Not long til end of term (another Yaaaa!!!)


Lots of love


26/06/2008Emily Mannersview
Hello you,

Sorry to see you back in the JR and  that you have had a rubbish few days. Hope they are getting you sorted now.


I have been keeping up with your photos and I am terrified by the thought that you are now a teenager! I am feeling very old and can't believe it when I think back to 4M and you lot and what you must all be up to now. In fact yesterday one of David's singing pupils turned up saying they had been sitting next to Hendrika on the bus to school and had realised that I had taught her once upon a time. I think Hendrika said I could be very fierce, but I don't remember being fierce to anyone except a very cheeky young girl who always tried to nick my apple at lunchtime! Any ideas who that might have been?!!


Well as for more up to date news of the Manners family here goes...


Seraphina was 3 a week or two ago, the first birthday she has got REALLY excited about and fortunately is was quite sunny so we had a very nice day. We had taken her to see Angellina Ballerina in a theatre the weekend before which she thought was brilliant and so she has been practising her dancing ever since. She had better not get her hopes up to much about being a ballerina as I was completely and utterly useless at Ballet and then grew extremely large feet which are not good for teeny tiny little ballet steps and she shows every sign of haveing inherited her mothers huge tootsies so a ballet career looks unlikely.


Emmanuelle is a bundle of fun with a mop of extremely curly hair on top which is completely wild and unbrushable. If brushed it turns into a blondish cloud of fluff and sticks out about 3inches. She is 20 months now and managing to give S as good as she gets despite not having many words to express herself with ; she just shrieks instead. Effective but not good for the eardrums.


And now Mini Manners Number 3 is just 8 weeks away from its predicted arrival date of August 17th. The girls are quite excited and are busy practising with my sisters' babes and all our neighbours' children. There are now 6 children in the CLoister and 2 due in August... so it is quite busy and noisy round here now but it is very good fun when we all get together and everyone wants everyone else's toys.  The big question is will it be another girl? If so I am a bit stuck for names at the moment. I started looking through the name books last night hoping for some inspiration.


Anyway at last the girls have gone to sleep (they were in a bit of a panic about a silly little fly buzzing round their room) so I am going to grab a quick snooze myself but I'll be in touch again v soon.


Love, Emily M
Dear Marcie,


Avec tout l'amour de Papa , Maman, Millie , Zach, tu iras mieux demain

et fini les drôles de petites bêtes


I send you positives waves each days




25/06/2008Alan and Bryan WaREview
Hi Marcie

Remember us we met in lapland a few years ago very sorry to hear ur not feeling very well and very sick . i have said and lit a candle for you at our local church. i hope ull be better soon. We start our holidays off school tomorrow and just back from canaries Heading to Florida in Septmeber have you ever been?.  How is the rest of the family say hi to them from all ofo us. I will keep in touch week by week i hope u r feeling better soon




Alan and Bryan
25/06/2008Bob (Ears), Vee, India and Benview
Hi Marcie,

Sorry to hear you have had such a grim couple of days - hope you are feeling a bit better today.  Just a line from South Africa to say we are thinking of you all and wishing you a speedy recovery.


I am hoping to be over in the UK in a couple of weeks and to come down to see you all and throw things at your Dad's bald patch.


lots of love from


Bob, Vee, India and Ben, plus the menageriexxxx

yo you guys

hope you get better marcie
 what the heck
23/06/2008Maddie :) view
Hey Marieeee :D

hows youu at the mo ?

me and mum might come up soon :)


my legs are still dying from that run yesturday. I CANNNT MOVE lol


see you soooon :D xxxSmile
23/06/2008Poppy :)view
HELLO! I know you probably are not very happy that im commenting and probably think im here to be horrible ! but i must say im not ! Confused Anyway...

I wanted to say im very very very sorry that u dont even think as me as a friend , but that upset mee. because u are still one of my very close friends and always will be.

im also upset that u said i have never treated u well. and im very sorry that u think that ! but i was always treated well by u and i made sure i always treated you as my best friend. ! which you were. and shall always be !


im very sorry about that your back in hospital . but i know for a fact that you will be alright !  because i wish you loads and loads of luck . well actually you wont need it as u will be fine Big smile !


Hope You Ok !


And I'm Sorry !



Love You Lots . !  Thumbs Up
Hi Marcie,

Sorry to hear you're feeling rough.

Hope you're feeling loads better soon.

We NEED to play Guitar Hero!



Hi Marcie

It was so nice to catch up with you, your brother and your Mum the other week in Maidenhead.


You are SO good at e. mail's and have the coolest web site ever. I especially enjoyed looking through all your photo's.


Sorry to here that you are having head aches, but hope you get better as soon as possible.


Lucy went to her Induction day at Bradfield today and met alot of other children and teachers. She seems to be very happy with the choise of school, but I think it may be dificult for her to start with, as they have to stay in the first weekend for teem building.


Anyway, say Hi to your Mum and wish you a speedy recovery.


Bye for now


Shirley Collins

21/06/2008sophia ivoryview

hi amelia
21/06/2008Mr & Mrs D-Sview
Hi Marcie,

We are so sorry to hear you are having a rough time and hope you will get through it soon....


We saw Zac when he came to Chapel yesterday; he started joining in with Mr. Farmery in his talk!!!

Amelia helped in the talk... did she tell you what she had to do??


We will be thinking of you next week with the treatment..


Love from,

Mr & Mrs D-S.
Hey SweetPea,

Don't think you know me but I got your link from a friend so I thought I'd say HI from the UK

I heard you have to go back into hospital so I'll be saying some prayers for you....and trusting you feel a lot better soon and I'll check your site for updates.

Big hugs across the ocean
Lots of love

20/06/2008tatie Domi de franceview
Dear Marcie

I'am thinking of you and hope that you feel better now.

For your information, the Eiffel Tower is in the middle of the clouds In Paris  Today, the first summer's day and the weather is very bad.


Sorry for my english it is urgent that  you learn me english properly.


Marcie lots of love




Tatie Domi 


hi marcie,
we hope you feel better soon!
Zac looks so cute in those photos, you guys are lucky you have him!!

We will see you very soon. You will feel better soon!!!


lots of love Molly Brooke Isabel Nicky and Bernard
Hola Marcie, Amelia, Justine, James and Zac,

Our hearts go out to all of you!  I'm sure you're not looking forward to starting this process at the hospital, but try to stay positive - we are!  We are desperate for you all to come and visit us in Atlanta, so you've got to get better QUICK, Marcie! 


It's lovely, hot and sunny here.  We need some buddies to fish and swim with us.  Megan and Maggie caught an absolutely huge catfish down at the dock.  Megan was struggling with it on the line when Maggie saw her from the house.  She ran down to help Megan by scooping the fish up with the net.  We couldn't believe how big it was!


We'll talk with you soon!

Lots of love, Lori


30/05/2008abbie hainesview
hi marcie

I just wanted u to know i am thinking about u and that i hope u are well Heart I am, i am geting on well with the french and i have tons of new friends, i am sorry i have not beeing in touch  but u know how things are !!!!!!!! I have seen lots of my old friends on the pics on the website, they all seem very grown up as do U . Who do u  still keep in touch with from st ps ?? do u still see cam turnbal and will stone ? would u mined if u could give me some of there msn addresses because i would love to catch up ? U have obviosly changed alot what sort of music do u like now ? I bet u are not into the same stuff as me now !!!! what are u into ? I realy miss playing rounders with u !!!!!! we dont do that here but i most of all miss the cricket but i get to play football at school now, sport is still my favorite lesson but i also love art and science we are learning about volcanos and i got 20 in the test we had on it, what are ur best subjects now days ?

well i have to leave u on that hope to talk soon do u have msn ? then we could catch up a bit and i could see u on webcam

well miss u and lots of love from abbie XXXXXXXX bisoux Heart




28/05/2008jj and ameliaview
Hi Marcie
Happy 13th Birthday!!

We are on holiday in Devon this week. Hope the weather is better for you than it is here!!!


Diana, Matthew, JJ and Amelia XXXXX

Hi Marcie! Big smile 

We had a great weekend with you guys - thank you for giving up your bed for us (we must be really special!LOL LOL!) It was lovely just to hang out with you all and I loved all the cuddles with Zac!


Abbie cried Cry as we left - she wanted to stay! The next morning she came in to see me in bed and with a very sad face, the first thing she said was "when can I go back?".


Looking forward to seeing you at my party! Wink Keep in touch, email or text or phone me whenever you fancy a chat!


Lots of  love


Lisa xx (And of course Simon, Luke & Abbie!)


(ps give my love to everyone and if you can do it without killing her - give Milly a hug from me too!LOL)

hey marcie!
hope you're feeling well
you're looking fab!!
31/12/2007kate wheelerview
Dear Marcie,
Thanks so ,so much for my lovely  Christmas present.How nice to have some really de luxe hand creme and soap.

I hope you had a goooooooooooooooood Christmas with some presents.

I think I am seeing you soon.

It is very busy on our ward today and there are lots of crying babies

All the best Kate
07/11/2007Gina Stephensview
This message is for Marcie.  You don't know me but I have been praying for your complete recovery and return to good health since 2004.  I do believe in miricles and I believe you have just had a little miricle arrive at your house.  May God bless Zac and also continue to watch over you.  In case you are wondering who I am; I am Abbie and Hannah's Grandma.  You will continue to be in my prayers every day.
With love Grandma Gina
08/10/2007rhona wareview
Hi there From Ireland

Congrats on the new arrival hes gorgeous.
27/09/2007xx brookexxview
Sorry i just left a messageabout how cute he was but didnt say who i was !!!
it's me brooke snowe he is sooooo sweet

bii xxxxxxxxxxx
beautiful photos of Zac and I hope you Mum has recovered a bit
Lots of love to all of you and plenty of bisous


OMG marci, ZAC IS SOOOOO CUTE WOW he's soooo big and soo sweet you must be chuffed!!!!TongueBig smile

26/09/2007Dominique view
The family's baby what a beautiful baby do you have


Que de bisous à lui donner !!


Les photos sont superbes


Bisous à toute la famille




missing ya!!


hopefuly wil come down very soon :)


ZAC is such a cutieee!!! :D:D:D


WELL got to go!!

i hve danie round :D:D


bye!! x
Welcome Zachariah and many congratulations to everyone.

Ax, Jenny, Holly, Amber, Max + Mr T

Dear Marcie, Amelia, Justine and James cngratulations to the birht of your sweet baby. It looks so lovely. Romana  
12/09/2007Eileen Loaderview
Hello Marcie and Amelia good to see all your photos including Toto and the baby. Love Grandma xx
05/09/2007Patching Familyview
Dear Marcie, Amelia, Justine and James,

Many congratulations! Hope he is as good looking as his sisters are...


Lots of Love,


Roger, Dawn, Emily, Jack, Victoria and Ally  XXXXXX
04/09/2007jude and johnnyview

Marcie, Amelia ,Justine and James,


Love from all the Maunds


Hi Marcie,
Just logged on to see if that brother of yours has arrived yet as Tom and I have been waiting for a text. It seems he hasn't unless he has done so since you last updated. Tell your mum I sympathise as Ollie was a week late, Charlie 10 days late and Lucy 12 days late! It is horrible and you just can't believe you can get any bigger. Anyway good luck to you all, it cannot be long now. We await the text/email.
Lots of love to you all.
31/08/2007ruth rooleyview
Hi Marcie - just thinking of you all and hoping all goes well, have not been able to have a good chat with your Grandma (Eileen) for a while as she has been busy and so have we! But hope to catch up with her next week - August is always a mad month! Nice to see the latest photos of you all and of course the baby who is pretty big now.
I retired from work in July and now have a new e'mail address on my husband, Richard's domain.

With love to you all


hope ur havin a good holiday!Thumbs Up


Dear Marcie

we have heard that your mum is havinging a baby has she had it get? I hope you are getting on ok.

we should meet up sometime. How is To-to

Amber, Max,Jenny and Ax send there love too  

All the best





how are you? i haven't spoken to you in ages. just in case, i was in your riding class AGES ago. i was 9 then, but i'm 13 now so thats a long time!

the baby pictures are seriously cute! cool site by the way.

i hope you feel better soon/now/when you're not feeling good.

okey dokey, got to go practise (violin exam on the 3rd)

write to you soon


Hi Marcie!
Happy 12th :)
Quasar must have been great - I couldn't walk the following day after I played it.

Hope to see you soon - I'll fire up some pics.

Party on,
26/06/2007Ed and Ilkaview

Wow Marcie Scarlet,  12 Years Old !!!!! Teenager next year, that is very worrying. Your indoor chocolate party sounded pretty cool. Good job Issy wasn't there or she would have blown up and floated away somewhere. We hope you had a great time on your Big Day, it definitely looks like it. Just think next year we'll all be able to celebrate together as we are all coming home for at least a year in January!!!

Make sure you help out Ma and Pa as much as you can because they're not as young as they were when they had you !! Mind you, you were an angel of course and very low maintanance as a baby........ha ha ha....

All our special love Marcie darling to you Millie, Mum and Dad. Can't wait til January!!! Do you think you'll be old enough to baby sit next year?? Do you think we should live near you???

Love as ever and ever

Eddie, Ilka and Issy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

25/06/2007Lynda and Timmyview

Marcie you look fantastic....onwards and upwards eh!


best wishes

the Malletts

23/06/2007hello =D xview

hey marie! =D

hows yuu ??

i bet you cant wait til sundayy!! =D its guna be brilliant x


lv ya xxx



hiya bbz

i was just lookin at the photos gd times lol!

the party was gr8 hope u liked ur prezzie

the thanku card is gr8 especiallly as its from moon pig!!!!!


speak soon luv ya bi




Hi Marcie,

Hope you are feeling well at the moment. My name is Aimee and i am a staff nurse working on the Surgical Emergancy Unit level 6 at the John Radcliffe.

Firstly i would just like to say you are a very brave young lady for being so open with your story and trying to get more support for the childrens hospital. When i was four years old i was diagnosed with acute lmyphoblastic leukaemia and as you probably know its not at all pleasant. I was very poorly until thankfully at the age of nine was put into remission. I have been very well mostly since then apart from some aches and pains the doctors think might be linked to chemo drugs.

I know how rubbish you can feel at times and how horrible it will be for your family to see you ill but keep that beautiful smile shinning and im sure things will work out just fine. I was treated at the Birmingham Children's Hospital and had a lot of help from Leukaemia Care also.

I know im going to be petrified on the day but i have just signed up for abseiling down the women's centre at the JR so wish me look.

Well im gonna say bye for now cause im actually on night shifts at the moment a should probably do some work. If you fancy a chat sometime just email me. Take care of yourself and on those days when you feel reasonably well go crazy and enjoy yourself.

Bye for now.


29/05/2007Andy & Pauline Blumerview

Dear Marcie,

Really pleased to read your latest diary entry and to hear you are in good order. What lovely news about your Mum expecting a son for your family;you must all be very excited!Sorry to hear Amelia broke her wrist on the swings and we hope she is well on the road to mending it.

We have had an exciting start to the year as our older daughter Clare married Marcus. Although they live in London they decided,as his Mother lives in Australia,to get married in Sydneyon 12th April.They tied the knot on a cruise boat on deck on Sydney harbour with the temp. about 22 celsius with a slight breeze. It was an idyllic venue as the boat sailed around various parts of the harbour before dropping the 50 guests at Taronga wharf and from there to Athol Hallwhere we had the reception overlooking the city centre.We were away for seven weeks staying with friends in Perth,Melbourne,Canberra,Sydney and on the way home in Boulder Colorado.

Kate,our younger daughter has just arrived home from a 7 month tour of the Far East with Lloyd her boyfriend. She has to get used to working in London again in her advertising job! That will be tough.

Keep well and give our best to your Mum,Dad and Amelia.


Andy and Pauline


Heya duude



Your party was wicked lolz!


Hope you had fun!


Hope you liked your present!


lolz please thank your mummy and daddy for taking us there!


See you at hennys!


Much love


26/05/2007Mrs. Burnageview

Just wish you a very happy birthday. I hope you have a great time. Catch up soooooon

Mrs. B
just checking this still works..


Just stopped by your page (sorry I've been away for ages) and saw the cool news about your little bro to be!

Most excellent!

Love to see you again soon - we'll call you.


30/03/2007Lynda Mallettview

Hi Marcie,

are you still at St. Pirans school?  With the mention of bell ringing it sounds as though you are. What year are you in now?

And when is new baby due?


best wishes

Lynda and Timmy Mallett


23/03/2007Lindsay view

Hi Marcie,

Wow, what brilliant news, a little brother for you and Millie, how excited you must all be.  Hope Mummy is well.

Shame Daddy isn't doing the marathon, you Loaders do come up with great excuses :-)

Glad you are feeling ok, and shame about missing the choir practice.....

Take care


Lindsay xxxxxxx

22/03/2007E-man [Eli Sidler]view

HI Marcie sorry to hear about the leg pains one of my friends has cancer and he is on steroids too, and it makes him aggresive. I have just come back from THON and it was a blast! MY birthday is next month on the 11th and I will be 11! when is your birthday? E-mail me back sometime, I hope your leg pains clear up! From Eli.

PS. THON is an dance mara[thon] that has college kids standing up for 48 hrs. without sitting down. The money that they raise goes to a fund that pays for our medical bill without charging a pence, it realy saved our butts.

22/03/2007ELI Sidlerview
Dear Marcie I just wanted to tell you my phone number, it is 717-273-9065. Call me sometime. FROM ELI

Dear Marcie we have just looked at the picture of the baby. It is amazing that you can see so much of the baby so early!!!

He/She is already beautiful!!

Love Molly Brooke Izzie Nicky Bernard.

08/03/2007ruth rooleyview
Third time lucky - I have sent you 2 blank messages.Delighted to get your update - thanks a lot for it.
What great news from Mum and Dad, no wonder you and Amelia are so excited and even a photo of the scan!
Your photos are pretty good too!! Imagine you being a natural at bellringing and Amelia's wall climbing party sounds fun. Love to you all - Ruth
08/03/2007ruth rooleyview
02/03/2007anna Daviesview

hi marcie lol


02/03/2007Anna Daviesview
hi marcie How is school I hope all is well and you are enjoying school. I am really really missing you and hope to see you really soon in the near future lots of wishes ANNA
09/02/2007Alix Burnageview
Dear Marcie

I have been off school with Luke (who got scarlet fever) and then I hurt my back so I haven't seen you for ages..... Just wondering how you are. Hope you have a good half term. Are you up to anything exciting or just relaxing? We are all having a good rest and recovering. I will definately be back at school after half term.

How is Toto? She always looks cute in the photos. Our dog Frankie is still lovely even though I think she is probably the scruffiest westy ever! She keeps digging up our garden - Andy is not best pleased!!!

If you have any time spare and would like to visit - it would be nice to see you all. Luke would like to invite Amelia over to play one day next week - could you ask her and your mum if she can?

Let me know any news I feel like a hermit!

Take care
Mrs. Burnage
07/02/2007Cate Brookesview

Hey from australia love yr site dont ask me how i found it cuz i dont know lol

Have fun . . . Cate

25/01/2007Brooke Snoweview

Hi Marcie , Izzy said that you were at my school today looking around, did you like it?

I hope you do because it would be really cool if you came. But anyway how are you?,

what have you been doing? how is milly , Justine and James .?

Just generally how are you?!

Love from all of us

15/11/2006Simon Morganview

Hiya Babe!!

Long time no speak. Sorry, I know it is our fault, but we are having a busy and hectic year! I hope that things are okay with you, let me know what is going on.

Lisa's dad suffered a major stroke during the summer, and although he was hospitalised for 6 weeks, he is at home. But he needs constant support and attention, and suffers from weekly TI's (minor strokes). It is all very wearing and sad, but we do all we can for him. Obviously Lisa and her mum are upset and find it difficult at times, but we must all carry on.

My business has been unbelievably busy, and takes up a lot of my time, but I enjoy it. All these developers keep wanting new designs, and they always want them "yesterday"!!!

Luke and Abigail are on the whole okay, although both are suffering bad colds at the moment, so have missed a few days of school. They are both looking forward to Xmas, and we have asked them to make their Xmas lists soon, otherwise Father Christmas wont have  time to make their presents!!

Anyway, love and kisses to you all, please pass our love to your mum and dad, and hope to see you soon.


Simon xxxx


28/10/2006mary fenskeview

Hi Marcie!

I saw your grandma Eileen today and she told me about your website...what a great place! I knew your dad when we were both kids in Stoke Poges,,,I was Mary Harris then! But now I am all grown up (well at least people think so) and so I can be a Dr...and I have 2 kids Otto (9) and Beatrix (8) and a husband Danny and a dalmatian lottie and g.pig Mintie!.....So you keep having fun...hope your half term was good and say hi to your mum and dad.....bye for now Mary

19/10/2006Elaine view

Hi Marcie,

Glad to see you have found a spare second or two to update your diary! I will update you on our news - which is nothing like as fun. Certainly no French trips or rollerdiscos and certainly no mountain biking, with or without puffers! I am now absolutely enourmous and people keep asking me when the baby is due. I think they expect me to say 'tomorrow' as they look rather shocked when I tell them 12 weeks to go! Pippa is expecting a baby at about the same time but I don't expect she looks as much like a ball as me. I am seeing her in a few weeks so we can compare bumps. Charlie has just started really trying to walk although he still loses his balance and comes crashing onto his bottom - thank goodness he has a nappy to cushion his fall! He is extrememly cute (although I am biased). Oliver is still bowling and batting away and can't wait for the cricket season to start (who is going to tell him it is 5 months or so away, not me!)

We were hoping to move house but it all fell apart just as we were supposed to sign the papers. We are going to try again but it needs to be soon or we will have to wait till after the baby is born.

Anyway I am taking up much to much space on your message board so I will go. As you can see no real news at all anyway!

Love to mum, dad and Milly too.

Love, Elaine


hi marcie, my names kirstie, i used to go to school with your mum so i am really OLD!! your mum and i got back in touch on friends reunited and she told me about your web site. how cool is it! loved the pictures and your sleepover videos. reminded me of my son sams end of year 6 party he had in the summer, he is 11 too, 12 in january, all his friends were dancing to blackeyed peas or trying to. I have a daughter ellie who is six she loves to dance and goes to a street dance class, she loves to show me all the new moves she has been taught by her teacher frazer. he is a professional dancer. i will email your mum back later, tell her i say hi and pass on my mail address to her. x
17/10/2006Mrs. D-Sview

Hi Marcie!

I know I will see you at school, but I fancied leaving a message!

I really enjoyed your update - it is full of interesting information.

BUT - I don't agree that Amelia plays the guitar "badly"!! Mr. Sculpher said she is getting on very well, so there!!

Be good, and go on eating all your dinner up!

Hope you have a LOVELY half term.

Love from, Mrs. D-S.



Dear Marcie, Long time since we spoke - I hope you are feeling well and enjoying school - bouh ! - Paris is waiting for you visit ! Lots of love - Domi is sending her love as well.

Heh Marce,

 Check it;

 "Doc, I can't stop singing the green green grass at home"

 "That sounds like Tom Jones syndrome"

 "Is it common?"

 "It's not unusual"


HA ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha *^^%$###!!!!()&^%$$!!!

Love you xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Please give Dad a seriously good punch on his left bicep.




29/09/2006once again the MAD ppl get it!!!view

heya marc!

how r u?

hope u had a good time at france (or r u still on it?) urrrrr  i dunno!?

anyway......i dunno wot to say but HI!

this message is boring and gay, i no, but all well#!

c u soon


06/09/2006The Salisbury'sview

What's happenin Marcie Scarlet? Salisbury's here. Issy is still talking about you and Milly...... We will be coming home for a year in 2008, so plenty of Baby sitting for you missy bob. I'm dj'ing here in the City on Fri night Marce,my debut night performance, a little nervous though. Issy growing too rapid and tooooooooooooo cheeky for words, 4 and a half now goin on 12!!! Ilka studying very hard. Hectic house as always. Don't forget to remind Dad that you are all meant to be visiting us in the next 12 months!! Love You To Bits xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxEd,Ilka and Issy

30/08/2006poppy pooview

hi marc!

How r u??

do u wanna come round my house on sat??

call me babe!


poppy poo




Ellie is using Bebo to share photos and keep in touch with friends.
Sign up and check out her homepage here:

From Ellie Willets

05/06/2006Katie Molly and Maxview


Max-i-moose and I are sat in the office, actually Max is crawling....! in the office and Molly-Mooooooooooooo is catching some Z's in bed. (where Max should be too!)

Max is now playing with my toes?!Oh my word...he's trying to eat them........ Bless him.

Just thought the 3 of us would say Hi and that we love ya.

Big kisses and cuddles from all of us MWAH XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX


Hello there nearly birthday girl! How you doing?

I've just seen your 'Birthday List' - it sounds very much like mine does every year!! Abbie and Luke would love to get you something PINK for your birthday, but you're gonna have to give me a clue as to what size clothes and shoes you wear - as you've grown again since we saw you last!!

Abbie is very good at choosing PINK things - in fact for her birthday last weekend we gave her a much wanted PINK TV/DVD for her bedroom!! (Simon wasn't very impressed!!)

Hope you have a fantastic day - look forward to seeing the photos on here!

Give our love to Mum, Dad and Milly - must get together for some fun soon!

Don't forget to let me know your size!

Love ya!

Lisa  xxxx






19/05/2006annick cadinview
Dear Marcie - I hope you have a lovely day and lots of fun for your birthday party. lots of love. Annick

Hello, I hope the chat went well and it was good news. Did you see the giant elephant? Sounds  different!


Love Viks

07/05/2006Mrs. D-Sview

Hello Marcie!

Thanks for the update.

I hope the trip to London (if you went) turned out to be not too bad! Have you ever seen the wooden elephant at Clivedon? Actually it's only the front bit of an elephant, but it's very tall!

Mr. D-S and I "popped into" the Steam Fair yesterday, but we didn't go on any rides!!!  They would definitely make me feel sick, like Dad!

We saw Issy & Savy. Issy got a prize - it was a water pistol and Mr. D-S said he would find that useful in class!!!

Savy was eating a hot dog.

See you soon,

Mrs. D-S.


14/04/2006brittany williamsview
Hey Marcie,
How r u?
My new scool is great!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I still miss u though!!!
Can u plse send me ur proper email address so i can email u this important message about a virus!!!! i need 2 b able 2 email u on my hotmail account, and when i typed the address=
it would not let me send da message!!
Love brittany (blondey)

Hiya Marc

Havent written for ages soz!!!!

Love the new pics, they r soo cool!

I hope your looking forward to school, im not, but wat difference does it make! i have to go there anyway

lots of love 



04/04/2006Jackie Woodleyview

Hi Marcie

Just got notified that your site was updated!

Matthew also was at Bristol Hospital under Dr Nick! Matt was dx with AML in June 03, and had a BMT donated from his sister Emma who was 9 at the time.

We stayed on ward 34 for 4months and then 3weeks in the BMT unit. Great Nurses!!

Matt's fav was Wendy,Nicky and Tina from Newquay. They were all great though. Did you stay at the CLIC house?

Matt d.o.b is 24th July 1995.

We now live in France and Matt is doing really well, just got back from skiing with his school, they went to Le Lioran in the Central Masiffs.

Hope you are looking forward to Easter? Matt and Emma don't break up until 14th April and return on 2nd May!! Can't wait for the Summer!!

Take Care

Love Jackie

<a href="">matty's page</a>


Hi marcie

I got your email whats been updated?

That buzzer PS2 game sounds good.

From Kendra


Hi Marcie,

Have a great time in Cyprus next week - love to all the family.

The Haddons xx

21/11/2005Simon Morganview


We haven't written or spoken for ages - so sorry!! We are a useless bunch really!! No need to agree.

Glad to read that things are generally okay, which must a relief to all of you after the past year or so. How are mum, dad and Millie? Well I hope.

Lisa and I are fine. Luke and Abigail have both started a new school over the last couple of weeks. They now go to the local school in our village, rather than the one  they were at which was a 10-15 minute car journey away in the next village. They both seem to have settled in okay, and have made loads of new friends already.

Lisa has been busy wrecking our cars, and her friends have nicknamed her "Crusher Morgan". Very funny, although she claims that all the accidents she has had were not her fault!!! Isn't that every womans answer? So I had to buy myself a new (second hand) car, which I told her she is not allowed to drive.

I hope that we get to see you over christmas, it would be great fun.

We love you loads, and give our love and wishes to mum, dad and millie too!

Cheers for now



29/10/2005auntie Leahview

Hi Marcie and Mils,

House a mess. Doggy wee on floor. Baby still in pajamas.

Do I care? No. Instead Im on Ebay and your web site!!!!!

Glad you all loved Mamma Mia. Did you know every song?




HI marcie its kevin the one hu left I DEFINETLY HATE YEAR 6! but i have tu live with it. hows year 6 4 u is it fun e-mail me from big kev. and hu is head boy and girl. 


hi:)  aint this cool!!!!


soz i havent spoken for a while when i ever go on a web my computor always freezes its so annoying.



 me of course

im bored my brother is ssssooooo annoying well DUH they were born to make my life miserable.






hi marc


im off 2 greece on tuesday not dis tuesday but nxt tuesday i hope i ccan c u bfor then utherwise ill c u at school

c u then


bye xxx


Hi Marcie

The computer has not been working for nearly a month I was so angry.How are you and To-To?My mum is going to give your mum the sponser money soon.

Hope you are well




yo wasup babe. im hamish's mate bobobobo. you know im yo. baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. hav fun in da hosp lol.

04/06/2005Mia view
Hi marcie,
You will probably have no idea who i am so i will tell you. Now i know you know Weezy and Abi her sister right? Well i'm a really good friend of Abi and right now I am in spain with Annie, Abi and weeez. Whilst the others were in the pool weeeeez got your website up for me to look at and as I had already heard so much about you from weezy. This website is so cool and thats really great that your cured of leu, um........... L-E-U-K-A-E- mia ( i know the mia part because thats my name!)I love your dog Toto I wish I can have a dog but my mum won't let me boo hoo! But now I have a new hamster called Elmo who doesn't bite because Abi tamed her lol! I think itz so clever how you have done this website its great all my websites i attempt to make are completely and utterly RUBISH and this one is AMAZING! so i kinda have to leave off now because your probably getting really bored reading this but please please reply my only e-mail is on msn is that okay? its
from miaxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


I cant believe it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!x100000!




WELL DONE MARCIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I am sooooo happy you don't have Luk- I won't even try to spell it. I sounds out LOO-KEE-MIA.

Well done anyway.

Bye bye


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

27/05/2005Emily Mannersview

PRETTY FAB NEWS I THINK! Am v pleased for you all. Just keep on looking after yourself.

And in time for your birthday too.I hope u have a very fab day tomorrow whatever u get up to. Is it a surprise? 

I am lazing around watching the cricket and eating some biscuits that I made yesterday just waiting... I wonder if miniManners will arrive on your birthday!

More news soon...

Love, Mrs M


DID YOU KNOW I AM RUNNING A RACE FOR LIFE THINGY WITH WEEZY? Actually you probably didn't know that. Oh well.

That is all I wanted to say.

Bye bye

Jessi W

Hi Marcie!!! How are you? Today I 've got a mounted games competition on Zac with my team from the pony club.i'm really nervous.When I get home i'll tell you the results. there are only 6 teams including us and we have to get into the first 2 places to qualify for the zone competition! anyway speak to you later!!!!

from Hannah
26/04/2005Stefanie and Michaela Wildmoserview

hello Marcie,

how are you? i hope you feel okay. michaela(my mum) and I we look very
often up on your side, so we can see how you are. we think a lot of you
and hope the best for you.

Yesterday I was in hospitel to see how the work from midwife goes. It´s
really intresting.we had two deliveries, two boys.Maybe I will learn
this profession later.

Now I ´m  looking after the practise (4 weeks) for a work as  nursery teacher.

Many greetings to you and your whole family

love Stefanie

Hi, daer Marcie,  many greetings  to You also from me! Thank
you for your Mail for a long time. I was enjoyed about this!

Sorry, I want to write earlier but we have had a very hard time with
all the work: The bricklayer was here for 3 months in our new
City-house and we roughcasted  all the  rooms,  the
electrician an and the plumber, too.

Your Aunt Leah and her familie has had also a hard time with the manual
worker. But we lived  in our  House in the village-thank God!
It was a very nervous time,  but now we can start to lay the

Your aunt has had a very good idea: when we are ready, we can change our house to make holiday!

But now we have to do so much, my husband and I will do this work after
our work in the office. We hope, we can move with our cat in this Year
- perhaps?!?

So I will stop now with this story  and I will ask you, what do
you do the next time and how long you have spent in the hospital, to
get the special therapy?

Many greetings to your own family and Family Watts and  have a good time

love Michaela


hi Marc,

my annoying brother was messing

with the race for life amount of money

i am atchally giving your sister 5.00

soooooooooooory about my brother

love from Tommy xxxxx


Hi Marcie

How are you

glad too see you are home

how is To-To

Love Kendra


Great news - am SOOOOO pleased you are home.  Bet Mummy is busy cooking those meat balls.......


Lindsay xxxx


Hi Marcie

how lovely to see that you are home. I will ring your mum or dad tomorrow to catch up on the news.Take care love and hugs Sheila xx

04/04/2005Elliot Stokesview

to marcie  


            how are you and how was your day boring or good get well soon from elliot


To Marcie

 Hope you are well

I hope to-to  isnt being naughty

from Kendra

27/03/2005Lilian OKview

Hi Marcie how are you doing in the hospital  at the mo? Have you done anything special for easter, well my mum is feeling better.On friday i went to a wedding party and on Saturday I went to a childrens variety nite. I was in it and i sang a song with my little bro.Today we went to church and we thought we were gonna be early so my mum took her time getting ready.We got into the car and my mum looked at the clock and it was an hour forward than her watch.She went ahhh and we ended up getting late to church which was in LONDON!!!!!!!!

Tommorow we are probably having a easter treat breakfast at Hilton hotel.My mum says its a suprise but i know were going to Hilton.After breakfast were going to Oxford thats were my cousin lives.Two baby twins boy and girl and a boy about the same age as my bro.One week revising now another week relaxing.I hope you have a lovely easter.

P.S :What number can i contact you on?

Loadz of LUV



16/03/2005Simon Morganview


Hope all goes well with you up in Bristol.

We will be thinking of you, and Milly and mum and dad. Lisa, Luke and Abigail send you hugs and kisses too!

Great updated web site by the way! Love the Elvis video, and spank the monkey.

Big kisses and stuff



08/03/2005Andy Blumerview

Dear Marcie,

Pauline has already written about our news following our holiday in Cape Town so I won't bore you with that again.

Just to wish you all the very best in Bristol with your BMT and we know how brave you are.I'm sure that you will be bored stiff on many occasions so we'll keep emailing with interesting news we hope.We continue to pray for you each day as so many others are too,I'm sure.

Lots of love and keep smiling.

Andy Blumer





A big "Hi" from Ax, Jenny, Holly, Amber & Max (and Mr Murdoch the Hamster).

We've just read your post about the BMT down in Bristol (is he really called Dr. Nick?)
"Hello everybody!"
"Hello Dr. Nick!"

Great to hear about your back treatment, we're glad it's going so well.

Party on girl, we really look forward to seeing you soon.

All our love,
The Cads.


Hi Sweetheart,


Have got my new laptop will be leaving lots of messages for you.....


Lots of love,  Nan




Hope your Grandma and Snowballf eels better soon


Lots of love,



04/03/2005The Blumersview

Dear Marcie

We are not enjoying this cold snap.  We returned from two weeks of continuous sunshine in Cape Town last Thursday and were really hit by the miserable weather awaiting us when we landed at Heathrow.  We only had summer clothes on so found it really cold.  Luckily the person meeting us had come prepared with a winter coat which I quickly put on - Mr Blumer had to be brave and rush to the car with no extra clothing.  He was very brave!

We really enjoyed Cape Town and were lucky to stay in the flat of an Old Boy from St Piran's, Patrick Cordery.  He is teaching at Somerset College, an independent co-ed school just outside Cape Town.  He lives at the school during the week but we saw him at the weekends when he was happy to drive us around which saved me from navigating and getting lost too often.  There happened to be quite a few people we know over there so it was good to catch up with some relatives and friends we hadn't seen for some time.

I have just come back from a trip to London, meeting up with our two daughters who both live and work there.  We went to see Acorn Antiques which is a show written by Victoria Wood, and stars Julie Walters as Mrs Overall.  The whole show really relied on her to make it worthwhile as the story-line was pretty weak.  Mr Blumer was supposed to be playing golf today but has cancelled because the weather is wet and cold.  We are looking after two border terriers whilst their parents are in New Zealand for 3 weeks, so we have to go "walkies" twice a day.  Very good exercise for me!

Glad you had such a happy time in Paris.  Isn't the Eifel Tower amazing. I couldn't believe how big and tall it is and the views are stunning.  I remember going up in the lift and your stomach seems to lurch upwards when it starts to climb.  We are planning one or two trips to France (one to stay with Mr Edginton in the Cherbourg peninsular where he owns a house) so that's something to look foward to when the weather improves. 

We'll keep our eye on your website to see how things are going with you.  Don't forget we are always thinking of you and your family.

Much love   Pauline Blumer



i hope u r not in hospital moo face. Reading Museum was ok :-) nothing much really. what r u going to do at the weekend ( yes, i know it's only tuesday but i couldn't think of anything else.)?

pinch punch 1st day of the month no returns 4 6 months!

by by


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x




Dear Marcie,

I hope you can read your messages - this is just to send you lots of love and plenty of thoughts and courage.

Love from Annick and Domi


Just testing this thingy....

21/02/2005Ilka,Ed and Isobelview

Dear Marcie Scarlet,

 We haven't written for ages, we are very naughty. It is still very hot in Brisbane, 30 Degrees most days. Issy is growing all too quickly, chatting away and generally being a little crazy, but adorable 3 year old. I am working hard and have been training for the hockey season which starts this Sunday! I bet Dad is still nice and fit isn't he? Ilka goes back to University next week after her long Summer holiday, poor Ilky. I will send Daddy some new photos which we've got on the computer. Stay well my love and we're thinking of all of you all the time. Just think next year Australia like Daddy has promised......yipeeeeee!!!!

Love Ed,Ilka and Issy  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx




it was really great! there was a fire in our hotel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it was at 3 o' clock in the morning aswell! i will tell you more later cos' i have 2 go


jessi x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

15/02/2005Ross + Brettview


Hi honey, how are you :o) Haven't left you a message for a wee while, for which I am sorry! I think it's been a wee while since I was back as well, so I'm starting to miss you now. If we come back to Maidenhead this weekend, I hope we can come and see you, we'd like that.

Sorry to hear your dog has the squits, I bet your mum is loving that, NOT! We are all ok here, very well, Katie is getting bigger with the new baba inside, and we've had a scan and it all looks ok so far. Molly is good, started painting with her hands and feet too. She's done you a little picture for your wall, so I'll bring it when we see you next.

Had a great time with your daddy at the weekend, really nice. The cottage was lovely, really nicely done. Glad it was warm cos it was so cold and windy outside. Almost as windy as your Uncle Simon's pants (phew-wee sinky bot bot!). Jono had a little gip bless him too and we all had some fun and smiled.

Ok, you take care alright. We love you lots, and can't wait to see you.

Jimmy, Katie and


Hi there

just got back from Spain last night thought I would drop you a line. Had 10 days over there to see a big carnival in a town called Aguilas where Colin's brother Peter and his wife live. It was very colourful and was on every night!! We only went down twice. There wasn't many floats but lots of people in beautiful bright costumes with big feather headresses. The procession took three hours to go past!!. Give my love to mum and dad and also your little sister!!

Have a good valentines day with dad   hugs and xxxx  Sheila.


hey marcie

cant wait to come round 2 ya house on tuseday see ya soon hows toto?how r u felling today?good? anyhooo see ya soon

bye from hix


13/02/2005Elliot stokesview

hi, hen told me to say this to marcie

hen says hi to toto and you


12/02/2005Elliot stokesview
toto so cute ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
12/02/2005Elliot stokesview

hi marcie how was the school party on thursday see at school on monday

this message was sent by and typed by Elliot Stokes say i said hi toto

and your mum and dad.


Hiya Gorgeous!!

BMT eh?! BLT is much better! Anyway, although you are going through all this horrible stuff at the moment, I am so pleased that you seem to be positive and happy. Although the back to school bit must be a bit of a "bummer".

Lisa, Luke and Abigail send loads of love and wishes to you. Abigail has gone to dance class today, and Lisa has gone shopping. So there goes my credit card! Luke is at school, and I am chained to the office desk, looking at the rain out the window!

We have had a very hectic January, so haven't had a chance to come and see you, and say thanks to your mum and dad for Luke & Abigails Christmas presents. So please give them a big hug and kiss for us, as well as that gorgeous sister of yours.

You are on in a million and we love you loads - and hope to see you all soon.

Love Simon





i really feel like being at thorpe park at the moment.  i really want to go on the rollercoaster.  when i went there with weezy she went with her friend (i think they were from japan) and the mum was called fran and the dad was called simon (but he didnt come with us) and the boy was called alex and the little girl was called elizabeth (but we just called her lizzie or things like that).  when fran and simon went on one of my mum's driving days they called me "mad jessi" because i went on all of the horrid roller coaster rides!!  there was one that span around and went upsidedown !!!!  and when weezy goes to crete in the summer holidays she will be going with him. she said ... oh nooooo !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

are you going anywhere in the summer holidays?  i expect i will go to palma in spain to see the bar that dad and uncles neil and steve own - its right on the beach.  they are thinking about getting a new one but i dont think they should.  i am going snowboarding tommorow (this is just like a general conversation but its not really!!) 

are you going to the disco tomorrow?  what are you wearing?  abi roels has to wear a mini skiirt so everyone who owns one will wear one!!!!!!!!!!!

i now have very achey legs from doing the cross country.(full cross country!!!!!!!!) i would actually like to have a teachers cross country (dinner ladies and all!!!!)

i cannot think of anything else to say. you have drained it all out of me. you've got mail read this message to get your e-mail.



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school is very boring and it is going to be very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very very boring without you there for 5weeks. i am going to miss you horribly when you go.good luck. thinking of you always.

before you DO go, i am going to give you a BRAVEST GIRL IN THE SCHOOL AWARD. i am personally going to make it my self so don't think i got it off the internet. i like to make things homemade.

this is what im going to look like when i grow up. when im an old granny, im going to find you, ask you round to my old granny type house, have an old granny type cup of tea, go aroung the house playing an old granny type game of HIDE AND SEEK, go around the village in an old granny type trolly thingy, go then to my old granny type bed that is electric and can go really whizzie fast up and down like hospital beds sometimes have. then i will go to bed and have old granny type dreams. night night.



I know im early, but
Happy Valentines Day
<img src=>
Love <a href=>Viks from Post Pals </a>
03/02/2005Aaron Bhallaview

Hi Marcie

I just wanted to say hi. How are your treatments going, I hope that you will be better soon. Are you doing ok at school? If you need any help you can ask me but i probably wont know the answer!!! But I will try!!



(PS At least you dont have to go to saturday school like I do at Lambrook!!!)

03/02/2005Andy Blumerview

Dear Marcie,

Good to catch up with your news and to learn you are going to be in Bristol at the end of the month.Hope all goes well with the scan and that your stay will be comfortable.

We are going to South Africa for a two week holiday from the 8th February and staying in the flat of an Old Boy of St.Piran's called Patrick Cordery who is Director of Music in a Prep school called Somerset College.His flat is in Cape Town which is a beautiful city with Table mountain dominating it.We hope to meet up with Lexi Norris and her family too as they emigrated to Cape Town a few years ago.Ask Mr.DS about Patrick Cordery one day.

Our thoughts and prayes remain with you.

LOL  Andy Blumer



01/02/2005Shirley Collinsview

Hello Marcie


I just love your new dog, he is GORGEOUS!

How are you, have you finished all your treatments?


Lucy is big into Dirt bikes at the moment, I would like to send you some photo's, will your e. maill address accept them, or shall I send them to your Mum's address?

How is St. Piran's?

What school do you think you will be going on to after St. Piran's?


Bye for now

Shirley Collins



it has been my birthday. i am VERY angry with someone. (not you, by the way)





Hi Marcie, Im viks from if you (and your parents) would like to be featured and recieve cards and small pressies through the post, just drop me a line and i'll send some info and application forms over.


Hope you have fun away


lots of love




<img src=>


to marc

it is my BIRTHDAY tomorrow. i am excited.

  i am very sorry u can't see to-to. i am sad 4 u.

waa waa.

lots of luv,


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


Hi Marcie

How ya doing?  You back at school?

Was great fun seeing you at Molly's birthday party - what a lucky girl she was, you should have seen all her presents.  Molly had SO many - they didn't fit in their car, and I had to take them to her house.  I bought Molly a Ferrari Barbie - however think James is currently looking after it!

Spoke to your Grandma the other day, she rang asking me to help her do a dinner party in February.  What shall I cook?  Sausages, baked beans and chips?????

Off to France for a day trip this weekend, to stock up on smelly french cheese - yuck - o and the odd bottle of vino rouge......

Take care matey and see ya soon.





IT IS MY BIRTHDAY ON SATURDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i don't think anyone is as excited as me. weezy is staying the night on the last few seconds i am NOT in DOUBLE figures. (in other words, the night of my birthday.)


byzey byez


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

(  )

p.s i wish u could come to sleep over 2.


Hi marcie i am full of gloom because i have to bike ride 5 miles and i don't want to.


hope your well



Charlie Bird

12/01/2005Leanne Fisherview

Hi Marc!!

How are you lovely?? Hope school is treating you well, which I am sure it is. Lots of fun things going on of course. Especially in DT!!!! haha... Good to see that your at home now, im sure still causing lots of trouble.

Well, I am being boring at the moment and working lots. But I did go to the beach yesterday with my sister (I had a day off yay!!!). It was 37 degrees so it was nice and warm for a swim. A few too many flies though. I got one caught in the corner of my eye ... Not good. I had a bit of a moment, whilst my sister carried on laughing as I was swatting at my face.

Anyways dear have fun at school, keep smiling!!

Love Leanne (Miss Fisher)

P.S. Hi jessie and eloise. Thanks for sending me the email jessie! Hope your having lots of fun at school! Ohh and don't you love the pink writing. Can't go wrong, I think it's my favourite.

11/01/2005Steve Haddonview

Hi Marcie,

Can you tell your dad that, as well as being bald and fat, he's not very good at web sites. He's put some starnge stuff on the first page of your web site which makes it very difficult to read. It looks like this:


Could you ask him to take it out.

I hope you had a good Christmas and lot's of great presents.

Love and best wishes,

Steve, Geraldine, Sarah & Charlie

To marc

i have made up with weezy but she was being rather poopy. that was her fault that i said that.

although, i am never poopy. EVER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . my mum says. hmmmmmm?

thankyou 4 taking me into lunch   (it was very )

(that means DEATHLY)

Can't wait to see you tomorrow



x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


i am board so i will send you a message. whaty shally iy doy? my mum is having an argument about something or other on the phone.

i think this is how my mum feels at the moment.

i don't.(feel like this) i am happy clappy. like your dad was doing once at the hospital!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

apart from the fact that it is school tomorrow.

anyway, love and kisses to toto and what-ser-name-rabbit,



p.s.pretend it is tomorow. just do it, o.k?

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x. 


To Marc

am i dead yet? have you seen what i did to the score page? just go onto TOP SCORES and my name has filled up the whole page. pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease send me a message back as i am not sure weather i am in a grave or not. actually, that is a very good idea. i shall dig myself a hole. then i shell clog up my throght with soil and cover myself up. then over the years, the grass shall grow on the grave and bunny rabbits will hop over me, and then, an unexpecting daisy will be on top of my grave, and, out of the grave i shall pop. i shall look as bad as a vampire, and be as old as one too, then i shall find you, marcie loader, and i shall say,

"my, you look awful!!"

i think i'd better shut up now, don't you?oops, i forgot to make the writing small.


bye bye,               


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

08/01/2005Mrs Kingview

Hi Marcie

Happy New Year. Hope you had a great Christmas with Toto.

I spoke to your Dad about you coming to meet Beth and he said he would pass the message onto your Mum. Please remind her to contact me if you would like to visit.

I'm back to school now but don't work Tuesday and Thursday afternoons so maybe one of those would be good. Just let me know.

With love

Angy King

08/01/2005Mrs Kingview
08/01/2005Mrs kingview
06/01/2005Andy Blumerview

Dear Marcie,

A very happy New Year to you and your family.

We have had a most enjoyable Christmas with our two daughters,Clare and Kate coming to visit for three days.

Over the new year Barrie and Diane Williams came to celebrate it.They live in Holyport and Diane was my secretary at St.P's in the early part of my Headship befoere Sue Edwards and Jane Errington came to the school.

Looking at your photos from home,you seem to have had a cool time with loads of friends and family visiting.

Hope that 2005 is a better year for you and we both send our love and good wishes.

Andy Blumer


Hey Marcie

How you doing?  Great poem, by the way.  I certainly couldn't think of something like that!  I hope you got loads of cool presents for Christmas.  I got a DVD player (yes, I still live in the stoneage!) so end up watching films all evening instead of trying to get rid of my Christmas belly!  If you have time please reply as it would be great to hear from you.  Daddy will tell you who I am - the handsome fantastic cricketer you see every year!

Lots of love and stay strong

Marcus and Sophie xxxxx



to marc

i am really sorry i have done the most terrible thing to the top score page. go and have a look. SORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My mum is on the floor in heaps of laghter!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



aaaaaaaattttttccccchhhhhhhooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!Sorry, i almost sneezed then.


i actually have TONSULITUS and TRACHEITIS!!!!!!!

(track - ee - eye - tuss) i keep having to have these awful mediceines that r all sticky and sweet. i have been in bed 4 4 days! me and weezy died together on new years day.sadly, i think i will be well enough 4 school tomorrow. do i have to get such bad luck? Sorry, shouldn't of said that. you have such a lucky grandma marc, she has really nice big pants!!!!       my grandma wears massive pants too, and she buys them, no doubt, in Marks and no Exspenses. Witch in granny talk is Marks & Spencers.

I hope Toto is well and behaving himself very nicely.

I hope you had a nice New Year and the same to all the Loaders!

See you at school (Boo Hoo) (not about seeing you! - the school bit).

Lots of Love


04/01/2005Poppy and Millie.view

Hiya Marcie

i've got my friend millie round this morning and i'm going to see a panto this afternoon. What are you up to??

how is toto?

See you at school Poppy and Millie xx


03/01/2005Jimmy,Katie and Mollyview

Hello Marcie-Moo,

Was fab to see all your Christmas piccies :o)

Jimmy and I are sat watching a porgram on snakes and he is REALLY scared, he's hiding behind the sofa!!

Molly decided to stand up on New Years Day, no walking yet but she has nearly got balancing sorted.  She gets very excited when she is standing and she makes a squeeling noise like a piglet!!  Its really funny.

How are ToTo and Snowall?  Did they get lots of nibbly things for Christmas?  Did Toto have a full Christmas dinner too?  She will go pop if she did!

Was cool to see you and Mille at Molly's birthday she had lots of fun.

Looking forwards to seeing you and Mummy, Daddy and Mille soo.

Lots of Love Jimmy, Katie and Molly Mooooooooooooooooooooo xxx


02/01/2005Leanne Fisherview

Hi Marcie!

Hope you had a fabulous Christmas and a fun new year!! Hopefully santa was good to you and toto (of course). Did santa remember any doggie treats for him? :) I am back home in Australia now, welcomed by lots of hot weather. Oh and my cute little doggie too charlie!

Hope you have a excitingly, fun and fabulous holidays! I will keep myself up to date on you and your adventures for 2005!

I have to go to work now .... boring!!!

love Leanne (Miss Fisher)

01/01/2005Auntie Leahview

Hi Marcie,

Love you lots. Should be finishing my essay but hey this is more interesting instead.

Sat in rain today with Nanny and packed more boxes ready to move. |Did you know that your having Rohan this week? Yahhh!!!


Maddies room is pretty pink and Oscar and Rohans is a funky Red. You and Milly can come for the first sleep over soon.

Hows Millies Rabbit?


Lots of love to you both.



2 marc     

My mum is XTRA late for picking me up from my dads house. . . by the way did you know that weezy is a STINKY INKY (or you could put a W in front of the word inky in that phrase. . . . it would make somthing else!!!!!!!!!) My report was a good one. . .  I saw that Mrs.H said that yours was a GOOD one. Was it? Mine said that I was in the swimming team. . . .I didn't know that!   

It is christmas eve today - Iwill send you an email tomorrow to tell you what I got 4 christmas.

Hope you get some excelent prezzents!!! 


x x x x x x x x   


2 marc

i am now in my dad's office. Everybody is very nice here and i even got some chocolate!!!!!!!! (it was green and blacks, one of my faveourite types!!!)

we have to do some MORE christmas shopping in a min, and i have been investigating (i don't really know know to spell that word!) my prezzies!!!!!!

i am now feeling very tired as i went on the train on my OWN (own, as in with my bro, though i don't count that)

anyway, lol



2 m

I DO NOT LOVE MARCUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



there. that feels much better now.



x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


To the Loader Family,


Lots of love,

Jessi, Cate, Roger and Danny

x x x  


21/12/2004Mr Blumerview

Dear Marcie,

Just to wish you and your family a very Happy Christmas and all the very best in the New Year.

Mrs Blumer think of you a great deal and know what a brave and lovely young lady you are.I give you 10 out of 10 for courage and determination.Keep positive and we shall keep praying for your well-being.

God bless you and your family.

Andy and Pauline Blumer








hi marc

how r u?

did u know jessi marcus

got to go bisey byes


weezy xxxxx               ha ha



Hi Marc

How are you?

How is the 2nd best dog in the world doing (by the way the best dog in the world is Ollie! )

 ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha


weezy  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



Hi ya, how you doin?

Right young lady, we're all a little bit grumpy this end, especially lil Molly-moo. She said that you've had To-to for ages and ages and ages now, and we haven't seen any other pictures other than the ONE on your site :o(

Can we see some more, can we, can we, can we??? Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! Get out your camera and snap away, take some of Ameilia's bunny too.

We went out for my works Christmas party last night and I got a bit piddly, opps. We had a baby sitter who was 7 foot tall, Molly was a little bit concerned I think. The babysitter was a lovely girl though and looked after Molly very well, but reminded me of the Honey Monster :o)

Okey dokey I'm off for now. Love to all of you. Really looking forward to seeing you on Friday!!!!!!!! Loads. Molly can't wait to see the new additions to the family, a lil wooflums and bunny.

Love you lots! Jimmy, Katie and Molly........xxxxx


Dear Marcie,

       I am writing you a formal letter of sadddddddnnnesss (is that how u spell it? not quite sure . . . . JOKE!!!!!!) (please say this in a VERY posh voice) that DOOOOOGANNNN, the now very (FAT        yet ANOTHER joke!!!!) well doggy is fine and bursting to see u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lalalalalalalalalalalalalalal ol,


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

 x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

11/12/2004who loves you babe!view
11/12/2004Neil Stevensonview

Here's our dog. Cute or what?

Vicous attack dog, a killer

Best wishes from Sky for Xmas & 2005



hi marc

merry xmas

today i am belly dancing .


and happy new year.




07/12/2004Molly Mooview

Hi Marcie,

Hope that you are ok and not feeling too icky.

Please can we see some pictures of the new pets when you get the chance.

Lots of love Molly xxx


did your dad tell you that i was coming to your DVD night on saturday?

well i am! its 5 - 8, isnt it? (times)

i'm probably going to be sick when i get home because i had a funny tummy last night!     



x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

03/12/2004Mrs Kingview

Hi Marcie

Heard about the puppy today, you must be thrilled. will you put a picture of her/him on the website? Hope the cats don't mind the new member of the family! Let me know when you're ready for a swim. I'll be away  13th-29th December but any other time is fine.  Enjoy the weekend.


Mrs King



Hey Marcie-Moo,

Mummy says you have a puppeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Cool, does it lick your face lots?  Is it called To-To?

Can't wait to meet it, I think Mummy and Daddy want to see it too  ;o)

Lots of Love to you,Millie and Mummy and Daddy

Moo xxxxxxxx




heya marc!!! Hope you're felling great!

i'm going to watch the simpsons on the T.V in a mo, Flo!!

  i hope it is a good episode today!!!



03/12/2004Emily Mannersview

Helloooo there!

A little bird has just told me that a small, furry and 4 legged creature has joined the Loader clan today! How exciting! I am looking forward to seeing a picture or meeting it. I just called it "it". I am sure that it isn't an it but I don't know what it is. I expect that by now it will have chewed something expensive and made a couple of puddles on the carpet. I remember getting our dog, ages ago now, when Dad was a headmaster. He has just been given a VERY EXPENSIVE pen set by a grateful parent and the dog chewed the lid of the pen. It was ruined. Dad was just a teeny bit cross! He  - the dog that is, not Dad, also ate half a pair of Mum's shoes and all the beds that we bought him. Eventually he just had a blanket to lie on as we couldn't face clearing up all those little polystyrene balls all the time.

Anyway, I had better make myself go and look presentable as it is the staff christmas party thing tonight. What a lot of fun!

Hope to see you v soon, I might just have something rather exciting up my sleeve to show you. Its not always at school though so let me know when you might be around for a crafty peek!


Byeee for now,

love, Mrs M



02/12/2004Jimmy,Katie and Mollyview

Hey Marcie Scarlett-Moo head,

Spoke to Mummy this morning and she said you've got a bad tummy and that its really sore, so sore you had to go to hospital.  Sorry to hear you're feeling pooy and hope they have helped your tummy to be less painful?  Hoping you will be back at home soon.

Molly ate her first ( well 2nd!)  chocolate today,it was from her advent calander, she LOVED it and put the whole thing in her gob!!  and then kept spitting it out and licking it lots, she got in a bit of  a mess but it was funny! 

She says to tell you that her teeth have been growing and that now she has 8.  She looks wired with teeth, I can't quite get used to it!  I'll show you them all when I see you next.

Take care and lots of love to you.

Jimmy,Katie and Stinky Moo Head xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


02/12/2004Mrs Hview

Hi Marcie!!

You said I didn't write to you enough - sooooooo sorry, but I have been busy writing reports - yes, including yours ....... It's OK, I'll let you into a little secret - it's a COOL sort of one - well, that means GOOD in teacher speak - but don't tell anyone I told you !!

I have marked all the exams.....boring, and finished all the reports, more boring, - it's more fun teaching honest !..............and now I'm not feeling very well and am sitting at home feeling sorry for myself!!

Did you hear I had two St. Piran's boys to stay with me last week???  Their parents had to go away - and I don't think anyone else would have them (!) - so their Mum asked me to look after them !!  Wot fun !  I think everyone else at school felt sorry for them living with their maths teacher for 9 days, but then word got round that it was - FUN  - can you believe that ??? They made their own designer pizzas one night - and played lots of games - and explored my house - it has lots of different levels and hidden rooms where my own children live when they are at home.  It was so good they didn't want to go home - well, not until their Mum came back anyway!!! 

Now I am waiting for my children to come home - Luella and Giles are back on Sunday - so I'll have to start buying lots and lots of food as they eat TONS - no, not really but it seems like it.

Anyway, how are you feeling?  I've not seen you around at school - and your site says you are at home.  I hope you're not feeling too yucky, cos that's really not fair.  We'd all love to see you next week before Christmas and the holidays - have you written to the 'Man in the Red Coat' yet ??

Lots of love and hugs, see you soon,

Mrs H

P.S. My keys are missing you too............!




to marc

I did have an advent calander in the end!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (i didn't think i had!)

it is the 1st day of christmas and i got a chocolate from my calander! 

i really need the results 'cos i am getting frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



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01/12/2004Pauline Blumerview

Hi Marcie

Sorry I have not written earlier to thank you very much for your most colourful circular "thank you" note.  It's got pride of place on our wall and I think of you whever I walk past it.

Not much news this end.  We had planned to stay with some friends in Esher today but this has been postponed as the husband, Howard, is not feeling well.  We are hoping to go up on Thursday instead as he is beginning to feel better.  We shall probably go and see a film, perhaps seeking Neverland or Bridget Jones.  Apparently Seeking Neverland is supposed to be excellent - quite weepy at the end.  Perhaps you have already seen the film, which is about JM Barrie who wrote Peter Pan.  Haven't heard how the St P's Play went - perhaps you could let us have your opinion.

Yesterday was Mr Blumer's ???? birthday.  We didn't have any big celebrations but were invited to a Concert at a Prep School near Winchester who had agreed to raise money for the Charity Mr Blumer is involved with called JET.  He had to stand up and say a few words about JET - he's not used to saying things in public much nowadays and never enjoys it that much.  Anyway, we enjoyed the Concert but the music was NOT A PATCH on anything Mr D-S organises.  There was a Year 3 Choir, mainly girls, but a few boys.  All the children had their lines to read from - WHAT would Mr D-S say??  Then the rest of the school sang rather a good "Story of Christmas" which the lady Director of Music had written.  The Choir was accompanied by a Pianist and a local Brass Band who were very good.  Three boys and a girl played their trumpets quite well. The concert took place in their Sports Hall (not as large as St P's) and there was no stage so the parents could not see their children who were hidden behind the piano.  The children did not file on and off as smartly as Mr D-S teaches you all and one boy stood on the end or the front row looking most disinterested and hardly singing AND he kept taking his shoe off!!  It certainly makes us appreciate all the planning and hard work that Mr & Mrs D-S do at St P's.  I am just going to post some letters and have a short walk as I have not had any proper exercise for a few days - that's why I am getting fatter.

Keep in touch and let's hear your news.

LOL Pauline Blumer  Mr B sends LOL




2 marc,

this is my 4th email 2 u in a row!

i'm still wondering if you can go swimming yet!!!

          Doogie is doing absolutly fine and really wants to see u!


Jessi     x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

          ha ha ha ha ha! i am thy's evil witch!!! (cackle cackle cackle!)

that was very random.

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x


2 marc,

in i.c.t yesterday, we learnt to touch type!! only for a few of the letters though ... when are you going to get your answer for the bone marrow because I have been wondering all this time?!! 



Jessi xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


2 marcie

i double triple double triple double triple double triple hope that your treatment is all over and you can go swimming  (x that by 9,66666677774445542 0000000!!!!!!)





2 marc

is your treatment over? have you had the results yet?

i hope it is looking good 4 u!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i wonder how you're feeling at the moment? worried?

hope you are all clear,


22/11/2004Lisa Morganview

Hi there Marcie Cool!!

How you doing? Sorry to hear things are a bit ruff at the mo - you never stop amazing me with your happiness, bravery and coolness!! Hope everything went ok today. Really looking forward to seeing you guys! Love to Mum, Dad and Milly. We are here if any of you need us - wish we could do something to help. How were the Christmas lights? Can't believe it's that time again! Take care of yourself, we love you.

Lisa, Simon, Luke and Abigail xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

21/11/2004Pauline Blumerview

Dear Marcie

Sunday morning and we are soon going to have lunch with a friend near Dorking (Lovely having someone else doing the cooking - I haven't got Mr Blumer very well trained in the kitchen, I'm afraid!).  She is quite lonely as her husband died just over a year ago and she isn't a very sociable type person, so we worry about her quite a bit.  But somehow she quite likes her own company.  We keep trying to persuade her to get another dog but she's not ready for that at the moment.  Her house is surrounded by woodland owned by the National Trust so we shall probably have a very soggy walk after lunch - wellies ready in the car.

Interesting to hear you now have a pen pal in the States.  You can certainly keep him informed about all the treatments you have had, and which he will be having too - so nice to be able to chat things over with someone who is in the same boat, so to speak.  Hope the Maidenhead Christmas lights switched on OK - they will certainly brighten up the town centre which we always felt needed something doing to it to make it more attractive.  We like shopping in Chichester.  There isn't a precinct yet so it doesn't feel like everywhere else but, no doubt, somebody will have the good idea that the shopping should be improved and do something horrible to it in future.  They also have a big market on Saturdays which always reminds us of the big French markets.   If you go later on in the day when they are clearing up, they nearly give away the fruit and veg!

We'll keep an eye on the website to see how things go on Monday.  We shall be thinking of you all when you see Dr Kate.

Much love, Pauline Blumer


Heya M

goo goo gaa gaa! i have been at my grandma's house and then i went straight to weezy's then i went home and have just got in and read your message and wrote the email.    (!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


jessi    xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


   Hello marcie!!!!

it won't put any more on because my brother put on some viruses!!!

lol, jessi



i think you should have a competition to see who would put in the most pictures (on the email). it would be a great!!!!!!

you are a massive poo, (i'm competing with weezy)!!!!!!!!!

by the way, in swimming, when i was saying i'd put funny stuff in the rabbit names, YOU WEREN'T MENT TO KEEP GOING ON AND ON ABOUT IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

plipingannid (by the way,(sorry i keep saying that!) try and read thatword, i typed it in so that you could!!)

 i saw mr blumer in chapel!Hello, mr blumer!

tell mr blumer to read this message!!!!

i recommend you go onto  

1. google, then type in fish tank and go down until you find insaniquarium.

2. google, then type in bbc then go to where it says search and type in ks1 or if you want it to be a little bit harder then ks2 and it will help you catch up with work. i've said this to a few people.

Hope you like the message - love you lots.


Jessi and Cate xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


17/11/2004Andy Blumerview

Dear Marcie,

Sorr y you are feeling sore after your bone marrow extraction and hope that the results on Monday are positive.

Mums and Dads are always worried about their children! Our Kate has an infected toe nail and that small thing concerns us!

Keep on being chirpy and really positive for your sake and your parents.You are after all a very special cooool person!

Andy and Pauline Blumer





hello    u r a poo.  it is jess popes birthday tomorrow(only she is unlucky because it is on the same day as Birties!!)i want it to be MY birthday, right NNNOOOWWW!!!!!!!!

lots of luv,           jessi       xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx




hi marcie how are you did u have a nice day. Your a big poooooooooooo

lol weezy xxxx





16/11/2004Emily Mannersview

Hello there Cheekygirl!

Just to say:

Hope you aren't feeling toooo groggy after yesterday... and hope that you are back at home with your feet up.

You aren't missing much here really, Mrs Lemay is away on a course today so she isn't here to scowl at you, sorry, smile at you.

And I have NO lunch at school today for you to steal, which obviously makes my life much easier. Will have to think of safe lunch eating plan for when you are back!

Oh, here come my lovely class ( or not so lovely and VERY noisy class you might say!) so I'd better go and deal with them.

Looking forward to seeing you soon,

Mrs. M



14/11/2004Andy Blumerview

Dear Marcie,

It was really great to see you outside the St.P's chapel and looking so lovely.You made my evening as you were the one pupil I wanted to speak to.

I thought the chapel service was good and there were certainly loads of people there.Ellie Thomson read really well and Alex Tindall remembered the poem really well.The choir under Mr and Mrs DS sung beautifully.

Hope your platelets start to rise and that Dr.Kate continues to keep you really positive.I am a great admirer so keep fighting hard.

Love from 

Andrew Blumer and of course Pauline.








Hello Marcie

sorry not to have logged on for a while but have been really busy both at work and also at home trying to decorate. Sorry to read your diary of yesterday that your bloods are playing silly devils again.I wish you well for tomorrow and will be thinking of you.My cousin Chris is over from Canada and we are having a get together on Nov 27th if you are ok I was hoping you guys could come down for the day.I will ring mum and dad next week to discuss this.

take care lots of love and cuddles

sheila xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



Listen, we're all thinking of you lots ok. Hope it all goes well for you on Monday!

Keep yer chin up gorgeous.

Give mummy a kiss, daddy a slap on his baldy head and give Milly a cuddle.

We're all thinking of you ok, let us know how you are either by textin me or write me back.


Love you Marcie - Jimmy, Katie (stinky head) and Molly (stinky bot bot)...xxxxxxx



i am at my dads house and yesterday we went to the england vs canada national rugby match! Did u see me on the telly? I don't think i was on. we won 70-0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

lots of love

jessi        xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

14/11/2004Eli Sidlerview

Hi Marcie,

Earlier this evening my son sent you an e-mail with our e-mail address incorrect. I just sent you our correct address and I didn't see his original message on your message list. Here is his message as well as I can remember it.

Hello Marcie!

My name is Eli Sidler, I am eight and I live in the United States. My dad came across your website and showed it to me. You have a really neat site! It has a lot of great information on it. In Sept. I was diagnosed with a Ewings Sarcoma-PNET tumor of the spine. I had surgery to remove most of the tumor (I was in a lot of pain) and I just finished my second round of chemo. My hair has just started to fall out. I'll get radiation therapy sometime after Christmas. THIS IS NOT FUN! Do you get g-csf shots after chemo? I do. I wish I did'nt. Anyway, I have a care page that you can visit if you want to. Go to, register and create a password. Then type in my care page name which is, chemowarrior. I hope to hear from you! Take care! -  Eli

13/11/2004Jimmy, Katie and Mollyview

Hi Marcie,

Not sure what happened with the other message but its blank as you can see!  Think I got over excited and hit 'enter' before I'd even written anything!!

A great big Thank you for your lovely picture of us three, it was brilliant ;O)  We loved it.  That was really kind of you.   I'll work on James and then hopfully we can get married soon and we cn look forwards to a wedding...... I'll keep you posted and as soon as I have any news you will be the first to know,ok.

We will be thinking of you on Monday, try and be a brave solider.  I know you are very brave already, youare indeed a sooper dooper star.

It was really cool seeing your Mummy and Daddy for dinner and we hope that they had as much fun as we did.  We had to head home 2day,a bit earlier than planned, due to Jimmy having to work, lots. I think that we are going to watch Shrek 2 as I really want to see it.  Have you seen it?

Hope you have had a nice day today.


Lots of Love from us 3 andan extra big kiss from lil Molly-Moo Xxxxxxxxxxxx


13/11/2004Jimmy, Katie and Mollyview

2 marc

i spell my name  jessi  now.

i can't belive it's autunm and nearly christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!

i can't stop putting these great big pictures on!!!

just 1 more!


Hiya Marcie


Sorry to hear that things are going as well as they can. But keep your chin up babe, and don't shut any more body parts in doors!!!

Big hugs and kisses from us all!


Simon Lisa Luke Abigail x x x x x x x x x x


we r the cheeky girls! u r the cheeky boys! i hate ths stupid song! u hate this stupid song!

funky funky! junky junky! stunky stunky! poooooooooooooooooo.

wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!i am a ghost!

pooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!i am a dog! (get it?)

tell weezy 2 send  messages 2 u! she hasen't done in absolutly AGES!

jessie xxxxxxxxxxx


Hi Marcie - this is a bit obscure, but I read it today and thought about you... It's Neitzcshe, granted, but presumably before he went bonkers, 'There is no profound wisdom without the experience of sickness, and all higher healthiness must be achieved through its means.' Good to see you again in Marlborough recently. Love from all of us.  Jon.

01/11/2004Jessie view


Hello pooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

moosie here.    Did you know, that says jessie?

my favourite animal is a cowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww




2 poppy   weezy MARCUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's a !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From Jessie pooooo


hi marc

how are you i am coming to your house today you like robbie williams



you like the sims


28/10/2004Katie,Jimmy and Piglet-Pooview

Hi  Marcie,

How you doin sweetie?   Just checking up on your diary and saw there wasnt entries for the last coupla days.  Here's hoping your so busy having fun that you don't have time.....?

Molly sends you a cuddle and says to tell you that no teeth have apperared despite Mummy thinking they were on the way.  Will keep you udated and Im sure when she see's you she will chew your finger and you'll be able to see if she has more teeth!!

Hope Mummy, Daddy and Millie are all Ok and well.  Send our love to them XXX

Jimmy is busy working hard earning lots of pennies for me and MOlly to spend!! :O)

Lots of Love Jimmy, Katie and MOlly-Moo xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



Hi Marcie, I just wanted to drop you a note to say helloooooooooooo from the ginger one, Michelle, Emily and Baby Lilly....Lots of love..x

Dear Marcie,

I just wanted to say Hi!




Dear Marcie,

Missing you tones!!!But I'm happy I remember  I'm also getting a dog like you!!!!!   !


Love, Mehreen 


hi marc

eloise loves charlie eloise loves charlie

thats all



hi marcie

you probably won't remember me...? i am a medical student in the jr, and we met in july on the ward (it was the day before you went to the churchill for the first time?). your dad gave your business card to be able to catch up with your progress. i am glad to hear that you are at home and feeling better.

all the best



Hello Marcie

glad to see you are home and you had a lovely weekend. What a super car that your godfather has I bet your dad's face was green with envy keep in touch love Sheila xxx

16/10/2004Jenny and Keithview

Just caught up with your web page after a fairly fraught trip into Oxford this morning (shopping ! Ugh). Why does everybone else want to be there at the same time as me?

Hope you are feeling a lot better now and your vital stats improve. Please let us know how you are feeling and look forward to seeing you soon.

Lots of love

15/10/2004Lisa Morganview

Hi Marcie! Sorry not been in touch lately. We think and talk about you all the time. Hope you'll be back home again soon - dreaming up names for your new dog! What's your favorite name by the way? I've added a name to the list - Simon thinks I'm very sad as I suggested Deefa (as in D for Dog!!) Sorry, I know it's bad but I hoped you might find it funny!! I'm sure you'll come up with something much better!

We'd love to see you - we really miss you guys! Give us a call when you're up to a visit. Give our love to Mum, Dad and Millie. But mainly we want to send you BIG HUGS & KISSES!!

Keep in touch and stay well.

All our love,

Lisa Simon Luke & Abigail



Hi Marcie,

what a performance over the last few days!!!! I do hope that today you are improving.At least it proves you have a brain if it had been your dad would the drug have found his brain  ha ha thats very naughty of me so I hope  your dad doesn't read your emails!!!  At the moment I am trying to clear up the office/bedroom where the pc is as the electrician has been re-wiring plugs in here and there is mess and dust everywhere. Love to you all, Sheila  and Colin xxxxxxxxxxxxx

14/10/2004Mr&Mrs Blumerview

Dear Dizzy,

Really sorry you've changed your name to Dizzy from Marcie!

We have just arrived back from London and we met both our girls Clare(33) and Kate(30) who live up there for the time-being .Both have got flats up there and like the life at the moment.I think living in London is fun for a few years and then a lot of people opt out and go to the country.As yet we don't have grandchildren but hope to have gorgeous little ones to nurture in time.

I can imagine how boring it must be lying in bed but be patient and you will soon be enjoying life to the full.

LOL  Andrew and Pauline Blumer





Hey Darling,

Had to fight my daughter to get to me blimmin laptop!!  Isn't she clever being able to email at 9 months eh?!  She is a noisy fruitloop! 

Was great to see you other day, Molly enjoyd being bounced of the table by your Daddy and I certainly enjoyed being fed scrumptious flying saucers!( I will bring you more....)

Sorry to hear that you have a dizzy head on, do you feel like you've been spun round lots and lots and can't walk in a striaght line?  Hope it goes away soon.

Sending you lots of love and hello to Mummy, Daddy and Millie xxxxxxxx

14/10/2004Molly Moo view

Ello Dizzy Marcie Moo-Head,

Miss Molly Mosschops-Moomin-Moo -Head here.

Today Iam babbaling lots and going whaaaaaaaaaa-arhhhhhhhhhhh-ahhhhhhhhhhhhh and I think I am giving Mummy a sore head.  I really do like the sound of my own voice.

I can do a brilliant duck impression toooooo.

Sorry your feeling dizzy all the time it can't be nice.  I'm sending you a big huggle and a big sloppy lick.

Mwah X.......Molly xxxx




I had colour envy once I'd read your message from your mate Wezzy, and had to write back in colour vision :o)

love you!

13/10/2004Jimmy & Katieview

Ahh Marcie, so sorry you're feeling unwell poppet :o( That's so unfair and poo.

Katie, Molly and I really feel for you and we hope and wish that you're latest bought of poorliness goes way very soon. Just remember ok, ONLY 4 more to go!!! Hang in there ok, I know it must be really horrid.

Thinking of you lots n lots, every day ok. And give our love to Mum, Dad and Milly ok.

All our love, Jimmy, Katie and Molly Moo Pigglet


Hi Marcie





Hey Marcie,

Hope you're ok. We're all fine here, Molly's just sitting on my lap after a bath and almost ready for bed.

We just wanted to say hi and let you know we're thinking of you. Also hope you're not too bored in hosi for the next 2 days. Not too long left now sweetie pie.

I'll send you some jokes on your phone if you like (if you're allowed it on in hospital). Take care

Love you lots



Hiya love!!

   Having a bit of a poo time you are!  Not surprised your fed up.  WIshing those counts to come up for you.

Have  alook at this website if your bored...   its cool!

Molly moo sends you a big sloppy smooooochie moooooooooooooo xxxx

10/10/2004The Blumersview

Hello Marcie

It's Sunday morning and we are just off to lunch with a friend who lives near Woodland.  We are joining a walk looking for fungii.  I remember when we were at St P's we were told there were lots of mushrooms on the playing fields.  Stupidly we gathered some and I cooked them for lunch.  We must have a rogue mushroom (or toadstool) and Clare and Kate, my two "girls" were really ill afterwards.  I felt very guilty but most fortunate that they were only very sick!!  Shan't bring any mushrooms back today.

Last night was the local Church's Harvest Supper in the village hall.   Somehow I happened to find myself helping to organise it.  Had to make potato salad for 100 people.  Most of the food was brought by people attending but there was quite a bit of washing up to do throughout the evening.  Reminded me of the many functions which took place at school and the many times I found myself helping to wash up in the school kitchens - can't say I miss that much.

Sorry to hear your blood count is misbehaving.  Is there something the Doctors can do to help increase it?  You will know all about medical matters after the various treatments you have undergone.  Keep battling on and we hope to hear soon that you can continue with the chemo.

LOL   Pauline and Andy


10/10/2004Chiara Annunziataview

Dear Marcie

 i wanted to say i hope your O.K and your count gets a liddle bit higher as it's not so good now. How you feeling? Hope to see you write on this website and say your O.K soon.

                                         Keep smilin'!!!!

lotsa love

Chiara xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Hi Marcie,

Sorry to hear your count is dragging it's heels :(
I hope it picks up soon so that you can get on and finish your treatment.

Perhaps we can all come around to your house with placards and chant "Counts Up! Counts Up!".
Do you think that will help :)


01/10/2004Becky Levellview
Hello Marcie,  I don't get to see you around school now that I have left.  I am at The Brigidine in Windsor and am really enjoying it.  I had been at St. P's since I was three and a half so leaving, at 11, was hard.  I miss my old friends but have made lots of new ones.  Whose class are you in now?  I love your web site and enjoy playing the games and helping name your pets.  Hope to see you around.  Take care, love Becky xx
28/09/2004Andrew Blumerview

Dear Marcie,

So pleased to hear you are back at school and enjoying some of the work! It must be fun joining in with your friends at St.P's.

Mrs Blumer and I have been to the Channel Islands whilst you were at school! We stayed in a hotel in Guernsey and from there travelled on day trips to Herm and Sark which are small and easy to walk around.There are no cars on either Herm or Sark only farm tractors.I then went on a week's golfing holiday with 5 male friends,all former Heads or Deputy Heads.We travelled to North Berwick and Dunbar-see if you can find them in an atlas.

I shall be speaking in chapel at t.P's later on this term and I do hope we will see you there.

Keep smiling.

Love  Andy Blumer








Hello little one thanks for your message to me I do love hearing from you. Looking at your page today it looks as though your count is down and that the next treatment is on hold. Perhaps as I write your little red cells are running round exercising so that you can have your therapy soon.You are doing so well and as you said only four to go hurrah.Our pets Oscar and Sparky (the cat) are having fun now as we have fitted in the new stairs into our new extension so they are busy exploring the new (unfinished) rooms up there. There is still a lot to do but I can now see how everthing will be when its finished. Take care love to Mummy,Daddy and Milly and big hugs for you Sheila



Hi there.

I just typed you a really long message and then accidentally deleted the whole thing!  How stupid am I.

I was saying.....   We all wanted to say elloooooooooooooooooo.  

Sounds like you had a cool time on your school trip.  Did you do ALL those activities???  You must have been pooped hunny!  Good job Daddy ws readily avaliable with those piggy backs.

Little Munchkin Moo is a bit under the weather,  Think it cos of her teeth coming through.  She kept puking today and had a really pooy botty (YUK!)  and was really grumpy all day.  Hope she is feeling happier 2mo.

Hope you are feeling okey-dokey.  Catch up with soon.

Lots of love to you Marcie Moo.

Lots of love Jimmy, Katie and Molly-Moo with definite stinky-poo!! xxx


26/09/2004auntie emmaview
26/09/2004auntie emmaview

Darling Marcie,

It was good to speak to you the other day,  I am so glad to hear that you had such fun with your schoolfriends in Weymouth.

Chloe had a sleepover on Saturday.  We took three of her friends to Cafe Uno and then they came back to stay.  As they didn't go to sleep until 1am in the morning we are all feeling very tired today !!

I hope all goes well at the John Radcliffe this week - we will be thinking about you.

Take care and lots of love from

Auntie Emma


Hi Marcie,

sounds like you have had a fun  week. Did your Dad do any of the activities or was he there just to give you a lift when you needed it? We are still busy re-building our house. I have to go to do some shopping in a minute in Blandford only food shopping so nothing exciting. Give our love to everyone

love Sheila xxx


Hi Marcie,

Just read your latest post, it sounds like you a great time :)





Hi ya Marcie,

How goes it? Back at school I see. Booooooooooooo!!! Only for half days though, yeaaahhhhhhhhhhh!!!

Good to see you all last Friday for a bit. Might pop in if you're around to see you on Saturday with Molly. Katie is away so Molly and I are visiting friends and you're top of our list. I know she wants to see you and show you how she can crawl. It's so sweet, she scoots along the floor after things now, very funny. If you're about, please email me to let me know ok. Or text me and we can pop over.

Take care, see you soon.Love


Yay Marcie!

Glad to hear you're back at school :)

Amber started school (reception class) for the first time last week, she was SO excited.

Holly was looking forward to school too.

Jenny was relieved to have some peace finally after the summer hols :)

Hope to see you soon,

Ax and the Clan Cad

13/09/2004auntie emmaview

Dear Marcie,

Just wanted to say a very big thank you for the photo of you starting school last week - you look so tall,   has the medecine made your legs longer ?!

Chloe and Oliver are in bed at the moment, but I am sure Chloe will be writing to you soon to say hello.

I started at college today and I had to do a maths test  yuk  -  i think i got all my sums wrong but don't tell anyone.

Hope you carry on enjoying school,   it must be good to see all your friends again.

Speak to you soon

All my love

Auntie Emma


Hi Marcie,

how are you doing? We have been very busy trying to put our house back together with new kitchen,bathroom new roof and rooms up in the roof so its like living on a building site.Are you back at school now? Do you just go in when you can?

give my love to everyone

kisses to you



10/09/2004Small Gingerview

Hey Marcie

It's been a long summer at our place and if I'm honest, it's good to get the child / monsters out of the house and back to terrorising their teachers.  Hannah's in the 6th form now, so feels pretty cool with no uniform, but needs an extra 10 minutes in the morning deciding what to wear.  Jon's into girlfriends, but none are into him unfortunately... well except Chloe who almost fainted with shock when he tried to hold her hand on their first date.

Keep smiling - love to the others..




Hope you are feeling okay at the moment. We have been keeping up to date with your exploits via your excellent web page. How are your mum, dad and sis? We haven't seen you guys for what seems like forever, and must get together soon. Luke and Abigail are getting over having chicken pox during the summer holidays, which wasn't much fun for any of us, but they had to catch it some time! We have also had our extension built on the house, so have more space now, but we need to decorate it yet.

Generally life is okay, but hectic.

Give our love to mum and dad, and Amelia of course, and keep in touch. Tell Mum & Dad we will ring them soon to arrange a meet up!

Load of Love

Simon, Lisa, Luke & Abigail xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

07/09/2004Mrs Hview



until you leave St. P's you are going to be in MY tutor group.  I only found out today when I looked on the lists of who is going where. well as Mrs McL to look after you for registration .............. you have me on Monday (lesson 3) .  It's called tutor group meeting which is a cool way of saying I look after any other problems you might have.  I check your industry card and that you have done your homework and other boring stuff...........but we do have the most amazing end of term parties.......we said goodbye to people who left last term (boo, hoo) with coke and choccie biscuits (hurray!).

If you EVER need someone to talk to now..........I'm your man - something wrong there .........Mrs Manners is still around - but you've got me too !!!!

I was so pleased to hear you were feeling up to coming back into school - guess who is also in our tutor group - Will Miles  - and we have some lovely girls - and a few yukky boys - no they're lovely really........!!!!! 

I can be your special person to talk to - at any time at all, and that goes for Mummy and Daddy too - so let them know if they want to find me anytime I'm in Northside NO.1 - last room on the right - next to Transition.

My room is a bit of a tip at the moment as the workmen have been trying to make a cupboard for all my paperwork and maths books - did you know that was my favourite subject???? (-so if you need help there come and see me for that too!) but I expect it'll all get sorted soon.........!

I expect you're excited about tomorrow - I'll see you then - or on Monday


Hey Marcie,

Nice one!!! You should be all finished with Radiotherapy today. Yeeeeeeeeehhhhaaaaa. I bet you're well chuffed. Well done you!

We're all thinking of you and hoping you're feeling better day by day. Take care of yourself ok, see ya soon.

Lots of love,

01/09/2004Katie and Molly-Mooview

Hiya Marcie,

Just been catching up on your diary pages as we have been on holiday in France.  Looks like you've been having fun, the pictures are good.  I've added a picture of you and Millie with your face's painted for you to have a  look at.  You both look great.

France was cool, we had a really busy time, we saw all of James family who had a big party and then had another party for Tim, James brother.  So we were busy party bee's.

Molly is almost crawling, I think she has got a bit confused as she is going backwards,  I'm sure she will get it mastered soon!  She sends you a big kiss...MWAH X

Looking forwards to seeing you all soon.  LOts of Love to you, Mummy, Daddy and Millie.

James,Katie and Molly Moomin head xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


30/08/2004Neil Stevensonview
Hello again. Those of us still at Sky in the frozen north (=Scotland) are still thinking of you, and hope you're getting better. Looking forward to seeing pictures of the au pair. It's not snowing today
25/08/2004Andrew Blumerview

Dear Marcie,

So pleased you are feeling so much better and have been able to enjoy the holidays. Your experience at the Saatchi gallery sounds interesting.Hope you weren't covered in baked beans!

Mrs Errington and her husband came down to see us and to stay for two days.One day we went to the seaside at Littlehampton and introduced Sophie who is almost one to paddling.She loved it after the initial shock of cold water! Mr E. and I then went in for a swim and we thought the temperature was about 20C.We lasted about 10 minutes in the water.

All the best

Love Andrew and Pauline Blumer






Hi Marcie, glad you had a good time yesterday in London. Colin and I went to a Rainforest Cafe in Disneyland they are really good fun with monkeys and elephants. We had a pudding there called a Volcano and when one of those is made when it comes out of the kitchen all the waiters whistle and shout "its a volcano" and everyone looks at you!!! It was a huge mountain of different ice creams and chocolate fudge cake with sparklers in the top even we couldn't finish it !! Have a good day today.

love Sheila xxxxx


hi marc

hope your camping trip went ok

buy the way the thing you made with lily was ok.




so you win

it feels  like a year that iv not see you.

miss you



21/08/2004Emily Mannersview

Hello Beautiful One.

I have just got back from holiday in France, which was lovely, hot and sunny with huge amounts of delicious food and wine. We got back to England on Monday night and we have spent a couple of days with my parents and my littlest sister 'cos it was her birthday on Thursday. She was 12 and we all went to Port Lympne Wildlife park ( you can see lots of pictures of it and webcams of the elephants and gorillas on this site) and got a bit wet as we forgot to put our rainycoats in the car! Kristina (sister number 3)'s boyfriend was so cold he had to buy a cheeky monkey children's hooded swimmingtowel top thingy. It had big ears on top and a tail on the back. He looked VERY FUNNY and everybody else was giving us VERY FUNNY looks. However there were lots of lovely gorillas to look at (Ever smelt a gorilla? Its a yummy smell) and tigers and elephants and teeny baby monkeys... Dad also made us have our picnic outdoors; fortunately we had lots of rugs in the car to wrap up in. Not so fortunately there were loads of wasps trying to share our picnic. Not one of Dad's best picnic places.

So this afternoon I have been catching up with all your news via your diary and your photos (lots of lovely ones) - I hope your camping trip went OK. Now I have to get busy with all the clothes washing 'cos my husband is going off for a week singing near Bath and at the moment we have no clean clothes. But at least there are the Olympics to watch while I do the ironing.

I hope you are doing TONS of work or better still enjoying yourself with loads of fun holiday things. If you do want any help with work stuff I am here and you only have to ask. See you soon, Love Mrs. M.x



Hey Marcie,

How's it going? It was SOoooo good to see you the other day, thank you so much for taking the time to come over and see us. It's not really that far away is it?!? Glad you liked the house, loads better than that tiny flat eh.

Hope you had fun anyway, I know Katie did doing all that face painting, you all looked fabulous. Molly enjoyed seeing you anyway, she misses you lots. In fact, we all miss you guys lots.

We're off on holiday to France next week to see my brother and his wife. It'll be only the second time this year we've seen him!!! Can't wait to get out of work. Work's pants man! BooooWell, maybe we'll see you when we're back. So until then, look after yourself and also look after mummy and daddy. They're doing a fab job at the mo!

Take care sweetie-pie!!!

Jimmy, Katie and Molly moooooooo  xxx


Dear Marc

I hope you are finding something to do today. I am really looking forward to seeing you tommorrow. I was really bummed when mum said you coundn't come over on monday but i am pleased that we got to arrange another day 

Have a good time and have lots of fun

Love from



Hi Marcie,

Just wanted to say how great it was to see you at the cricket last week and to thank you for looking after Ollie and playing with him so much. You and Ella were fab and he loved it! He managed to get through the whole day without a sleep and only dropped off in the car on the way home at about quarter to nine! He slept in till nine o'clock the next day - and so did Tom and I (hurray!!!)

Hope your chemo last week went ok and you are temperature free.

See you all soon I hope.


Elaine (and Ollie and Tom!)

14/08/2004Karen and Sashaview

hello trouble!!

super nurses here!!

we are here on a night shift pretending to be busy cos we have 1 whole patient to look after -  that's half each! all the children are far too well at home giving us no work to do! boring!!

my baby bump is bouncing around and kept me awake today naughty little monkey!

Sasha's  painted hair is not as bright now - i really think she should consider a few green and blue steaks to add in and be all the colours of the rainbow!!

Is your dad still forgetting things like wallets ??? what a silly billy!!!! getting all the way home then having to come all the way back again...i actually think it was a ploy to see us again cos he missed us so much!!

Sasha says could you save her a spare rib or 2 next time you have a chinese...

any way better go and do some work (not!!!!!)

see you soon

keep smiling

lots of love

karen and sasha and tracey s xxx

14/08/2004angy kingview

Dear Marcie

Glad to hear that is another chemo out the way! Hope you are managing to see lots of your friends during the holidays. I went shopping in Windsor today with my daughter Sally, she has just had a brace fitted so has a very sore mouth. Just about to take my dog for a walk, she is lying on my feet.

Say hi to Millie and your mum and dad.

Love Mrs King

12/08/2004The Martinsview
11/08/2004jimbo calderview

Hello Cheeky.....just sitting here watching eastenders and Core blimey apples n Pears if it isn't the silliest program ever so I thought I'd check in to your cool site and drop you a line to say hi.- HI!!

if you remember I have two daughters Emily and Lilly - and Lilly, only 16months has finally decided she's going to walk and took her first few steps this weekend and now she's all over the place..he he . Emily is just being a little monkey as usual and at 6 years old is driving me bonkers...=).

Anyway I hope you feel much better soon , I'm sure you will and we all hope to see you again for Pimms and Lemonade ( but no pimms for you =) soon.

Say hi to Dad, Mum and Sis..

Love tonnes

James, Michelle, Emily and Lilly




11/08/2004Amellia Marshview

Hi Marcie

Glad to hear you are at home. It was great to get your email, mum is going to call and arrange a time to visit you I can't wait to see you it's been ages.

love Milly


09/08/2004Jimmy Jview

Wotcha Marcie,

How's it going sweet cheeks!? Can't believe it's raining so hard, its pants.

Glad you had a good time at the cricket on Friday, did your dad win?

Can't wait to see you all soon. We've moved into our new house now which is cooool, it's loads bigger, so I can get away from Katie's snoring :o)

We've even got SKY TV now which is SOoooooo good, we've got all the movie's cartoons and sport too which I've never had, so I'm a right happy bunny. It'd just be nice to have a weekend at home to be able to watch it!!!! We've been away most weekends at weddings for the last few weeks.

Well, take care matey, can't wait to see you again and Molly and Katie say hi ya!

Love you lots




Hello young lady, thanks for your email, nice to hear from you.Trust you not to have your blood right for the treatment!!!! You must be awkward like your Daddy (ha ha ) We've had some rain here this morning but not much and the sun is trying to pop its head out from behind the clouds. Enjoy today and have fun. Kisses to you all xxxx


Dear Marcie

I am another one of Mrs manners' sisters! There are four of us altogether - i think you heard from No3 earlier in the week - I am No2!! Kristina told me you have a really cool website so I thought I d check it out!

Mrs Manners is away in France at the moment - she has been staying with our parents at another relative's house where it has been v hot and sunny. I have been stuck at home because I am having a baby in about 5 weeks and didnt fancy going very far away! So Mrs Manners will be an Aunt soon!!

I have been looking after my parent's dog while they have been away but today i have to take him back so I think I must give him a hairbrush now as he has LOADS of hair and I should make it look like I have been looking after him properly!!

Anyway, have been hearing about you for ages so its nice to see your photo on here - hope you are feeling better soon, keep smiling!

Love, Annie


Dear Marcie

So glad that all goes well with your treatment - the road to Oxford must be very familiar to you all now. 

Hope the cricket goes well tomorrow.  Mr Blumer used to play cricket when our two daughters were much younger and we used to enjoy going along to meet up with people we probably only saw in the summertime.  The team he played for was called Sons of Bacchus - ask Daddy who Bacchus was.  I remember at one cricket match he hit a ball into the next field which hit a cow on its side - quite a shock for it, I think, but it was unharmed.  I think they called that six runs.

My birthday was last week and Clare and Kate our two daughters came for the weekend.  We went horse racing at Glorious Goodwood (and my was it hot) and sadly not one of the 6 of us backed a winner!!  However, we had a good day and the race course is in a beautiful setting on the Downs.  On the Sunday we all had a swim at Middleton on Sea.  The water was right up on the beach and quite deep so you had to get in quickly but it was really warm with just the right amount of swell to make it fun - lovely.

Mrs Errington is coming to stay overnight next week with her husband and baby who is now nearly a year old.  They are hoping to let her have her first paddle in the sea.  So we are hoping the sunny weather stays for a bit longer.  We didn't have any thunder, lightening or rain here.  Apparently it was raining on one side of Putney Bridge and not the other - weird. Keep battling and you will win through.

Much Love

Pauline and Andrew Blumer




Hello to all we are back from Florida where we did all the Disney  theme parks and Universal Studios so now need a holiday to recover.I see that you are now on the radio treatment and hope that this is going well for you.Since we've been home Colin has got back into continuing the re-building of this bungalow so our weekends are busy but we will try to arrange one soon so we can come up and see you.Give my love to your mummy and daddy and of course Millie. Hugs to you Sheila xxx   
02/08/2004Kristina Bartonview

Hi Marcie

I think your website is fantastic. I am actually one of Mrs Manners' sisters, so I have heard quite a bit about you already! She is in France at the moment with our parents an she has forgotten to take your postcode. Could you let me know your postcode again so she can write a postcard to you?

I hope you are feeling ok today. I am at work in London and it looks as if the sun is about to come out. I am stuck in the office though, so no sunbathing for me!

Best wishes


Dear Marcie, What are the news about french? do you improve your french. I am afraid my english is not top  .  I have a good idea when we coming soon with Annick, you spoke to me in  french aun I answer in english that it will be funny, isn'it? Ma Chère Marcie tu es une petite fille très courageuse et nous pensons chaque jour à toi Ma grand mère t'envoie de gros bisous (she is 101 years old)  Il faut mettre beaucoup de crème après la radiothérapie . G ROS GROS BISOUS BISOUS BISOUS QUE POUR TOI BISOUSPOUR AMELIA PAPA MAMAN SEE YOU SOON  IN AUGUST TATIE DOMI
Hi Marcie!
So pleased everything is going well.
We went to Whipsnade yesterday - the pygmy hippos were so cute and so was Kira, the little baby we took with us.
Would love to come and see you. We're going on hols next Wednesday, back on 23rd August - maybe that week?
Lots of love

>>Went to Churchill for my radio which was fine - then went to visit a >>friend of Mummy's who is in the maternity bit of the Radcliffe.
TEMP STAYED DOWN !!! which is sooo cool !!!


Go for it Marcie :)



Dear Marcie,

I am keeping my fingers crossed to that temp is going down.

You are very very brave and I am sure it will go down.

What would be the best time to come and see you apart from the week end 14th & 15th August ?



29/07/2004Andy and Pauline Blumerview

So pleased to hear your temperature is down and that you are feeling so positive and happy about it. You are certainly a great example to your family and friends through all the ups and downs.

Later this month Jane and Dave Errington are coming to see us with Sophie their bonny baby. I think they'll be staying the night so we shall be woken by baby noises!


You've clearly got squillions of friends coming to see you and I'm sure they all give you loads of encouragement.


This weekend Clare(32) and Kate(29),our two daughters + boyfriends are visiting and we are going to Goodwood races,neigh! We are hoping to win a little money but we usually come away with glum faces having LOST! As my Father would say betting is a mug's game!

Love from



28/07/2004Ax, Jenny, Holly, Amber and Maxview

Hi Marcie,

Great to hear you're back home again! :)
We think about you all the time and would love to come and visit if you are up to it?

Just listening to "Little Fluffy Clouds" by The Orb, it made me think of you.
Do you know it? Ask your Dad to play it.

Much love,

Ax + the Cads


Heh Marcie,

How ya goin' luv ? As they would say DownUnder !! Hope your feeling good and that the baby chemo & radiology is better than the Big stuff which you were getting before. You do sound better from reading your cool website and seeing your buddie's comments and funny messages to you. Let me know more details if you can or get Fat Dad to write to me, as we haven't talked for a couple of weeks now.

Well, we're all great.  The winter I think is almost behind us now, unfortunately. Today was 26' c. I love the Winter here in Brisbane cos the Summers are sooo hot by the time you get in to May & June one is incredibly appreciative of a cool change. Also no Mozzies. They seem to be drawn to my lovely sweet English blood I think Marc ?? and I get bitten quite badly, unless I use good repelent.

I'm feeling a little down Marc @ present as we lost our beautiful dog Sammy on Sun 11th July and our House isn't quite the same without her. Issy thinks she is still at the Doctors......poor darling. She was quite old so I suppose she's better off in Doggy Heaven. I'm also in the Wars as I've torn my right calf muscle again and am out for 4 weeks from Hockey, yuk!!!!

Ilka and Issy are great and Isobel is flying along and is rapidly becoming an articulate little Madam !!! Her speech is truly remarkable, especially considering what a poor command of English I've get !!!

Tell Milly, Mummy and Daddy that I love them very much, but not before I give you huge hugs and kisses first. And send you my Love as Always Marcie Scarlet.

Ed, Ilka, Issy and Sunday(cat) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Hello Marcie

Jessie and I were just thinking about you and wondering how you are doing. 

According to your Diary Page, you are feeling sleepy.  I am feeling sleepy too, now you mention it, but that might be due to other things.  hmmmm...  

What are you doing this week?  Would you like some company?  Ask Mummy to call if you would.  

Dan and Jess are going away on Friday for two weeks but have no real plans for this week.  They would love to see you before they go away.  But, if you are busy, we will see you after they get back. 

Thinking of you always.

love Cate xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Over to Jess...........


It is I! Me! Jessieeeeeeee!

I need 2 eat now!










m     (it's got that little!)

i have recovered from my exhaustedtfhgvmytgk,j,ness                      

i feel like poop because i have been on Z Grrreat Activity Veek(i am talking like the grand hi witch from the witches!)

lu crate poop + Danny      !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


22/07/2004emily mannersview


Just to say HOORAY  for you being at home again (although I know you are in and out of the radioroom)....

I am up to my eyes in paint- and it is in my hair- as all of a sudden we have decided to paint large chunks of the house  which, as we are off to France on Monday ,was perhaps a bit silly as we are now living in chaos with suitcases and stuff all in the wrong rooms. However it is rather exciting as all the castle houses are painted in the same colour (BORING MAGNOLIA - this kind of colour) and so we're going for something different! I am also halfway through making some curtains so the nosy tourists can't shove their cameras through the window quite so easily. I've also got to find a moment to go and see my neighbour's horse as she is away and he will be missing his daily carrot if I don't go!

Have a happy day,

Love, Mrs.M


Hi Marcie,
Glad you are now at home and everything is going well even though you are all knackered.
We did jumping at Snowball Farm on Saturday and Annie was good! I didn't fall off.
I really enjoy your diary
Lots of love

Hey Gorgeous Girl......

You are nearly there!!  How brilliant is that?!!

You will be back swimming and playing in the playground and all that fun stuff in a min - trouble is - there are maths and geography and French and Science and English and History and err... icky pants lessons too - aaarrrgghhh...

Are you still in the John Radcliffe?  Jess, Dan and I are away visiting cousins (one of whom is nicknamed Pants and the other one Bottom(!)) over the weekend but we are around next week with no major plans for stuff. 

What are your plans (other than the obvious, of course)?  Do you have to go to the John Radcliffe every day?

Let us know when you would like our company - we like yours all the time.

Love to you all xxxxxx

Cate, Dan and Jess (and Pops who is staying the night - I wouldn't be surprised if they message you too in a little while)

20/07/2004Andy and Pauline Blumerview

We have been keeping up with your progress and you are clearly being brave and positive about everything.You are an example to all your many friends,Marcie and you have plenty of them encouraging you.

We saw Mrs Errington's photos of the Ball and were most impressed with your Mum and Dad dressed in Indian clothes! It looked to be a most enjoyable party.

This weekend we are coming up to stay in Holyport near Maidenhead with our good friends Barrie and Diane Williams. Diane was my secretary at St.P's before Sue Edwards.Last Tuesday we invited Mrs Edwards,Mrs Errington and Mrs Prout down to see us.We even managed to sit out in the garden!

We shall follow your recovery programme on linewith continued interest and be assured we are praying for you personally each and every day.

Love  Andy and Pauline Blumer



2 m

i have just been 2 Lymington + i am very tired.

Lymington + staying up late giggling = extremely tired


luv jessie

Hi Marcie,
Just found your website (Hannah from riding and her mum told us) and we think it's absolutely fantastic!
Seems you're back in the hotel at the moment so get out quick.  You must know a lot abou hospitals by now and you must have some great stories to tell.
My brother and I have just broken up from school so we can cause havoc at home now. We don't go away for 2 weeks.
I'm sure you know Cara has left Snowball Farm which is very sad. But the good news is that Toffee is still there!
Jamie and I had our First Holy Communion recently with a big party. We looked like a married couple with me in my dress which looked like a wedding dress and Jamie in his new smart suit.
Well good luck with the Big Chemo and hope to see you soon. 
Lots of love
Chiara (Annunziata from riding) and my Mum sends her love too.
Hi Marcie,
Just checking first to see if this works

Dear "Popstar" Marcie,

Mum said I can come and visit you on Sunday, so I'll see you then. Can't wait till the 25th, only 8 more days. We are gonna have lots of fun, see you then.


"Rockstar" Mehreen x


Bonsoir Marcie,

I am really impressed with your website!  I have tried to play the game with Ros as the picture but the computer crashed!  Where is my picture???????  If your site is correct, you are still at Wexham, so I will see you tomorrow; hope everything went fine in Oxford on Thursday. Hope you are behaving with the nurses (and the doctors, but that is less important).

See you tommorrow, au revoir,



16/07/2004Emily Mannersview

Hello to the Cheeky One!

I am sitting in my husband's study because he had asked me to do a little job for him while he is singing evensong in the chapel. Little did I know it was a HORRIBLE JOB! I shan't be doing it EVER again!!

He asked me to clean the piano keys 'cos he is teaching a girl singing later and she is bringing her piano teacher to aacompany her so he thought he had better smarten up the piano a bit. But the stuff smells DISGUSTING and it is all over my hands 'cos I had to use cotton wool. I have had to open the window and sit down to recover so I thought I would check up on how you are doing and see if they had managed to let you escape back home for a bit. No such luck it seems.

Otherwise there is not a lot happening round here because my husband is still teaching and singing so I have been spring cleaning -YES I KNOW IT IS SUMMER - and shopping - much more fun! I did get cross with a Japanese tourist yesterday who insisted on pressing his nose up to my sitting room window and he didn't even stop when he saw me there eating lunch! I have also been riding my neighbour's horse which was fun especially when we got rather wet giving it a bath.

I hope you aren't feeling too Grotty & I hope you get out soon - if you don't I shall be round with some books that I was sent yesterday 'cos I just need someone like you to have a look at them to see of you think they are any good.

Cheerio Ho for now, Love from Mrs M.



Dear Marcie,


Can't wait till the 25th of this month. When you come over I have to give you a photo of you in the Tudor Workshop. I will ask my Mum if I can come and see you at Wexham.



Mehreen x


2 m 




Wezzy is round my house!





14/07/2004Sarah Beddowview

I am pleased to inform that Marcie Scarlet Creswell Loader is now in thy class!!!

Hang in there marc!!!!

Lots of love from jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssiiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(jessie, if u didnt notice!)





Hello Marcie

Poo and pants!!! In Wexham again darling? 

Do you fancy a visit tomorrow from Jess and Dan (and me, of course)?  We are available in the afternoon and would LOVE to see you and Mummy, Daddy and Millie and anyone else around.  If not tomorrow, then name a day and we will be there.  We don't have much planned for the hols.

Did you know that I saw Daddy at the Grand Prix yesterday?  I was so surprised that I thought it wasn't him!  I spent the rest of the day looking out for him.  Did he enjoy his day there?  We had such a fun day but I have now gone deaf...

it was VERY loud.

Longing to see you soon.

Love Cate, Dan and Jessie




10/07/2004Amellia Marshview
Hi Marcie sorry to see you are in hospital. I hope you liked the box to keep your special things in that I sent with Kasane. I would love to come and visit you when you are feeling a bit better. Loads of love Amellia xxx
09/07/2004Katie and 'Roly' Mooview

Hello Little one,

Hope then temp is coming down and your not feeling too pooy.

Fantastic news that all the BIG chemo's are finished. Wahoooooo! 

Miss Molly can now roll over in her cot (I have to keep rolling her back!) and .....she has  toooooth!  She will show you when she see's you next.  She sends you a big sloppy kiss.

Love to Mummy,Daddy and Millie.  Ps Tell Mummy Im actioning the knicker letter today.....knickers galore!


Lots of love to ya hunny-bun xxxxxxxxxxxx



08/07/2004The Salisbury'sview

Dear Marce,

You are a complete & utter legend. Well done for finishing the "BIG CHEMO". Very quick hello, bye bye with absolutely piles of love and kisses.

Ed, Ilka & Issy xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (for Marce)xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ( for Milly)

                       xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx (for Mum) x (Dad)


2 marc 

sorry 2 hear u had 2 go in2 wexham. glad 2 see u in school 2day.

hope u feel well 2morrow!

Jessie cate danny      !!!!!


08/07/2004Andy Blumerview

Dear Marcie

Sorry  to hear that you had to attend Wexham again to have antibiotics. You'll be out and about soon and you'll be able to see your friends with the holidays starting on Friday,Yippee.

We have been entertaining our dentist and his wife.In reality he is our ex dentist who lives in Canberra (you can find out where that is). They are flying off from Heathrow this p.m. for the long flight back via Tokyo. We took them round Arundel Castle this morning and then came back for lunch.

Tomorrow a former teacher from St.P's is coming to lunch and he is Brian Battye who lives in Maidenhead.We are hoping to go for a long walk weather permitting.

Three cheers for YOU for being such a brave and tough young lady.Keep smiling.

LOL  Monsieur Blumer




Hello Beautiful Girl

Well, my computer is in rapid decline again Marcie... I tried to send you a message yesterday and it went BANG!!

(or rather it just didn't do anything - it just stopped ... *sigh*)

We are so excited to be breaking up from school.  We have been so busy with beastly sports days and concerts and weekends with Roger (I don't think these are beastly, by the way - just time consuming) that we are really looking forward to our HOLIDAYS. Most especially so that we can see lots of you.  Dan and Jess have a couple of activity days booked but really they have no plans for big holidays.  They will probably go and stay with Doogie for a week, however. 

Speaking of Doogie - he is so good mannered now and incredibly well behaved.  As far as I know he hasn't eaten anyone's socks or garden for a good few weeks now.  He has at least two good walks now and loves his Nanny and Grandpa.  He never forgets Dan and Jess and goes completely bonkers when they appear at the door!!  He would remember you too, you know!  Silly Doogie...

Jessie would like to send you a message now Marcie so I will say goodbye.

Love to you as always

Cate xxxxxxxxxxx



Good luck meeting your new teacher today !!! :-)

have fun



01/07/2004Hannah view
29/06/2004Andy& Pauline Blumerview

Dear Marcie

So glad to hear that you have registered a good blood count and that you are heading for your last chemo at the Radcliffe Hotel.  We shall be thinking of you over the next few days and pray that the treatment won't affect you too badly and you will soon be bouncing around again.  You and the family certainly make the most of the days between treatment - no doubt some school work is done as well!!

A couple of Sundays ago we attended a "re-union" for some OLD members of Staff of St Piran's and some OLD parents.  It was at the house of Edward Davis (Yr 8) who obviously is just about to leave.  We met up with Mr and Mrs D-S, Mrs Hopkin-Jones, Mr Edginton, Mrs Harbour and Mr Rogers and Mr and Mrs McLellan (sorry that Mrs Mac broke her wrist when demonstrating how to skip at break-time on the All weather pitch).  It seems to be on the mend although she is still in plaster.

We had a lovely holiday in Northern Cyprus staying with some friends in their villa - it was beginning to get very hot when we left, which I don't like all that much.  When we arrived home we were shocked to see that everything in the garden so rapidly - we hardly recognised it.  We are now trying to make it a bit tidier;  the recent hight winds didn't help as one or two trees lost some branches. 

Mr Blumer sends his love too.

LOL Pauline Blumer





hia mar

last night i was very naughty i ate pizza and watched a movie i my mum and dads living room. But it was great fun .

wile mum is at a sleepover.




x o x o x o

26/06/2004Megan Schneiderview

Hi Marcie!!  Greetings from the United States!  My name is Megan and I just came across your web site.  It's really cool!  I wish I had a lot of neat stuff on my web site like you have on yours.  :)

I just wanted to write and let you know that I will be trying to keep up to date with your progress via the web site.  You are a pretty girl.  Feel free to e-mail me whenever you want to.  (I don't know the time difference between Texas in the US and where you live), but I check my mail every night when I get home from work and 2 or 3 times a day on the weekends.  I am hoping we can become friends.  Keep up the good spirits!!  I am praying for you!!


Megan Schneider

Conroe, Texas



hi marc

how are you today?

i miss you so much

if you r bored laugh at me dancing


poppy poo


hia mar

i was really happy that you could come to issy c party

that dance was really embarrsing i mean jessie and i were trying to look cool.

but i ended up like this

in the practice i fell over and i nearly cried of laughter




26/06/2004Hannah Martinview

hi marc

just a quick note to say hi

gotta go to swim squad 

be happy happy happy




x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o


hi marc

i was so glad that you came into school today for the last lesson

i miss you so much

i am so happy that you r home


poppy poo

x o x o x o x o x o x o x ox o x o x o x o x o x


hi marc


i am so happy that your at home

i missed you for the rest of the day

be happy

oh dear gotta run dinner time




x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o x o.


24/06/2004jimbo calderview
Hi  trouble, nice to see you at the Carnival the other day...I hope you all had fun. We hope to see you all soon...Take care, and lots of love from jimbo, Michelle, Emily and Lilly.xxxx

hi marc

i was so glad that you could come to school.

i think that colecting mini-beasts was really fun.

be happy happy happy


poppy poo


Chère Marcie,

I am sure that you will love your french lessons... and you know that you will be able to practice it when you come in France.

I am planning to come with Domi to see you within a few weeks time.

Hope everything can work out.

We are keeping our fingers crossed!!!

Gros bisous


hi marc

i miss you so much

my mum is going to the hospital




hi mar

just a quick message to say hi

to to is such a good name for your dog

how is penny ? i hope well and good

gota dash

school time




hi marc

its poppy i miss you much

how is penny getting along i hope fine you get to hav a chance to look after a dog.

i am soo glad that you r home


poppy and mummy and alfie

15/06/2004Uncle Edview
Dear Marcie Scarlet,
  Well hi Marc, it's the Salisbury's from DownUnder. I'm hoping you can explain to me why we lost to France on Sunday, I just don't understand.
  Ilka and Isobel are in great form, Isobel is now 2 and 5 months. She is really developing in to quite a little chatter box. Marc you'd just love to see her now, she is at such a cute age. I wish she was as well behaved as you when you her age, you were just an Angel when you were 2 and I remember you had such good manners and of course still do. Issy is starting to get quite extravagent with her word use........."Daddy Fart, look Daddy's Honk Honk !! Do all boys have a honk honk Daddy ?" She is very audacious indeed. Ilka is studying very hard @ University, some of the Mathematics she has trouble with. Maybe when you visit us you can help her.
 The Weather is 9c at night and 24c in the day, just perfect.
 I'm playing hockey and working hard, same old stuff Marc. Please give M&D and Milly special kisses and tell them that I miss them very much as always.
 All my love each and every day
 Uncle Ed xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


got 2 go - 2pic up danny.



jessie cate danny          !!!!!!!      xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!


hi mar

i just thought i would say hi.

i hope you feel well do you?

i wish you could come to camp



12/06/2004leah, Mads and Oscarview

Hi Marcie,

Mads is "trying " to sing upstairs on her Kareoke machine. I thought there were 5 westies having their toenails pulled out !

Hope your having a lovely time with Chloe and Auntie Emma.

Love Leah+++++

12/06/2004Andy and Pauline Blumerview

Dear Marcie,

Pleased to hear you are at home and managing to get into St.P's even for dreaded lessons as well as fun ones!

We have just returned from two weeks in Cyprus where we stayed in a villa overlooking the sea to the North and the mountains to the South.We stayed with friends who have had a villa there for eight years.We were well entertained.

A local cat has joined the villa and whilst we were there produced 5 kittens whilst we were eating supper on the veranda!

Keep fighting hard and we shall be reading the bulletins and writing to you from time to time.

Love from

A&P Blumer



hi mar

i am so excited about camp r you coming?

i am going to colect fire wood with jess, wez.

i am doing an assembly i am  the mum ask milly to tell you about it.

i miss you ssssssoooo much




10/06/2004Hannah Martinview
10/06/2004Hannah Martinview

hi marc

i was really sad wen you said you did not feel well

i hope you liked art?

i miss you at school


poppy poo


Dear Marcie,

Hope you feel better today and that you can have a relaxing day.

Look forward to seeing you soon either in Paris or at Cox Green.

Lots of love - Gros bisous



hi mar

i hope you can come to camp

i am really happy that you could come to art.

i miss you so much





hi mar

hope you enjoyed yourself at my house and after you had left chloe started to bark to say good bye. i hope you can come to camp it is going to great fun.


poppy x

p.s. call your dog sampson (my teddy name)


Hi Marcie

Was just having another look at your diary to see how you're doing and thought I'd say hi, guessing you're at Wexham today getting more blood. Pleased to see you've finished treatment No.5, not much more to go now.  

Saw your message to yourself which confused me a bit at first (but it doesn't take much to confuse me!)

Have been thinking about names for your pets, I can't think of anything original to add but how about... Deefer (D for dog - get it?) and Arfer (R for rabbit?) well it makes me chuckle anyway. A friend of mine did call his cat Ceefer and everyone thought that was quite cool.

Off to the gym tonight to do a couple of Caroline's classes, Body Conditioning and Body Step so I'll jump extra high for you. Saw your Mum there (think it was last week) but didn't get a chance to say hello becuase she was busy chatting away to Libby & Bob. Better get going or I'll be late!

Take care



hello myself

how am i to day i wonder?

ooooooooooo yar my dad is mad as ever as usal

and my mum is as pritty as a flower

and milly eeeeeeeeeeeeeer she is anowing as normal.

from myself x



2 m                                                                                                      

hope u had a nice day at school 2day!(this is u doin' your F-A-B Robot girl + sum borin' ol' work!) by the way, u r lucky, u did not 'ave 2 do a s*cking ol' exam!!!!

   LALALALALALALALALOL,          jessie, cate    danny




Sorry to read that you were packed off to school for double english that really was poooo its also double poo pants that your HB is falling and your mouth is getting sore   and as you say off to jolly old hospital again tomorrow hopefully it won't be for too many days. Darren and Michelle have got a little girl puppy spanial and they have called her Snoopy. She's 10weeks old now. Her colouring is grey and black. She is full of mischief and chases Oscar around the garden and pinches his toys.

love to you

Sheila and Colin xxxxxxxxxxxx  

07/06/2004chloe and oliverview

Dear Marcie,

I have just been looking at your party photos, they look great!!  I wish I had been there with you.  The slide looks really good I bet it was fun. 

Today I played rounders and pop lacross.  It was really hot but luckily we got orange squash to drink afterwards.  Tomorrow I am going on a Geography trip to the Secret Hills Discovery Centre - I will let you know what it is like -  apparently there are some great things in the shop there. 

I hope you had a good day , speak to you soon.

love from

Chloe and Oliver xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


Hello Georgous Girl

I have just been looking through all your fab messages on your website!  They are so much fun.  Jessie has been trying to teach me how to do all the whizzy inserts and stuff to brighten up my message to you - she is in dispair... but here goes... HURRAH!! I did it!

That reminds me; Wheezie Jones is picking up her new puppy today.  You probably know that she is having one from Mr Woods (I think) and his name is Ollie.  Jessie is going with her to pick him up and we can't wait to meet him.  Do you remember coming to see Doogie when he was very little?

Jessie had such a great time at your party.  How does it feel to be 9? 

We had such a crazy half term.  I was working all through it and Dan and Jess were on a football course at St P's.  We were very sorry not to have made it to the John Radcliffe as we thought we would.  I am so glad that you didn't have to go to Wexham after the last dose of Chemo - keep up the jolly good work, Marcie.  I find lots of ice cream helps to maintain the stamina.

My love to you

Cate xxx

Hi Marcie, Glad to see that you are at home.The weather is going to be warm so you can get out on your trampoline and keep bouncing about like a bunny. I expect you'll have some school work to do as well. Keep your diary page going as I love to read your news. Love to all xxxxx

2 marc,

i fink i have bin 2 da model v.(wiv 1 of me bfs.)

i hope u had a nice time at hens party!

(hope u like da piccies!)

LALALALALALALALOL,(lots and lots and etc.)

jess, cate + danny  !!   xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



hi mar

last night i went with the village to see harry potter .we went to jonathans for dinner ,i and james (in village not your dad) were very naughty i gave him an arm ressle and he got my arm down and i spilt my drink.we got tould off and james wile getting tould off he started to laugh.

ele and me were giving each other a staring competion and i won by making her laugh by doing a funny face .

it was scary in the movie when harry is all alone in the corridor and was trying to find Peter Patingson (rons rat) . james got so scared he jumped into eles chair.

i miss you so much


poppy poo

x o x o x o


05/06/2004Chas Pippa & Edview


Sorry I couldn't come and see you yesterday. Bl~@dy work.

Glad you're able to spend some time at home and look forward to seeing you and rest of the family soon.

05/06/2004Sos Forsterview

Hi Marcie

I'm so pleased to see that you're making such goog progress. I've missed you around school and looking forward to you coming back and that it won't be too long from now.  You must make sure thought that you are really fit and well.

Have you been doing anything interesting? I would love to hear about when you have been doing?

Keep in touch and get well really quickly


Love to you, Amelia, Mum and Dad


Mrs Forster





hi marc

last night i could not stop eating i was so hungry

i hope you enjoyed it.



x o x o



2 marc

luvly 2 see u at hennysparty! u wer very brave 2 go on 2 chemo()number5!

i luv u loads,

jessie joo jooooooooooooooo, crate +    danny    !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



how r u

i saw you at hennys party did you like it?

henny was lucky to have a really hot  party.i hope you enjoyed it.


x o x o

Hi Marcie hope that you are getting thru this session of chemo alright and will soon be home. Did you have a good birthday? Colin and I are off to see Micky Mouse in Orlando on the 26th of this month is there something you would like me to bring you and Amelia back from Disneyland? Send me an email or get mum or dad to ring me up before we go on holday.Take care keep smiling love Sheila xxx
I've put a picture of the carrot monter in your photo section xxxx
03/06/2004Katie and Moo-Piglet-Pooview

Ello,Ello Ello!!


How doo Miss Marcie?

Hope you're ok little one and they are looking after you at that Radcliffe place.  Here's hoping you are home in a flash.  Molly ate carrotts this week and coughed when I put them in her mouth-needless to say they went all over ME and up her nose and in her eye!!!!  It was very amusing!!  Looking forwards to seeing you when you are back home.  We all send you a big sloppy kiss ...mmmmmmwah!

Loads a luv  Jimmy,Katie and that carrott munching  moo thing! xxx

03/06/2004poppy pooview

dear marc

tonight i am having a sleep over at ele's  house.i hope i am not going to fall of the bed backwards like at your house do you remember ?

that was funny was'ent it? 

i miss you .and cheer up in hospital

lol,(it stands for lots of love ok)

your friend



I wish you all the best and send you a lot of kisses. See you soon. Lots of love.



hi marc

i don't belave you are 9 you must feel ssssssoooooooooooo grown up.

i think you should call your dog marc the 2.

i miss you so much.



x o x o x o x


hi marc

today i am doing a football club at school with jessie w  if i don't play this is me being a cheerleader with jessie

i miss you so much but i was so happy that you could  come to egyption day  hope you enjoyed it


poppy poo (i don't mind being called that)x o x o


03/06/2004alice collinsview

Hi Marcie,

This is Alice, Lucy's sister. I have been very sorry for your illness, but I am waiting to hear of your speedy recovery, but from your diary it looks like you are getting a lot better and on the road to recovery already!

Your birthday party looked like loads of fun and I hoped you enjoyed yourself!

Over here in the U.S.A things are going great! I am really enjoying myself. School is great. I am sooooooooo excited I am getting out of school tomorrow for the summer! The 4th June! GREAT!!!!!!!!!

I am doing a lot of horse riding, and hoping to get into the junior North Carolina horse riding competition, which will be something to work for! I hear that you can ride well, Lucy is doing it at a farm, type place, were they have goats and chickens, 5 horses and 15 miniture shetlands, they are tiny but sooooooooooooooooooooo cute, one has just had a foal, it is smaller than a springer spaniel dog!!!!!!!!So when you get better, you and Lucy should get riding together.

Me and the family are coming back to England this Sturday and Lucy is hoping to have a play with you and some other girls in St.P's, which will be fun.

I have just had my braces on. They really hurt at first, but I have had them on for 1 week now so I am used to them. Are you having braces?

What is your favourite song or singer? If you want to listen to one of my all time favourites go to:

then go on the first one which is ABC by the Jackson 5, I love it, listen to it in your spare time!

When you get time please e-mail ,me back with some news and some of the answers of my questions!

Lots of Love

Alice Collins, June the something, 2004


here a

02/06/2004Ed and Ilkaview

Darling Marcie,

Ilka, Isobel and I have all been thinking about you lots as always.  Firstly Isobel would like to say a big 'thankyou' to you and Mummy for her lovely gifts, she especially likes Billy Baby and her backpack, she will not go anywhere without Billy Baby! 

It was so lovely to see you, Millie and Mum and Dad.  It is so hard sometimes, I wish I was nearer to you all.  When you feel better you must convince Daddy to come out to Australia, you and Millie would just love it, there is so much to do all of the time.

Darling girl, I must run now as Isobel is screaming, I'm late for work and I've had no breakfast.  When the photo's come out I will send them to you and Daddy.

Know that we are thinking of you ALL OF THE TIME.

All our love,

Uncle Ed, Ilka and Isobel


02/06/2004Libby Drewview

Hi Marcie,

You're well on if you're at Chemo 5 - well done for sticking it all out so well.  good luck for this session.  You really are getting an old hand now, aren't you?

I'm just logged in before going off to the gym to do Body Step which Mummy sometimes does.  I'll do it specially fast to send you some good vibes tonight - hope its not too hot!

I've just been looking at the picture of the Westie on your website - they are sooooo.....sweet when they're puppies.  My daughter, Lisa, has a friend who has a 6-month old one called Wilma!  She wags furiously all the time and runs under the tummy of my large Golden Retriever, Jodi, who is not sure what hits her when she comes visiting.  When Wilma was a really tiny pup she wee'ed everywhere when she first came to our house - good job we've got wooden floors.  she also pinched all Jodi's cuddly toys which didn't go down too well. I'm sure you'll have such fun when you get yours.  Can't suggest another name but Wilma works quite well I think if you don't mind a slightly funny name (from the Flintstones cartoon which was well before your time).

Well, I'd best be off or I'll miss getting ready in time. I look forward to hearing good news of you soon and wish you good luck in the John Radcliffe.  Hope you get home again real soon - and maybe another visit into school which Mummy told me you enjoyed.




hi marc

are you bored?

then laugh at me dancing

hope you feel better soon.








hi marc

you should call your dog scooby-doo

i think snowy is used alot.Maybe you should call it marcie the second .

Millie should call hers toffe.

i miss you ,

your friend


poppy poo.

o x o x o x.


Hiya Babe!



Hope you are feeling well enough to enjoy your birthday.

Card and things to follow!

Loads of love Simon, Lisa, Luke & Abigail. xxxxx



Hi Sunshine HAPPY BIRTHDAY hope you have a super day little present in yhe post hope it arrives ok. love from us both xxxxx

2 m

How r u? ok? If u r, then that is goooood!                 I'm very glad your're at home and very happy there 2.


Jessie, Cate and       Danny  !!!!    



Dear Marcie

At the minute I am in the I.T room having my I.T lesson but I have finished my work.

I will be coming to your party tomorrow and I can't wait

See you then

Miss you 

Love Hayley 

27/05/2004Sarah Boothroydview
26/05/2004Jessie and HBview

2 Marc,

U did reely wel 2day.

HB (Hayley) is rownd my house.               

Hi Marc

just sitting in jess's house. Been making your birthday card. Saw you at egyptian day today. Gald you were feeling well enuf to come in. See you at your party. Over to Jess now.    BYE!

Hi agen!

Lots and lots and lots and lots of luv,

Jess and Hayley       xxxxxxxxxxxx

25/05/2004Katie and Mollyview

Hey M|arcie!

Hellooooooooooooooo to yaow!  Glad to hear you are feeling so good, I bet ur excited about Friday?! Sound like you've been a busy bee-what with school and all those parties-you go girl!!!

Molly has learnt how to blow rasberries and wants to come and show you!

Loadsa luv  Katie and Mooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo xxxxx



23/05/2004Emma Tufnellview

Dear all'

Glad to see that Marcie is home and out and about, let's hope that it stays that way for a while.

I bumped into Kasane this week, she seemed in good spirits and gave me an update.  She said she is comoing to Marcie's party at the weekend, hope it went O.K and everyone enjoyed themselves.

We are all well, although Grace broke her ankle when she fell off the climbing frame,so she is milking the fact that she can't get about. Only another 4 weeks!!!

Love  Emma 

23/05/2004JOSH LEWISview

Hi Marcie, Hope your feeling much better, your website is really cool. Miss you at school and see you soon.  Love Josh XX

23/05/2004Mrs Hview

Hi Marcie,

I thought I'd drop you a line.  We're all missing you at school - I didn't see you when you came in - but I heard you'd been making Egyptian Cats !

In ICT lessons we've been making PowerPoint presentations. 4 M can't wait for you to see what they have been doing - we've been using all kinds of cool animation - like you have on your website. I think you feature in a few of them......everyone has done a different topic.  The boys did sport and weapons and stuff like that, but the girls did animals and friends - which is where you come in !

I'm glad you are feeling a little better now - you are so brave to go through all the yukky stuff and still keep on smiling...............well I hope you can still smile - 'cos we miss your cheeky grin!

See you soon,

Love from Mrs H


2 marc,

we thort that this pic was a good example of ya mum wen she's drunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Jess x 2



Hi Marc!

How are you? I thought you did really well in art the other day.

JessP and I are coming to see you on - either Sat or Sun, whichever is better for you except Sat is a bit busy for us.

Lol Jess

21/05/2004Mrs Westernview
Hi Marcie: No rounders practice today so thought I would drop you a line: The Year 4's had their first match yesterday and they did really really well. We were by far the best team and scored the most rounders but unfortunately our bowler had a little bit of a problem and so the other team scored quite a few rounders off our no balls!!!Hope things are going well for you with all your treatments. My Auntie is having the same treatment as you. She has just had her sessions of Chemo and is having a blood transfusion today. I am hoping to visit her on Sunday if she is up to it.  This weekend is going to be very busy for me as I have to go to William's new school this evening to meet his new Housemaster. Tomorrow we have Open Day at St. Piran's where the Year 5 and 6 girls will be demonstrating their skills. Then I have to rush off to watch William play cricket at Sunningdale School followed by drinks and dinner. I haven't even thought about Sunday yet!!  Probably have to do some shopping as my family always moan if the fridge is not full!!I am so looking forward to seeing you when you come into school. I hope its soon. Well Marcie had better dash to Reading now. Lots of love, keep smiling Mrs Western-Kaye
20/05/2004mr caugheyview



20/05/2004Mr Collinsview

Hi Marcie,

It was great to see you today, even though you were taking all my P.E. equipment for the lesson on the field at lunch!!!

Take care and keep on smiling girl!!!!



20/05/2004Navdeep Jabbleview

Hi Dude


Whats up?

 Got to go now . The bells rung

love Navdeepxxx



20/05/2004Abigail Mizonview

Dear Marcie

I hope you feel better soon

From Abigail Mizon

p.s did you have a horrible lunch today because I did  








Glad to read that you are at home the weather is lovely so you can bounce around on the trampoline. Have fun thinking of you . Hugs and xxxxxx
19/05/2004auntie emmaview

Dear Marcie,

it was good to see you  the other day even though it was at hospital and I am so glad to hear that you are back at home now.

chloe is fed up with maths at the moment and is getting worried about some exams she has to do soon.   she played a rounders match again today and enjoyed that, but generally she thinks maths and latin are PANTS !

take care

lots of love

Auntie Emma  xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx




Marcie I have had a lovely day with you today. Its been great to see you so well and happy and your old self again. all your school chums are a great bunch and eager to help you get well again which is great to see. Keep smiling I'm thinking of you every minute Lots of love Nana  xxxxxx


2 Marc,

Howp u r alrite!

Missing u Massivlee Marc!


Luv u lowds,

Jessie, Cate and              Danny                 !!!!!

18/05/2004Hannah Martinview
Hi Marcie I hope that you are feeling better as I write this to you. It is now 1.40pm so I guess that you may be having a nap after lunch? I just had a go on your games page and couldn't put your daddy's face back together very quickly.Get bouncing again soon love to you all xx

Dear Marcie   

I had a great time visiting you yesterday. I hope your feeling alright   and had fun doing that drawing game with your mum.

I will come and visit you again soon

Love Hayley  


Dear Marcie

Hey dude! How ya feeling? Not to yucky I hope!

I hope your feeling so cool that you want to get up and do the Hula!

I was really dissapointed that I coundn't come and visit you

BUT Mum says we might come and visit you on saturday.YAY!

Hurry up and come home soon!

We are all missing you


See ya soon!


14/05/2004Hannah Martinview

Hi Marcie

I thought I would see how your doing. my mum said that you like appletizier so Hayley got me a picture of some.

we were soppose to see you today but Hayley was ill and you had to go to hostpital

see you soon Kendraxxx    



Dear Marcie






Hello again,just caught up with your new look diary pages. You and your daddy are very smart to be able to change things so easily!!! I will keep everything crossed for you that all goes well and that you will still be at home.Our house has scaffold wrapped around the back as the extension is currently being built so my house is very dusty. I don't think I can do any cleaning with my bits and bobs crossed so thats a good excuse to do nothing!! Love and hugs to you all xxxxx

Hi Marcie,

its Clo . I've just read your message i'm really glad to hear that you are OK!!!!!

I played in a rounders match today and we won yipee!!

I hope you enjoy your art lesson tomorrow!

Lots of love from





Hello Beautiful

Jessie says I am having a really bad hair day - should I do a Daddy?  Dare Me?

Love you lots

Squeezes to that funny bunny in the other photo (to the left) who has less teeth than Daddy has hair!

Cate X


Hi Marc!

Me and Wheezy wer gonna cum and se u 2day, but we had a nuthu payshnt, called

Hilary hoo allsow has canser.


Howp 2 se u soon,






How are ya doin'? It says on your website that you are going to be getting a west highland terrier. Westys are my favourite kind of dogs. I have a westy calender on my wall. Mum says we are coming to see you tommorow.



12/05/2004auntie emmaview

Dear Marcie,

Just wanted you to know how much I enjoyed seeing you when I came over with Gramdma  the other day and am pleased to hear from Daddy that you have had a good time at home recently.  I met a westy called Murdoch the other day - he was very sweet.   Chloe and Oliver have been trying to think about scottish names for your dog but we need to know if it is going to be a girl or a boy so let us know ?

Speak to you soon

lots and lots of love from

Emma, Richard, Chloe and Oliver

11/05/2004Mrs Forsterview

Hi there Marcie

I am soooooooooooo pleased to hear AND see that you are doing really well.

Your web site is a real whizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz - you must show me how you do it as I would love to learn.

I was sorry not to see you today in school - will you be visiting again? If so, please let me know. You would never guess, but, we really have missed you.

Get really well soon - love to you and your family

Mrs Forster

11/05/2004Mrs Knibbeview

Hi Marcie

It was good to see you at school today. Sorry to hear History was boring and fancy having homework!!

I have enjoyed looking at your website and love all the photos. I will look regularly now so that I keep up-to-date with your news. Your daily diary is a really good idea.

Hope to see you again soon.

Mrs Knibbe

11/05/2004Mrs Knibbeview
11/05/2004Mrs Westernview
By the way Marcie you will have to let me know if you receive my email or I wont know if it is working or not!!!!
11/05/2004Mrs Western-Kayeview
Dear Marcie: It was so good to see you today and you looked so much better. I am in prep now with 6S and the bell is going to ring in a minute to us to go to activities. Tonight I have mixed rounders which is always a bit of fun. Tonight the ladies netball team called the Griffins have a match against Windsor. Hope we win. Mr Scriven's computer seems to be the only one which is working at the moment but I won't know if it is definitely working until I try to send  this message. If it gets to you I will try and write again tomorrow. Love Mrs Western x

Hi Marcie,

I should be revising my infant resusitation for today but Im playing on your website instead. Lets hope all my babies are healthy today at work!

If you do get down here this week Ive told Maddie and Oscar that I will pick them up from school early so Mads says Pleasssssseeeeee come down.

Lots of love ++++++ Leah 

10/05/2004Lucy Collinsview

Hi Marcie


Glad to hear that you are feeling better. I enjoyed looking at all your photo's, especially Charlie Bird, I did not realise that he was a she. The weather here in the USA is in the 90's, so really hot. My golf is really improving allot and I even get some pars on the coarse. I have given up the swim club, because I was not enjoying it, it was not as good as St. Piran's.


Here is a joke for the nurses.......................

Why did the nurse tiptoe passed the medicene cupboard?

Because she did not want to wake up the sleeping pills!


I shall be returning to the UK on the 5th June, and would like to meet and catch up with all the gossip.


See you then

Bye bye from

Lucy Collins


10/05/2004Rachel Harrisonview

Hi Marcie,

I came across your website completely by accident when I was doing some research for Girlguiding.  You'll have to give us some tips - the Guides' website looks completely naff by comparison!

I just wanted to let you know that Mark and I are thinking of you - hope you like the bunny,






Hi Marcie,

Great to see that you've been doing so well hope you 're not too tired from seeing us on Sat urday.Looking forward to seeing you at school,

lots of love   Anna




Yo Yo,

Howdy Marcie! Glad to see you had such a cool weekend with your mates. Seems like you've had tonnes of visitors recently which is nice. As you know Molly's had Chicken pox and looks like Little Miss Spotty, so we've had to steer clear in case we give you any nasty bugs. Really missed you though!!! Molly is looking less scaby now so I hope we can come and see you this week please.

Katie and I have been looking at new houses recently as we're going to be moving very soon. I don't know, Molly's got so many clothes and bits of clutter - most of it's Katie's really :o)  , that we need to move house to a bigger one. It's quite exciting but I'll be sad to see my flat sold. We want a nice big house with a big garden so we can get a doggy and rabbit and cat and........well, we might just have a zoo if I get my way.

Right, gotta get back to work before I get sacked. Take care of youself honey and I shall keep all my fingers and toes crossed that your mouth is well and your temperature stays nice n chilled this week. Keep writing your updates - we love em.

Love you lots,

09/05/2004Dr Kateview

Hi Marcie,

I'm really pleased to read that you are feeling OK today.

 I am work at the moment. I have just checked everyone out on 4B and now I am doing some work at my desk ( groan ) so rather than look at all the piles of work  I decided to have a look at your BRILLIANT website. You have a very clever Dad .

Lets hope those mouth ulcers stay away this time ( fingers crossed).

I am  going home soon to do Mummy things( not like the Mummy you made though)  cooking and washing..

Love Dr Kate


hi mar

how you doing ,hope you are well.

I am going to see you tommorow

(Sataday ) my mum has broken her leg.She is in hospital.

miss you so so much.

love po

x x x x x


hi Marcie


Sorry to hear that you are having another round of Chemo !! it must seem never ending. At least your missing all the stinky, rainy and stormy weather. Hopefully when you come out it will be SUNSHINE again !!  and everyone will have a lovely warm summer with lots of playing outside, splashing in the swimming pools and eating ice-cream and ice lollies, YUM !!!!  Hope you will be home Michelle, James, Emily and Lilly-x-x-x-x-x-


Hi Marcie gosh what a lot of changes to your site with games and pictures.Hope you get thru this lot of chemo without too much hassle.Ask mum or dad to ring me as I should like to visit you all next time you are home if you are ok. Love and hugs from us and the animals xxxxx

Darling Marcie,

Just recieved the photo's of Eddy you and Millie.  Ed looked proud as punch between you both.  I was very jealous that he was able to give you all the cuddles that I'd love to give you both.  You're looking adorable my darling.  It was great seeing all the recent photo's of you and your family. 

Isobel and I are going ok without Ed, but we miss him all the same.  She's being a right little 'miss' which gets abit hard for me at times. 

I did notice that you hadn't recieved a long email I sent about a month ago.  You just recieved the second little one I wrote moments after realising that I lost the long one and I was asking you if you'd recieved it.  What a damn!! 

I hope you're feeling ok at this moment in time,

Thinking of you all the time,

Love Ilka xoxoxo


Hi Marcie,

Did Millies tooth come out then? I bet she bargained with the tooth fairy for more than a pound!

Thank your mum for the socks and juice cup for Rohan.

Realllllyyyyyyyyy glad to hear that your feeling well this week and back to your old self. Heard you went to school on Friday. Isnt there a double maths lesson with your name on it? That will be next week!

Lots of love.

Mclarys Auntie+++

Hello Marcie hope you are home now  bouncing and wagging your tail (butt!!) like the cute border puppies. I see that my coz from Canada sent you an email you are famous right round the world. Be naughty and cause your mum and dad lots of trouble!! only joking be yourself and have fun. xxxx  
29/04/2004Andy Blumerview

Pauline and I are reading your daily diary and pray for you each day, Marcie.We know how brave you are and you have a wonderful sense of humour even when the going is hard for you.You are so positive which makes all the difference.

We are enjoying retirement near Chichester and are only two miles from the seaside.The best beach is West Wittering.I am playing lots of golf and am the area representative for the Joint Educational Trust which job takes me to see Prep schools like St.P's.The Trust raises money to assist Mums and Dads to keep their kids at lovely Prep schools like ours.

What happened to the girl who swallowed a tea spoon? She couldn't stir for weeks!(feeble ex Head's joke).

Love to you and best wishes to your Mum and Dad


29/04/2004Hayley view

Dear Marcie

sorry about the last few entries . I coudn't get this working and I kept typing in my name and then accidently pressing save when I have not written anything. Mum says I might be visiting you soon so I look forward to that . I hope your feeling O.K. We made you a huge banner at school today. Hurry up and get well cause' we are all missing you!




 Dear Marcie

 I hope you get better soon .I think  me and Hayley are going to visit you soon .

                      Love from




Hi Marcie,

It was nice to see you at school.

  • Get well soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Marcie!

Great to hear you're feeling better today and that you'll be home soon  -  can't wait to see you.I've got to go and clean out the rabbit now  -  yukky

See you soon lots of love  

Anna     xxx

28/04/2004Neil Croucherview

Hi Marcie


Your Dad sent me your website details. We have been working with him during the last year and we met when you came down.


You sound in reasonable form - my wife has breast cancer and has just compkleted her chemo and is now on to her radio therapy - so we know what you are gouing though. BUT - there is life at the other end and it is very positive. So keep on going girl and keep those smiles coming.


Much love from us all at marlborough College




hey marc

how are you doing?

were all missing you sooooooooooooooo much!

hope to see you soon!

love weezy xxx

27/04/2004chessy weezyview

dear marc

i'm in the middle of boring homework

missing you sooooooooo soooooooo much!

are you coming to see cinderella oh

 no it's not?

hope to see you soon!

lots of love

weezy xxx

Hi Marcie, we are back from Spain and I have just caught up with what you guys have been doing. You are a very brave girl to have had the tube up your nose, Colin had to have one when he was ill  and he pulled it out and the nurses had to put it in again. So today they have been "harvesting" your cells. It sounds as if you are on a farm and not in hospital!! We hope to see you soon and show you all how our little place in Spain is getting on.Did you enjoy the little parcel that I sent you? Perhaps Daddy (or Mummy) will help you to make some of the things. Take care little one you are doing REALLY well. Hugs and kisses Sheila, Colin Sparky and Oscar xxx 

hi marcie,

     its jane here leahs friend, i here you have been though it recently but its great to hear what a brave girl you r being, before you know it you will be your old self  running around and fighting with millie and playing mummy and daddy hurry up!!!! i read all your diary dates what a lovely picture on todays of you millie and mummy .......  i looked after my little god daughter on saturday in the afernoon we met leah and rowan in the park we had an ice cream which your little cousin enjoyed, he got in a lovely mess and got terribly upset when he lost the last bit...... i have to go and do some work now ........boring eh!!!! i will send another note soon take care.




20/04/2004Steph Hallewellview
Hi Marcie - you won`t know me, but I play bridge with Granny Rita and hear about you often - so hope this will reach you on the hospital website.
I also know your other Granny - Eileen, as I used to live in Stoke Poges, .where I met your Daddy`s sister who is married to Richard, and my daughter Becca was at school with Richard`s sister, Lucinda.    They both went to Maltman`s Green School in Gerrards Cross, where we used to share school runs together, and then met again at Cheltenham Ladies` College later, so there are quite a few links all round.
My daughter Becca is now visiting New Zealand, where she has been since last November, working on a farm with polo ponies and helping with polo tournaments;  she is now travelling around New Zealand with a girlfriend, and hopes to be able to swim with dolphins on South Island there, before she leaves to travel to Australia.  She is an artist and sculptor, and she likes to paint and draw animals - particularly horses, and you can see her website if you are interested on: 
We all think about you - and all you are undergoing with your present treatments.    We hear you are very brave, and doing well - so wish you all success.
             Take care - we wish you all the best.    If you ever feel like writing back, you can reach us at the email address with this message.
             Love - Steph Hallewell (Granny Rita`s friend)

Hi Marcie

You don't know me but I go to the same gym as your Mummy. We often do the same classes that Caroline teaches. We've missed your Mummy in the classes and Caroline's been keeping us up to date on how you've been doing. We've been doing extra high leaps, jumps & jogging especially to send you positive thoughts and it sure does make us out of breath!

I hope you're doing OK and that the tube isn't annoying you too much. Pleased to read you're feeling a bit better at least, even if the boredom is getting to you. Hopefully you'll be home again soon. Do think about you lots and what a strong and brave little girl you are.

Your website is fantastic, very clever and funny. I'll be checking in to see how you're doing and keeping up the special extra excercise for you in the meantime.

Lots of love and best wishes

Dawn x x x 

17/04/2004Pauline Blumerview

Hello Marcie

Just a line to let you know we are thinking of you, especially as you are feeling very angry, tearful and flattened by the prospect of having a tube pushed up your nose - and who wouldn't feel like that.  As your last message was on the 15th, hopefully you are now feeling relieved that process has been completed.  I think your website is wonderful - what a clever Daddy you have.  We can only just manage to send emails and think we are brilliant!

Mr Blumer could nearly enter the Baldie's competition but he still a bit of grey hair left which he is hanging on to if he can.  He certainly needs a haircut at the moment but can't face the thought of having his head shaved altogether - nor could I!

It seems a long time ago now since we were at St Piran's and we have only returned once.  The trouble was all you children grow up so quickly and it's difficult putting names to faces when you see so many at once.

Try to keep cheerful, although it must be very difficult for you at time when you are being given treatment which makes you feel unwell.  We'll keep an eye on your progress.

Much love,

Pauline Blumer

15/04/2004Libby Drewview

Hi Marcie,

I'm sorry you're angry at the thought of the nose tube but I hope you're coping with it all!

I hope you managed to have some nice times over Easter and that you can look forward to more good things soon. 

Talking of nice things......

At home I've been watching two baby collared doves that mum hatched out just before Easter.  They sit in the magnolia tree outside our bedroom and wait for mum to fly back with food - they look so cute huddled together among the blossoms, their feathers all puffed up to keep warm in the wind.  Try to imagine them and smile.

We've also got tiny lambs in the farm just up our lane. The farmer let me visit them i their pens with my dog and she was very intrigued by the little bleating creatures.  sje put her nose to the door to talk to them. They seem to be all wobbly legs and flappy tails when you see them close and also very cute.

I often speak about you with Caroline at the gym.  Very often we do an extra speciallly hard jogging session for you and shout that it's to make you better!  We continus to think about you lots.

Good luck with the next stage of your treatment and try to keep smiling.





Hiya Marcie,

You're the bravest girl I've ever known. I'm sad that you're feeling pants at the moment, but hopefully you'll be better soon. Just remember that all the horrible stuff is going to help you get well again. I reckon you'll feel so much better when you've had some food, so stick with it, don't be angry!

Look forward to the good times in the future to help you get through the bad. I've asked my friend Tom to pray for you because he's really good friends with God! This is him on Pancake Day!

Lots of love,

Luella xx

14/04/2004Katie-Woo,Molly-Moo,Jimmy Jview

Hiya Marcie :o)

It was really nice to see you at your house the other day, Molly likes coming to see you too.  We all hope your time at the hospital goes fast and that your home before you know it.  If you're up to visitors next week Molly and I can pop over.

I forgot to tell you the other day that my cousin has  a west highland terrier and his name is Toby, apparently he is mad but great fun, I'll see if I an get hold of  picture for you.  Have you thought of any names for your one???

We think Molly  is getting some teeth as she has become a dribble monster and has rosy cheecks- she looks funny!

Anyway darling, we shall keep reading your diary and catch up with ya soon.

Lots of snuggles and dribbly kisses(from Molly!)

Katie, Jimmy and Molly xxx


14/04/2004Katie-Woo,Molly-Moo,Jimmy Jview
14/04/2004Andy Blumerview

Sorry to hear you are back in hospital.Both Pauline and I are thinking of you and pray you will soon get back to home comforts.Keep fighting hard.We are proud of you.

Much love


14/04/2004Jimbo Calder and Familyview
Hi Marcie.......I'm Just sitting at work and thought I'd check up on you....Love the hall of shame the site is really cool, (who does you dad get to build it for him ???) :-) We're all wishing you better as soon as possible and I'm hoping to see you soon. Some news from me -Lilly ( my 12 month old ) took her first steps this easter weekend,  but I think she surprised herself because she sat down straight away and started crying!! - so now we're in big trouble trying to keep up with her. Your Dad tells me that having two daughters is the best ever but I'm not so sure. My two are always making me run round for them and I never get time to sit down and watch the telly.and they are rubbish at football, just like your dad actually......anyway Lots of Love and all the best from, Jimbo, Michelle, Emily and Lilly xxxx 
14/04/2004Hayley view

Hi Marcie

oops! I have just read your diary and it says your going back to hostpital !

from Hayley XOXOXO


Dear Marcie

 How are you? I bet it feels nice to be home . Your website is getting cooler by the minute. I love the hostpital hall of shame and the baldies. 

love Hayley XXX


Hi Marcie - glad the chemo went better this time - hope you enjoyed some Easter egg!We've just got back so hope to see you soon.

Did you hear about the girl who slept with her head under the pillow?The fairies came and took out all her teeth.


How do you get rid of a boomerang?

Throw it down a one-way street.

See you soon 

  lots of love  Anna xx



14/04/2004Jo & Tim Billingtonview

Hello Marcie

Just wanted to wish you a very happy Easter from us both.  We hope you had a lovely time.  We had a lot of fun. We have moved to France and James, Katie and little Molly came to visit us for a few days.  Tim and James' mum and dad came too so there were lots of people around to keep us company.

James has been telling us all about your progress but we are really glad that you have this website so that we can hear all your news.

Take care

Jo & Tim


13/04/2004Elaine and Ollieview

Hi Marcie,

Glad to hear you are home again and feeling ok. Good luck with the scan - lots of fingers crossed over here!

Ollie loves the Easter Bunny on your website. He calls it a "eee eee" which is his version of  "squeak squeak" which is the noise we told him rabbits make as we couldn't think of what noise they do make (if any!)

He has finally realised what is in all those coloured boxes with strange foil-wrapped eggs - CHOCOLATE! Getting him to eat vegetables is proving even trickier than usual! 

I hope you all had a good Easter and managed to spend some time together all four of you together.

Lots and lots of love from,

Elaine and Ollie (and Tom, although he is back in the office again after 4 days of freedom!)


12/04/2004eleanor willetsview

hi marcie,

i hope u r feeling better and i hope to c u soon.don't worry about getting to thin i've got plenty of barbie clothes that i don't want!!! i've bought finding nemo,if u want to com round and watch it with me or i could bring it to your house.i would like to watch it at your house better than mine cause Jack and Ben R SO ANNOYING!!!

do u want my barbie clothes?or not?

lots of love eleanor xxx my mum and dad send all there love.

p.s write back!please!!! 


12/04/2004Simon & Lisaview


Just caught up on all your news on your web site, although mum gives us regular updates each week. Looks like things are okay at the moment, and we hope that you continue to be strong!
Good photos of Dad! You should shave his eyebrows off as well!!

Luke and Abigail have had loads of Easter eggs this year, although both of them has got horrible coughs and colds, which makes them very tired, grumpy and miserable!!

Give our love to mum, dad and millie and we hope to come and see you soon.


Loads of love

Simon, Lisa Luke & Abigail

11/04/2004matt phippsview

Hi Marcie, Happy Easter!!

I have just got back from Tunisia. I got your texts and I am really glad you are feeling better.

I saw a little girl in Tunisia called Emily and she wee'd in the paddling pool. We called it the urine pool after that, my mum called it the piddling pool!

It would be nice to see you soon. Have fun eating your chocolate eggs!

Matt x

11/04/2004Who luvs you babesview

Grandad and Delia here,

How are you? We went to the beach today and I made a naked lady in the sand. People were taking pictures and one lady was going to throw 10 pence for me.

Maddie and Oscar have eaten huge amounts of chocolate today which was a little bit worrying when Oscar went on a spinning thing that astraunauts train on and we thought it would be very messy if he was sick.

Went to lunch at Auntie Karens after and now have to drive home.

Delia is looking better but needs to get back to her own bed now. (you know how that feels)

Love you lots and thinking of you all the time.

Grandad and Delia+++++++++++

11/04/2004The Hume Familyview

Hi Marcie!  Happy Easter!  Just wanted to let you know that we're thinking of you.  We enjoyed having Amelia join us to see the Cat in the Hat.  It was a crazy movie!  It's based on the very well known Dr Suess book that we Americans have grown up with!  The movie lives up to the book.  It's definitely worth renting, or hiring, as you say.  Megan and Maggie enjoyed their first week of their term break by rehearsing for and performing in the Elizabeth Fenton Dancing School show at the Desborough Suite.  Maggie was dressed up as Thumbelina with a green tutu (is that how you spell that?) and pink flower hairband, while Megan wore a white tutu, dressed as a snowflake.  They worked very hard and performed their ballet brilliantly.  We'll send pictures. 

Today we went to church, sang a lot of hymns and came home to enjoy loads of chocolate the Easter Bunny brought us!  I'm sure you love those moments when you've got your appetite back - you have a lot of catching up to do! 

When you're feeling better and ready to rock and roll again, I know Megan and Maggie would love to head back to Zoom with you and Amelia!  We'll write more later!  Love from The Hume Family, Duncan, Lori, Megan and Maggie

10/04/2004Luella Hitchcockview

Hiya Marcie,

It's great that you're feeling better today. I hope things stay that way for you.

Have a Happy Easter and eat lots of chocolate!

Good Luck with your scan on Tuesday.

Lots of love,



10/04/2004Chris Fraserview
Hello marcie, you dont know me, but I am Sheila Burt's first cousin and I live in Canada.  Sheila has been telling me all about you and its lovely to see pictures of you on your website.  I was not able to meet your Dad when I was in England last year but next time I come over I hope to see you all.  Keep smiling Marcie I hope you will feel better soon.  Lots of love. Chris

Good to see you today ! Daddy really wanted to share quiche with you !!!! not to mention the chips !

Daddy said can he finish off the word search book ....... when you have finished .

lily, and co !!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


09/04/2004Pat Lewisview

Hi marcie. U don't know me. I am a friend of your Gran, Rita. What a geat web page. I belong to a daft running club that goes jogging over all the countryside. We lay a trail of sawdust the day before the run and  on the following day the runners try to find the trail! Sounds a bit daft, and it is. This weekend is a special one because the Easter Bunny will be out and about, messing up the trail I am trying to lay and leaving Easter Eggs all over the place. Well I have packed my bag, got out my soggy, smelly trainers and I am off. Just one more thing, we have really silly running names in my club and mine is "Pat the Dragon".

Best wishes from Pat the Dragon

09/04/2004cooper & tylerview
hi marcie,hope all is going well at the radcliffe for you.we like the baldie pics ,our dad looks just like your dad.sorry we have not been to see you lately but cooper has got chicken poxs ,we will visit as soon as he is better.sending our love to you all cooper & tyler xx ali & jon xx
Hi Marcie, I hope that you are behaving for the nurses or should I say I hope that your dad is behaving himself. I have sent you a little parcel which I think may keep you busy for a little while. I am going to fly to Spain on Sunday  to join Colin so will send you some hot sunshine.Love from me and Oscar,Sparky and adious from Colin in Spain xxxxx Will email you when we get back end of April.  

Hello to you all!

Just a quick message to say it was lovely to meet you all at christmas even though it was pretty hectic.  The web site it fantastic and both of you girls are looking beautiful.  I hope things are going ok and I hope marcie you are  behaving for all of those nurses.  We will have to come and see you soon Take care,

Lots of Love

Michelle( Uncle Darrens Girlfriend)


Hi Marce

Hope your stay in hospital won't drag and I will be thinking of you.

Take care and I will be in to see you on Friday.

Love Lily

PS let my mum know if you want us to sneak anything in for you.

07/04/2004Navdeep view

Hi Marcie

Thank you for the Easter Eggs that you sent us. I hope you have a GRRREAT Easter. Are you going on holiday for Easter? We cannot as I have a new sister. She is so beautiful. I have uploaded a picture to see if you agree.

  My six week old sister, Sahiba Jabble

I heard that you came to the play and I hope you enjoyed yourself. I will look forward to acting with you in next years play.

I thought that, if your allowed, you could come to my house. I would really like for you to spend an afternoon with me.

Lots of Love


07/04/2004Izzi and Carolineview

We're being very naughty and using the computer at Esporta! So just a quick note to say hi and good luck with chemo today. Lots of Love and Hugs to ALL, positive thoughts winging their way to you, speak soon. XxXxXxX


P.S Happy Easter!

06/04/2004joan dennisview

Hi, just a quick note. sorry to hear you have been back in hospital, I take it from your pink scream on your diary that you wanted to go home ;o(   good luck for your next bout of treatment, hope it all goes well and you are back in your own comfy bed as soon as possible.  all of daddy's friends at Sky say hello. Glynis



Hi Marcie,

Sorry I haven't been  writting to you lately but my computer went a bit nuts. Anyway I 'd love to come  over whenever it's fine with you. I thought your card was real cool [boys are made in the stupid factory].My brother keeps asking people to play Teken [a P.S game] with him but he always ends up shouting at the person who was forced to play with him [ me or my Antie] so it's really annoying.Hope you get better.

    Love, Mehreenxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx




06/04/2004Hendrika view

Hi Marcie, this is Hendrika's sister, she just wrote you a whole long letter thing, but when she left and asked me to send it i got a bit confused with this computer thing (us girls weren't made for technology!!) and accidently deleted it all (im sorry, she'll write to you again herself soon)..
..Hiccy just wanted to wish you a very 'fab' Easter and hopes that you feel much better soon, she also says that if you want any company once you get home that she would love to visit you..
(from me now, Sabrina, Hix' sister) ..Do you like reading?.. Have you ever read the Jacqueline Wilson books? They're amazing!! If my sister sees you and if you like i could lend you some (Bad Girls is a good one to start with)..
*smilie faces* Have a lovely Easter *smilie faces*
With Love from Hendrika (and Sabrina-the sister) X X X
*aww* (your sister is very cute by the way!!) *aww*

05/04/2004Angy Kingview
See u 2morrow
03/04/2004poppy pooyview

hi marcie

how are you doing at home?

i'm back from devon

i hope i can see you soon

i miss you so much

lot's and lot's of love

poppy pooy

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x



Dear Marcie

Get well soon

I miss you sooooooooooo much.

I hope I can see you very, very soon. Sorry to hear you're not so good at the moment but hopefully I can see you soon, I'm here over the Easter hols and I'd love to see you. Let me know when you're back at home.

Lots and lots of love




02/04/2004thomas lineyview

Hi Marcie I  hope you are feeling better soon and come out of hospital.I am really missing working with you at school.I really want you back we all are missing you and EAST clan really need your help.

My rabbits are being very naughty at the moment since we have got the new boy rabbit.And my dog is always trying to kill them.And I might be getting a puppy like you in the summer.I hope you have a nice Easter Bye





Dear Marcie, Unfortunately i have little more intellignece than that of a trained monkey - at least the monkeys know how to make cups of tea and communicate with humans. I am still getting the hang of these. But thats why i keep adding blank messages to your board - i am a muppet.

Anyway, I say 'Boo!' and 'Hisss!' (much like you would to a pantomime villain) that you are still in Wexham - bored out of your mind no doubt hmmm? Well, i know its a bummer, but at least i can say 'Hurrah!' as you seem to be in a good mood which i am very glad to see. I am in a good mood too - why? BECAUSE IT IS FRIDAY!! i have two days before i have to come back to work again. What shall i doall that time? Have a bath in baked beans? Try and convince my girlfriend i can see through walls again? Or just take a leaf out of Daddy's book and lie around all weekend watching sport and drinking beer? Let me tell you something (secret) - your daddy is a VERY VERY VERY clever man indeed - he just pretends to be dim to throw you off the scent.  Anyway, i am rambling now, but Bonn Chance! and all my love - see you soon. Love Matt (and Anna and Louise too!) xxxxxxx

Hi Marcie I hope that your consultant read your diary entry for yesterday and has sent you home. I guess by your smiley faces that you are feeling a lot better.Keep bouncing and being a nuisance for mummy and daddy!! smiles and hugs Sheila xx

hey marcie

feeling better,so far.Rohan fell down the stairs and hart his head( bruised it).

In netball I thought I broke my finger and had to go to the hosptil,but it was just baddly


I misssssssssssss youuuuuuuuuuu sooo muchhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

love you lots



01/04/2004Natasha van reenenview

hi marcie just seeing how you are. heres a rym for you  witch goes like this

birdie birdie in the sky did a poop! in marcies eye marcie marcie please dont cry

just be glad that cows dont fly!  you can do it in eny bodies name!

           see you soon      * love natasha  *                            


I just wrote a long email and I can't find it anywhere Marcie - help!!!,

Love Ilka.  Ps. All I did was press save at the end of writing it and it disappeared.  Have you got it over there?!#%*!


Dear Marcie

I have I have written a little poem for you and here it is.

I hope in Hostpital they are treating you well (us girls need alot of respect!)

And soon you will be feeling just swell! (Girl will power is as good as any medicine!)

Lots of love Hayley xxxx





Dear Marcie

I hope you get well.Your website

rocks.Hope you will be able to leave Hospital soon.

           Love from


P.S Mum and dad say hi. 


You are a very brave girl  and we all love you so much .I am thinking of you every minute and sure you will be home soon. Lots of luv

Nan xxx 
































31/03/2004Matt Phippsview

Dear Marcie

I really really hope you are getting better.

I saw your mummy today and  Lucie and I played with Amelia. She kept on scruffling up my hair just like your dad does!

You're really lucky you aren't at school at the moment because Mrs Manners is being soooo bossy. No change there!!

I'm planning on shaving all my hair off, yes even my quiff!! I've still got a whole tub of hair gel that I won't be able to use, and I won't know what to fiddle with!! 

Best wishes, love Matt xx

Ps. I will try to send you a picture

31/03/2004pauline and derekview

Hi Marcie,

what a cool web site Daddy has created for you , must be great having all these messages to read. We do hope that you are feeling as good as you can while you are in hospital, not very nice places are they. Derek says they smell! but then he has a big nose so he would wouldn't he- ha ha . We are all thinking of you and send you our love and hope that you will be able to go home soon . xx

31/03/2004Matt Phippsview

My Dad worked out how to attach the picture of me & Lucie down by the river in Bray - we'd just fed the ducks what little bread we'd not eaten!

Love Matt (and Matt's Dad)

30/03/2004poppy pooview











poppy poo

X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X  O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O


Hi Marcie,

sorry to see that you are still in hospital.Hopefully you will be out soon and maybe as I write you are already home. Lots of my friends,who you don't know, ask after you and send you special hugs to help make you better. I have a cousin in Canada and she sends you a get well message as well.One of Colin's brothers live in New Zealand and his family send you wishes from "down under" so you are a popular star all around the world.

Love from us all Sheila,Colin, Oscar( woof woof) and Sparky (purrrrrrrr) xxxx 


Well hello there marcie,

YOu have the coolesed website ever!!!! I am susan and I am from Holland and I just wanted to wish you well and I wanted to let you know I will be thinking of you. Love, Susan.


30/03/2004Andy & Pauline Blumerview

Dear Marcie


We are praying for your recovery and think of you each day. Hope you received our card recently.

We are enjoying our retirement in West Sussex near the coast and hope to come back to St.Piran's later in the year.

All the very best.

Andy and Pauline Blumer





Hi Marcie,

Just checking up on you from work.
Cor! You've got a right old fan club going now, cool! :)

Sorry to hear you're back in hospital, hope you're feeling better soon and they let you out soon.

Party on,



30/03/2004The Wilkinsonsview

Hey Marce

This guestbook is going to fill a huge scrapbook soon.

I like Jo/Pippa Parnell's message.  I thought nurses were usually SRN's (State Registered Nurse) but Dad's promoted them to RSM's (Room Service Maid) !  Wow !

This is the pic JJ wanted to send - it took about 20 photos before I got one where he didn't look completely mad ! Doh!

See you soon


29/03/2004Pippa & Chasview

Hi Marcie,

Sorry to hear you're back in hospital but hope your feeling ok and not too sick.

I like the bald photos section, although your father doesn't seem to look much different from before.

Keep it up and hope to see you soon.

E&P and Ed.

29/03/2004Libby Drewview

Hi Marcie,

You don't know me but I go to the same gym as your Mummy and often leap about in the same class with her - but not so beautifully as her as I can't jump so high!

I'm so sorry to hear how yuk you feel and hope that very soon that will be over and you'll be back to your normal happy self. I know that Mummy and Daddy will be keeping you company in turns and I expect you'll have lots of fun with each of them there.

Please tell Mummy that I jumped extra high on Saturday and this energy was all to help you feel better.

I think about you lots though we haven't met and I'll keep track of how you're feeling on your website. My little girl Lisa (now 23) sends her best wishes too

Hope you feel better very soon.


Libby Drew

29/03/2004Julie Svendborg Sørensenview

Dear Marcie,

You don't know me and I don't know you, but after a bit of a long way around, I ended up a yours very nice looking webpage. I am a Danish girl, 19 years old, who hopefully are going to work as an Au pair girl in United Kingdom from around August. If I was going immediatly, I would with no doubts, have applied for a job at your place. You just look like you have a very nice family :)

I am sorry to hear about the tumor, I just hope you will feel better very soon.

Best wishes, Julie :)



  1. dear marcie
  2. alfie is being anoying,
  3.  as usal.
  4. tomorow we are going on hoilday down to devon
  5. i really,really,really miss you !!!!!!
  6. love poppy poo x x x x x x xx x x x x x  x xx x  x





Hi Marcie,

Chemo souds horrid but at least you've got an excuse for missing french because it's really weird, Mr Brrison says open to page gobeldigoch [ he says itin French ] and your looking round for someone to say the number in English and it's like dead silent while you do it and then finally MrBryson says the number in English ,oh I'm so glad it's the Easter holidays.

Love Mehreen,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

28/03/2004Kendra (Hayley's sister)view

Dear Marcie

I hope your not feeling to bad,

I hope your not feeling to sad,

I hope thier giving  something to eat,

And this cancer your going to beat

Love from


P.S. Hayley made up  the poem


28/03/2004Karen Allenview

Hi Marcie,

Hope you are starting to feel better, we heard you had to go back to hospital which is a real nuisance.

Pete, Christopher and I went to Nan's yesterday to give her the DVD player, which Leah and I bought her for Mother's day. She was really pleased as she can borrow some of your DVDs when she next comes to your house.

We then popped into Leah's house and saw Maddy, Oscar and Rohan, Rohan can now say 'Dad' and was going around the house shouting 'Dad' in a very loud voice.

I am now writing the second chapter of the book about the dog, when I have finished my bit I will send it to Leah and she will do the this space.

Lots of love

Pete & Karen 

28/03/2004Sue & Rob Billingtonview

Hi Marcie

We have just looked at your website today to see how you are doing. Well said on the rugby comments!!!!!! We hope that you will soon be feeling well enough to go home for a few days & catch up with your friends.

James, Katie & Molly have just been here to try out some baby car seats that James' niece has sent for Molly. We are off to France for Easter to visit James' brother Tim, who has gone to live in mid France for around 2 years.

We will keep checking on your website to see how you are and we frequently thinking about you and ask about you from Katie & James.

Love to you, Milly, mummy & daddy. Keep smiling, from Sue & Rob

28/03/2004Jack williamsview

Dear marcie

I hope you are feeling better and that you will be well enough to eat lots of chocolate this Easter.

A little joke for you:

Why do cows wear bells?

Because their horns don't work!!!!

love from Jack

28/03/2004Room Service Maidsview

This is room service replying to daddies 'comments about no mini bar or massage service!!

Must remind daddy Marcie that he's not on holiday and we're here to look after little kids - not big kids!! Daddy may need to check his bed for ants next time!

Also had complaint about loud crying Sat night(!) after rugby finished on TV! At least we were saved from daddy running around the hospital naked - if England had won rugby!?

Marcie, thank you for being a very well behaved patient and hope you're feeling better soon. We're going to try to think of some doctor entries for your 'baldie head' comp!

JO - the maid!!??

28/03/2004natasha van reenenview

Dear marcie HAPPY EASTER,hope you dont get board most of the time.we are all missing you an awfull lot its not the same with out you at are fun, funny and lovely. see you soon.

lots of love from natasha xxxx

ps.when would be the best time to visit you?


dear marcie

how you doing!!!



GET WELL SOON!!!!!!!!!














27/03/2004Auntie Emmaview

Darling Marcie,

Sorry to hear everything is pants at the moment - just be thankful they are not olivers' pants !

I have just seen a picture of your Dad on your diary page - he's an attractive individual isn't he,  lucky you sharing a room with such an oil painting !

We are looking forward to seeing you all next week

speak to you soon

all our love  Emma, Richard, Chloe and smelly pants Oliver

27/03/2004Amelia view


Love Amelia xx  


Hiya Marcie

How are you? I've been on your web site and it says your back in hospital. At school we have just broken up. Did you like the wordsearch I made you? When will you come out of hospital? Yesterday I was on Anna's trampoline and I fell over and twisted my leg, it hurt so much that when we got home mum had to carry me inside. I hope you are feeling better.

love from

P.S. My parents say hi to your Mum and Dad and they hope you will feel better soon.

Dear Marcie,
I was reading my poem book last night and I found a poem wich I thought you might like so I' ve written it below,
School was closed today because,
The Geography teacher got lost,
The History teacher had a date,
The R.E. teacher couldn't belive it,
The Cookery teacher got stuffed,
The Sience teacher was a phisical wrek,
The Art teacher got the wrong impression,
The P.E. teacher was unfit forthe job,
The Mathes teacher had divided loyalties,
The Woodwork teacher took a plane,
The Music teacher went flat,
The English teacher was written off,
The French teacher went inseine,
And then we all lost are Head.
Any way I have declered that you are the bravest girl in year 4. I thought you might like to know that West got the most cups again then it was North then South and finnaly East, I don't want to bost but I got 2 trophies and a certifficate for North.
Love Mehreen,xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx   
Dear Marcie,
Thanks for the choclates they were great. I think your web sites fab and I know you would like to hear about the latest stuff going round school so I thought I'd tell you that in R.E Louis told MR D.S that he gambeld and I just couidn't belive it. Any way I'm missing you I'll try to email you every day if I can.
Love Mehreen,xxxxxxx
P.S. East is brill!!!!   
27/03/2004Jonti Pajwaniview

Dear Marcie

It's nearly summer so get better soon. We all miss you.



Sorry you are back in hospital but this time you know that its only until your body starts to fight back and hopefully you'll be home on sunday.Tell daddy its better to have an en-suite than a massage service as they cost extra ( nurses have to increase their income somehow!!) My friends in Spain are thinking of you and willing you to get well very quickly, lots of hugs to you. Sheila, Colin ,Oscar sends a big lick and Sparky sends a purrrrrrrrr xxxx
27/03/2004Charlie Birdview
Dear Marcie,

I am speaking and mummy is typing as she is much faster (and older ha hah ha) than me.

I hope you are ok in hospital.
I hope you liked the new selection of dvds we sent you via Poppy. Charlie wants me to type PoppyPooo.

I will try to send you some pictures (only of me) from our school play. I really enjoyed wearing all the pink clothes but people are starting to say odd things about me.  WHy could that be?
Mummy says I must not wear any more pink!!!!!

Thank you for the chocolate bunny which you sent me. Everyone enjoyed them.

Yesterday (Friday) Jonathan Bruce brought in a game called Risk. And guess what? There were some horses in it, so Thomas Liney started making a war farm and when it was time for Jonny to take them away thomas didn't want him to. So Thomas went away and found something else to do not including horses for once!

I hope you come out of hospital soon. I am away a lot over the holidays but if I can I will try to come and visit you. I will phone your mum when I am back from skiing (we are here on April 5 and 6) then away again but if you are home during that time perhaps someone can let me know and i will see if i can visit.

Are there any more DVDs that you would like?
Do you want any stuff to do like colouring or magazines or comics?

I am sorry that you are not feeling well again and i hope you are out of hospital soon.
Everybody is missing you lots - especially Poppy.

Lots of love

Charlie Bird (Birdy)


What a cool site Marcie ,hope you get better soon .

Love Mehreen,xxxxzxxxxx

26/03/2004sharon,tony and marcieview

Hello Marcie,

                    I am getting my mummy to write this note for you as I am too small, but heard you have been poorly at the moment and thought as we both have such a cool name, that I would write and tell you that we are all hoping you are soon feeling loads better !!!. Do you remember my mummy Sharon she stayed with you when you were little, she remembers it very well and your favorite thing was knocking on the door and waiting for her to say "come in" you used to think that was a great laugh, but i am sure you wouldn't find it so now. We are all hoping to come and see you once you are feeling better, and I can't wait to meet another Marcie, we are a bit unique arn't we.

Any way don't want to fill up the whole book so will send all our love to you and close for now. With Lots of hugs too

Little Marcie (sharon and Tony) xxxxxxxxx 

26/03/2004becky levellview

Hi Marcie,  it's me Becky from school.  I hope you don't feel too depressed because it's not like you.  All the girls in my class (year 6) are missing you and they all want to send their love. 

I am sorry that I havn't written sooner but I only just found out.  Do you want me to visit you?  Ask your mum and dad and I would love to come and see you.  Let me know where you are and what you want me to bring and I will come.

We have just broken up from school for the Easter Holidays,  I hope you will be well enough to gobble up lots of chocolate and sweets, "cos" thats what Easter is all about.

Mrs. Manners says she misses you but the class is alot quieter! OH YEAH your class has got new desks. How do I know you might ask? well Mrs. Maners teaches me for maths...............................I used to sit at your desk, I also know this because you wrote Marcie sat here, so I wrote Becky sat here. But you wernt there to see it.

Get well soon.





26/03/2004Amelia ( your sisiter, Silly!)view

Hello Mrcie ,

Daddy and Mummy say you feel poo right now , so I thought i would send you my LOVE even if you don't want it ! and I will keep your place warm for you on the settee next to the tv . Keep eating and drinking lots and take all your medicine!! Hurry up and get well . I miss you , Love Millie xxxxxx

25/03/2004Brenda Burneview

Hi Marcie,hope you will feel better soon,thinking of you.From Lilys' Nana

25/03/2004Maddie and Oscarview

Hi Marcie,

Mum told us that you are in hospital tonight. I hope your Temerature comes down and you can go home soon. If not, can I sleep over in the hospital with you?

We are in the school musical tomorrow, Oscar is an Isralite with a sword and I have got a main singing part with Nicole, well its quite small really.

Rohan held his breath today for a long time when Mum left the house and went blue. He was screaming so hard.

We love you (mum wrote that)

Mads and Oscar and Rohan ++++


Wow what a web-site!   Sitting here in the office reading your news.  Sorry to hear you are poorly but it sounds as though you are being really brave.  I will keep reading your diary to hear your news.

All the best.


Hi Marcie Colin is in Spain at the moment but he asked after you and sends you some lovely hot sunshine to help you feel better. I think I am very clever to add to your guest book as I really do not know how to use a computer properly unlike your daddy who is very clever(ha ha)   I am going to fly out to Spain on April 11th. Keep smiling  xxxx  
25/03/2004Elaine and Ollieview

Hi Marcie,

Ollie and have just been looking at your website and we think it's great. Ollie thinks the things that move around are funny - how do you do that?!

We were so sorry to hear that you are having to have all this treatment, it sounds rotten. We think you are being very brave though so well done you. Hang in there!

Hope we can see you soon. Ollie has changed a lot since the cricket last summer. He is getting a lot of words (although I am often the only one who understands them!)

We are thinking about you and will keep reading your diary.

Lots of love,

Elaine and Ollie (and Tom, although he is at work right now - poor him!) 


25/03/2004Luella Hitchcockview

Hiya Marcie,

My mum told me that you had a website so I thought I just had to come on here and leave you a message. It was really great seeing all the pictures of you and Amelia having fun. This is such a good idea because it means that we can all see how you're doing and find out what mischief you've been up to! he he!

I'm glad to see that you're at home at the moment. I hope you're feeling ok and make sure you take advantage of all the yummy food and your comfy bed. I know that's what I miss when I go away!

I also found a funny website with lots of pictures to add to your collection. so make sure you have a look and choose the best ones!

Lots of love,

Miss H

PS This is me surfing in Australia in the summer holidays!


hi Marcie

i seem that my James got to it before me. obviously not that busy at work !!

 I am glad that today has been a good day. My cousin Timmy went through the same thing as you when he wa 13 and he is a very strong and independent 20 year old now. Tyo are doing really well with all the treatment and have a great positive attitide. keep it up

lots of love

Michelle, James, Emily and Lilly -x-x-x-x


Hi Marcie,

Kewl site! I'll be coming back here again.

I was one of the poor folks who had to work with your dad in Scotland.

I was so sorry to hear you were not well. I hope you get much better really soon.

Keep smiling and stay strong.

Lots of love,



.... I'll get the hang of this in a minute...

   your friends

I was one of the poor people who had to work with your dad in Scotland.I don't know how you put up with him, quite honestly...

I look a little like this: but not as handsome.

I was so sorry to hear you weren't well.

I hope you get a lot better really soon.

Keep smiling  and stay strong. You'll be cool

Lots of love,



24/03/2004Lilly Liamaview

Hi Marcie

I am one of these people who worked briefly with your dad up in Scotland.  I am so sorry you are going through this difficult time and so glad you are now at home with your family. I hope every day you wake up you feel better and better. When you have perfectly recovered you should tell your dad to take you for holidays in Greece (my country). I am sure you will enjoy a lot the sea and the sunshine;-)

Get well soon..lots of love



24/03/2004Gillian Gordonview

Hi Marcie

I remember seeing you in the photos that your Daddy had on his desk when I worked with him in Scotland.  We all think that you and your sister are very pretty. I was really sad to hear that you were ill. I know it must be difficult  for you to have to go through all of your treatments at the hospital but I am glad to hear that it is all going well. Keep smiling that beautiful smile of yours.I will make sure to check your website to find out how you are getting along.

Lots of Love

Gill xx 


Hi Marcie,

This site is grrrreat!!!  I just wanted to let you know that I think you are a very brave girl.  I hope things improve for you soon.  Hope you liked your balloons and teddy.  Keep your spirits up, we are all thinking of you.


24/03/2004James Calder and Familyview

Hi Marcie,  hhhhmmmm i'm just trying to remember you he the funny looking one with the big belly???? (sorry James but you know it's true)

Your dad has kept me up to date with your treatment and we're all very proud of you and your doing really well. I've got a friend who had Chemo and he told me that although its a bit horrid , it's all worth it when your felling better.

Do you remember that time I picked you, your sister and your dad up in Henley and we went out on my boat for the afternoon? That was a great day but I think we should have pushed your dad in the water, he looked like he needed a bath :-) That's was a fun day...

Anyway Michelle, Emily ,our New Baby Llliy and I send you big hugs and love and we hope to see you soon.

Here's picture of me at work ( sort of but I'm not really a cartoon, that would just be silly)


ps, this summer we'll go out on the boat again and this time Dad is getting wet :-)



23/03/2004The Wilkinsonsview

Aaaargh !!!  He really is as smart as he thinks he is - how extremely annoying.

Anyway, you might think it strange that I spend the evenings finding gross pictures on my computer (on the other hand, maybe you don't) but I've just found one of my all time faves.  Little Amelia proudly exhibiting a four inch bogey, recently plucked from you know where:


This has been confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records as "Biggest Bogey In Our House Ever" and I challenge anyone to beat it.

JJ wants to send you a pic but he's in bed, like I should be, so we'll send it tomorrow.

Bye for now !


23/03/2004The Wilkinsonsview

Hi Marce

If your Dad's as smart as he thinks he is then even I will be able to work out how to leave a message on this web site.

Cripes - I think we need another visit to Kleo's, how about it ?.  We can start off feeling all  and after a few cocktails your Dad and Mum will insist on a quick , or in Dads case .   However, it won't be long before the cocktails lead to , followed by , and then  , and eventually .

No worries, it'll all be soon  !

M, D, JJ & little A



Hi Marcie

Just thought I'd say hello, what you been doing then? I heard my mum gave you Miracle on 34th Street, have you watched it yet? I love that film sooo much.

Haven't seen you for ages, I miss babysitting you! Lots n lots n lots of love buddy

Natasha x x x x x x x



Hiya. Great web site, (well done dad!), good way to keep in touch.

Lisa & I along with Luke & Abigail think about you, millie (and mum and dad too), every day, and wish you all the love you need. Be strong!

Cant wait to see you all again soon.

Take care



23/03/2004Imogen Shelleyview

Dear Marcie

Can you remember me I am from the skiing trip in ski esprit 1 year ago.  I hope you get better soon how is Amelia.  I now live in Singapore it is really big. I wish I could see you. Soon I am coming to England but only London and Bristol. Then we shall fly to France because someone is having a wedding and I am going to be a bridesmaid.  HOPE YOU GET BETTER SOON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lots of love Imogen xxxxxxxx 

23/03/2004neil stevensonview
If you ever wondered what Scotland was like, and if your dad really really liked it here, this picture was taken last Friday
22/03/2004Ax, Jenny, Holly, Amber + Maxview

Hello Marcie,

Thanks a lot for the link to your web site, it is great!
We're all sorry to hear about your illness and the chemo, we all think you're really brave and still manage to keep your sense of humour (we laughed at your comment about your Dad's hair, you'll be pleased to know that my hair is going the same way now :) ).

We're always thinking about you and would love to come and see you all when you're well again.

We'll definitely visit your web site regularly so keep posting those updates!!

Keep smiling :)
All our love,

Ax, Jenny, Holly, Amber and Max

x x x x x


Wasn't it a brilliant day when I painted your portrait? You sat there watching Toy Story while I did a bit of your face;

then you had a fidget and I did a bit of your sister;

 then you had a biscuit and we did a bit more;

then we talked about Woody and Buzz Lightyear and eventually it was done!

So now it's on your wall at home and I've got the photo of it here which keeps popping up on my computer to remind me of the brilliant day we had together!!!!!


Lots of love


22/03/2004Chris Williamsview

Although I have only met your father briefly at SKY TV in Livingston, and haven't met you, I think you're really brave and hope that all goes well with the treatment and that you make a full recovery.

Best Wishes From

The Williams Family


Hi Marcie, glad you are home and bouncing around!! Oscar (our dog) and Sparky(the cat) send you licks and purrs as you have come thru your second chemo like the brave young lady you are. Lots of love from us all here and hope to see you soon Sheila and Colin xx
22/03/2004Norman MacLeodview

Hi Marcie, I used to work beside your crazy dad at BSkyB. Sorry you're not feeling great and hope things improve quickly for you - no matter how bad you're feeling there will be lots of people thinking about you.

Is your dad nuts or what?

Take care


Hi Marcie, hope you are having a good day.  You are being a very brave girl. Keep smiling.  xxx
22/03/2004Auntie Leahview

I want to know how to get to the naughty bottom section on this web site!!

Rohan sends all his love and knows how to shoot a gun now Marcie. Who needs Maths and English eh?

Lots of love,



Hi Marcie,

Sorry to hear you have not been keeping too well,  I bet you are glad to get back home after your treatment (and maybe spoiled a little!) 

I know your Dad from when he worked at Sky - I say worked -  that was if he could fit it in when he was not watching the Sports channel on the little black TV he used to have behind his desk!!

I have had a look at your website and what a lovely happy family you have and also all your mad friends - they look a lot of fun! 

Anyway I had better go for now and pretend to do some work - take care and will speak to you again soon

Christine x




Hi Marcie

It's Marcus here.  I play cricket with your Daddy every year (I'm the one who scores all the runs!) and you and your sister always come to watch. We need your support so we'll all see you in August and give you a big present. I hope you get better very soon.

Marcus xx

PS You're website is SO cool


Hi Marcie

What a great site, I love all your bouncy, funny faces - they certainly brighten up my day.  I briefly knew your dad when he worked at Sky.  As Glynis said, he made us all laugh a lot.  So if you're anything like him, your spirit will get you through the hardest of all times!  You sound braver than most men I know (men are wimps anyway!!) and very cheery which is a good thing. Before you know it you'll be back at school with all your chums.

If you're ever feeling blue, just ask your dad to do his 'Grease - You're the one that I want' impression - in a kilt!!  I guarantee you'll laugh your socks off!!

Well take care and keep this site as fun as it is.  I work in an office with no windows so believe me anything fun makes me smile!  Hope you've got a really sunny room to aid a speedy recovery otherwise ask your dad to knock a wall down......on second thoughts maybe you should speak to your mom about this bit - I'm guessing she's the sensible one in your family.

Get well soon.  Diane
PS. love the frogs

22/03/2004Jeff hugesview

Hi Marcie

You do not know me but I used to work with your father (you remeber when he used to go to Scotland all the time!).  He worked very closely with me and a very large team of people up here - and he used to talk about you and your sister all the time.  One of the proudest fathers I ever met - so you must be something special.

We heard that you were not feeling well and had to go through some procedures at the hospital and wanted to let you know that we are all thinking about you (all 400 of us!) and hoping you get better as soon as you can.  You father used to tell us how tough you were and how hard you tried at everything - so stay tough and continue to try as hard as you can and things will be much better soon.

Good luck - we are thinking about you and hope you feel better soon.

Jeff Hughes

22/03/2004Timmy and Lynda Mallettview

Hello Marcie,

You already know what we look like.  Timmy painted your portrait remember?  Glad you're not feeling so yucky this time.  It must be really something being so famous now!  Lots of love & stuff.

22/03/2004Venetia Groomview

Hi Marcie,

I like your website, it is very cool. I also think that it is very brave of  you to write about your experience and to share that with so many people. Sometimes that is the hardest thing to do as you might not want to think about what is going on, never mind write it down. All that you are going through (chemo etc) at the moment will be worth it in the long run. Remember that there are alot of us out there thinking of you and wishing you all the best.

Lots of Hugs


22/03/2004Diane view

Hi Marcie

What a great site, I love all your bouncy, funny faces - they certainly brighten up my day.  I briefly knew your dad when he worked at Sky.  As Glynis said, he made us all laugh a lot.  So if you're anything like him, your spirit will get you through the hardest of all times!  You sound braver than most boys I know (boys are wimps anyway!!) and very cheery which is a good thing. 

If you're ever feeling blue, just ask your dad to do his 'Grease - You're the one that I want' impression - in a kilt!!  I guarantee you'll laugh your socks off!!

Well take care and keep this site as fun as it is.  I work in an office with no windows so believe me anything fun makes me smile!  Hope you've got a really sunny room to aid a speedy recovery otherwise ask your dad to knock a wall down......on second thoughts maybe you should speak to your mom about this bit - I'm guessing she's the sensible one in your family.

Get well soon.  Diane


Hi Marcie - I am glad to see you are feeling a bit more 'Naughty Bottom' today...but remember, no mooning outside until the summer when its warmer! Otherwise you may well catch a 'bum cold' and if you have ever seen someones nose run when they have a cold....imagine how messy that could be when it is elsewhere! ugh.

It was lovely to see you and your mum and dad  this weekend. I know things arent much fun at the moment, but i think as long as you can get a smile from things like giving Dad a dead leg, and mooning at Mummy you will be fine. Louise and i were both very impressed with how sylish you looked in your hat, and i have to say i am considering one for myself....although maybe not in pink. Then again....

But a big hug to you and Millie and Mum and Dad from me and Louise - see you soon !

lots of love

Matt xxxxxx

22/03/2004Cooper & Tylerview

Hi Marcie, it's good to know your back at home.Mummy has told us that you have been poorly and we both want you to get better soon so you can play with us on your trampoline,because you are fab at it.Daddy has shaved his head and looks cool,will try and get a photo on here for you soon.Hope to see you and Amellia very soon ,take care love Cooper & Tyler and Ali & Jon xx

22/03/2004Sean Strainview

Hi Marcie.  I find it difficult to write in your guestbook because this is so close to my heart.  You see, I am a cancer survivor myself and went through many of the same procedures, feelings, illness, etc. that you are having to go through.  But it is all worth it!!  As tough as it may seem at times, just do what the doc says and although it may not seem it at times, you'll be better before long!

If you like reading, I suggest you pick up a book called "It's Not About the Bike".  This is the story of a man that had cancer as well - indeed the same kind I had.  He even saw some of the same doctors I did in Indianapolis, in the US.  His is the story of a man who was diagnosed, did what the doctor said, and all he has done since then is had a family and won the Tour de France five times.

Marcie, keep your head up... particularly when the going is tough.  It'll all be over before too terribly long and you'll have your own Tours to look forward to.

22/03/2004neil stevensonview
Hi Marcie, we like the website. I worked with your dad at BSkyb, and if we'd known he could do clever websites, we'd have got him doing that for us too. Sad to hear your not so well, but good that your back at home. TTFN, Neil
21/03/2004Donna Gavin Tristan Lily Daniel Fraserview

Dear Marcie

I am Tristan (year3) Lily (year2) and Daniel’s (transition) mummy, and we are all thinking about you a lot at the moment.

I thought I’d introduce you to our pets at home – Clair and Alice. They are both a chocolate colour – Clair is a Labrador, and Alice a Burmese cat. We have been thinking for ages about letting Clair have puppies, and have been scouting around Maidenhead searching for the perfect boyfriend for her. And while we were busy doing that, Alice went off and found herself a boyfriend and now she is very fat with babies in her tummy. She is so fat that she can’t even do that elegant thing that cats do when they clean themselves with one leg high up in the air – she keeps falling over.

So in three weeks we will have a bunch of little kittens, and when they get cute we will send you some pictures – they are like rats when they are first born! Then when they are six weeks old we will be ready (or not!) to welcome the designer puppies into the world. So for the next several months we will have a very smelly dirty shoe-chewing house. Oh dear.

We will keep you posted about the animals, but in the meantime know that we are thinking of you, willing you to be stronger and better every day. Take care, Marcie

Lots of love

Donna, Gavin, Tristan, Lily and Daniel

Hi, your daddy told me you were sick but had been very brave.  So glad to see you are now at home after your chemo and not feeling so ill as last time.  All of your daddy's friends at BskyB in Edinburgh say hello and hope your get well soon.  Whilst you're resting I hope your daddy keeps you amused.....he used to make us all laugh lots....never did any work but made us laugh!  We will keep logging on to your site and reading your thoughts of the day to see how you are doing, Take care, lots of love, Glynis x

Hey Marcie - Like your page.  You've got a clever dad, which is odd considering he did no work when he was at school.  Keep on writing your diary entries - we'll keep reading them, and wishing you better. 



Hey Marcie, What a wicked web site!!! How good is this? Cool. Well, firstly I thought I'd drop you a line and see how you are after your second lot of Chemo. You mum tells me you've been a real star and ever so brave, good girl. Well done! I know it can't be easy. Sorry I haven't seen you in a while, only the other day when you were in the car and I was walking Molly. She says hi too. Take care Poppet chops and we'll see you soon ok. Love you, Jimmy, Katie and
19/03/2004Lee and Taraview
Hi Marcie, We see you're having a really hard time of it at the moment but you sound very brave. Keep your chin up and know that we're rooting for you over here on the Isle of Wight. Love Tara and Lee

yi wht are you dooing it was fun at my place come over agen soon se you at school tomorow s0o glad you could come to my party love issyxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx



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